View Full Version : XP SP1 Is released

September 9th, 2002, 07:44 PM
Amid news of serious flaws in XP, I have just updated my copy to SP1. My reasoning was greatly influenced by the following information found on ZDTV:

As mentioned earlier in the show, Microsoft released a service pack for Windows XP. It fixes a serious security hole that Microsoft has known about for more than 11 weeks.

The security hole involves Windows XP help. The hole lets anyone put a link on a website that can wipe out certain hard-drive directories.

If, for whatever reason, you don't or can't download the service pack, there is an alternative. There's a file you can rename or delete to fix the security hole. Here are the steps:

Perform a search for a file on your C drive called "uplddrvinfo.htm."
Once you've found the file, delete it or rename it. Doing so will not hinder your ability to use Windows XP.

So, if you have Windows XP (a legal copy, that is), I would suggest installing the update ASAP.


September 10th, 2002, 10:46 AM
does any 1 know how to DL the SP1.exe to my dest top. so i can use a DL manager. so ill beable to get the file some time this year. any IDEAs?

September 10th, 2002, 12:20 PM
Originally posted by LA_MERC_LaTech
Amid news of serious flaws in XP, I have just updated my copy to SP1. My reasoning was greatly influenced by the following information found on ZDTV:


Heh, it's been Tech TV for about 2 years now, where have you been....and did you find it funny how many pirated copies they were running on the set? I was laughing my ass off!

I've been running XP SP1 RTM since last Wednesday and it's been nothing but smoooth sailing on both machines. Works better, plays better. And no I'm not getting "paid" to say that :D

September 10th, 2002, 04:24 PM
Joel, sarcasm was not asked for, nor desired.

Metallion, I didn't actually see the ZDTV thing (only have basic cable), but I heard about all the problems they had there. So far, I have been happy with my XP (the few problems I have are pretty much limited to user error etc) and am glad that they are atleast in the process of fixing known problems within their operating systems. It would be nice, however, if they would actually do more than "follow the letter of the law" and allow people to remove IE, OE and even MSNM if they so desired. That's Bill for ya.


September 10th, 2002, 10:40 PM
WELL, since building my new machine, i've tried everything incl. 95 and NT 3.51 and have finally, after umpteen million reformats that 2k pro is the most stable for me, I'll be staying with it for now, mainly since i'm tired of formatting every night...lol!

September 11th, 2002, 09:36 AM
Oh yeah...2K is stable. The main thing is, as a musician working with MIDI and Digital Audio as well as being a gamer, I need rock solid stability...no 9x system can give me that, and some software (old version of master tracks to be exact) that I use isn't fully XP compatable yet...

I think TylerDurden uses 2K pro as well, maybe he'll chime in here...
