View Full Version : S.m.b.

September 12th, 2002, 10:01 PM
Alright this is getting pretty weak. I don't say anything to any of you merc's even the ones who know who i am, but all you guys do is abuse admin powers. I've been kicked numerous times, one time i actually got a reason (supposedly because i didn't take it upon myself to switch teams and make it fair, since it's only unfair when a merc player is on the losing team). Anyways being kicked is fine but being banned for no reason is wrong. I mean when i was a merc i got my admin revoked because i said another merc, and i was just joking was gay. I mean give me a break, rules should apply to everyone.

September 12th, 2002, 10:27 PM
Sorri Steve, I opened this thread to enlighten you only. Your admin access was not removed cuz you called someone a name. If you'll remember correctly, while you were doing that, an admin asked numerous times for you to identify yourself, thinking that you were possibly an admin, but playin under a different name. Your failure to do so caused you to get kicked. Because of the problems this caused, admin rights were removed. Not the name calling.
