View Full Version : I don't think it's too much to ask

September 10th, 2002, 01:39 PM
Recently the team stacking stuff has started up again. Non-MERCs were whinning and complaining about it a few months ago and I agree that if it's ridiculously lopsided then there should be an effort by both MERCs and non-MERCs to even the teams. Well, if you're gonna whine about us doing it then you d*mn well sure better not do it yourself.

Don't cry about the teams being uneven when you're getting your head kicked in and then do nothing about it when you're on the winning side. If an admin asks you to even up the teams then I suggest you do it. Since there is no "admin_team_switch" command (to my knowledge) then the alternative is to kick ya and make you rejoin. It's a sad thing that it has to come to this but EVERYONE here plays to relax and or have fun. No one has fun when your score is 3-35 and everyone on the other team has a K : D ratio of 3 or more.

We need your help to keep the playing field at least semi-fair. Let's try to be a team here and make it fun for all.


September 10th, 2002, 01:45 PM
well said there BB!

September 10th, 2002, 01:50 PM
Just to add a little in there BB.. If an admin request something of a player then that player should respond even if just to acknowledge the request. If multiple attempts have been made by the admin and still response from so mentioned player, please expect to get kicked from the game.

September 10th, 2002, 02:31 PM
There is a command, but I don't know if Onji set ya'll up with access to it. You may want to check with him.


admin_ct <Player>
admin_t <Player>

Also it slays the person when it switches them to the other side.

September 10th, 2002, 02:32 PM
mmm that makes since too.well said gdodge

September 10th, 2002, 03:09 PM
BigBrother is well within his bounds to make a post as such. I have never seen any other Merc switch teams as many times as BB to try to even things out. There are many Merc's that will switch teams or drop off to even teams out. If once a week or so they play a couple maps all on the same team, so be it, it is the Merc's server so I see nothing wrong if they want to play as a team every once in a while. You can look at any of the Mercs stats if you want to see how many times they play against their own clansmen.

September 10th, 2002, 04:26 PM
We do even the teams up. Most of the time when a few Mercs are on a team together other people join in and want to be on a team with us and then the teams get unbalanced. Many of us will and do switch teams to help even things out when needed. If we can play on the same team then we do. As long as your guys do the same and do what the admins tell them to do then there will be no problem. I don't think BB was pointing any fingers at anyone person or clan but speaking to everyone that plays on the server. However if you have a problem with that or feel that you or your clan can not do this simple thing then I suggest you find another server. I am not in the mood to put up with this and this say is final. As far as the thread that got deleted I have no idea who did it. I for one had replied to it and was awaiting a reply from your guy. But what BB said is final and if you feel you can not accept this then you know what you need to do.

September 10th, 2002, 04:45 PM
Joel, I have no problem switching sides to the losing side most of the time.
1) It makes me a better player
2) It shows other players that I'm not a stat wh*re
3) It shows I practice what I preach

We all want to play with our clan mates, that falls under the category of "DUH" but to r*pe ANY server by stacking the teams is just sad. You don't get better as a player. I'm guessing if you asked a MERC(s) we would be happy to scrim you guys on a P/W server. This crap about "you do it too blah blah bah" is weak. If you truely feel that is the case then why don't you step up and be the bigger man.

I for one am going to pay closer attention to this now and you better believe if I see a 4v4 with one just destroying the other and one on the losing team tries to switch to the winning team you better tie your shoes real tight cause I'm gonna kick you so hard and so far you'll land back in the beta days of CS. Same goes for those who ignore an admin after a reasonable request to even the teams.


We need to be more aware of what goes on on the server and be extra sure NOT to be hasty with kicking people. It's VERY important to be fair to ALL players.


Joel, I'm speaking to you cause you stepped up to the plate. This is meant for ALL...not just you.

September 10th, 2002, 04:49 PM
Willow!!! Mad Mortigan!!!

September 10th, 2002, 04:54 PM
the only point on this rediculous topic i've ever had is... (and i do mean MY opinion i doubt many of you follow it, but i do) team stacking is a crock. the only people i've seen say it are those who aren't good anyway or can't stand to lose. the only time i ever ask for a person to join my team is if the people on my team suck so bad theres nothing i can do to help... however if you guys can recall how many times back in 1.3 i ever asked for the teams to be evened??? you might remember i 95% of the time played on the team with the people who weren't good because playing against good people raises my skill level... i play this game to be good at it and yes having fun is somewhere in there too... but when people start moaning like 5yr old girls that they're losing instead of sticking it out and actually trying to get better i normally have to and will say sorry guy/girl... and when i do decide to go the other team it helps nothing out... i'll still be getting all the kills and the person who was whining will still be dieing only difference is the will prolly be gettin me killed more and they have someone to gripe to besides themselves...

September 10th, 2002, 04:58 PM
Mad Mortigan was Val Kilmer Willow's friend not the bad guy...

September 10th, 2002, 05:37 PM
Hey apep if you refer to BB's first post here you will see the gist of the thread. Too many people are eating holes in their chairs over this trivial crap.

Basic line: try to play fair; if an admin asks you to do something, do it.

Reality check, we as a country are on the second highest terror alert we have and are about to enter one of the most solemn days of rememberance of our generation. Let's focus on what is REALLY important here.

September 10th, 2002, 05:49 PM


September 10th, 2002, 07:06 PM
You know what Joel, I have looked into this matter of team stacking before. What I found was not the Mercs team stacking but other players to often what to join the winning team, whether it be the Merc side or not. Then the next thing that you know is that you have on team with a whole bunch of players on it and the other with not as many, but it was not done so by the Mercs. But who gets the blame for it simply because we are on the team, you guessed it the Mercs. As long as you have people coming on the server and doing that it will always end up the same. When I join the server I join the team that has the least players. If the teams are even and the scores are close I join whatever team that I want then. Everyone always accusses us of this but it is not always our doing. But no one ever really cares to look at it that way. Yall can think what you want I reall don't care, but most of us will always help out the weak team by switching or whatever we need to do. Yall complain about this that and the other that goes on on the server but you always come back to it. So why don't everyone take what BB said, put it to use, and play the game and have fun. I am tired of all this talk about team stacking, who has better skilled players, whos clan is better than the other, ect. I DON'T GIVE A FLIP ABOUT WHO HAS THE BETTER CLAN, BETTER SKILL, OR WHO IS BETTER THAN WHO. Play the game and have fun!!!
