View Full Version : FOR THE MATCH with DIGITALMINDZ tonight..how many you want to play?

September 7th, 2002, 05:18 PM
we are willing to play as many as we can get.

in the match yes it ok with the OGL.
and i realy woul like to have realy FUN one and 10 on 10 sounds so cool

11 on 11 does to but it would have to be in your server.

we would like it in our but your server will be fine with me.

going in your server and see if i can chat with someone.

September 7th, 2002, 05:21 PM
looks like your servers are down again. or has the IP changed

dA nYc pIMp
September 7th, 2002, 06:10 PM
just wanted to say good luckz0r to both t34m5z0r

September 7th, 2002, 06:13 PM
I dunno if we can get that many people but i'll see. we'll be on our server. Dead do u want to play on our server or yours?

September 7th, 2002, 09:07 PM
I would like to know what happend

we played the 1ST round ok.

and we where doing realy good the 2nd half

it was 12 minute 30 something seconds left
in the 2nd half.
we practaiced hard on that map alot.
and we started practaice today at 6:00pm on it.

i wish someone would have told me what was going on.

this is what i know i was asked to stop the match
in your server.

one of our players left at the 2nd half and we had another join in.
we told you this if you read the server logs you will see this.
he joined at half TIME. we can do this in the by the OGL rules.

thay asked about him. and then left the server?

if you feel that he was cheating please let me KNOW.

we have alot of young players and there learning the ogl rules.
i try to play the ones that don't get to play.
i wanted a friendly match. not one to start a fight i realy felt we would lose. we never played that many in a match.
please fillme in OK.

:confused: :confused:

September 7th, 2002, 09:59 PM
I totally agree with you DeadDog. The deal is we don't feel you informed us of the substitution. No one remembers you asking if he could sub and we will check it. I remeber you saying one guy had to leave but nothing about a replacement. OGL says you can play a man down and that was the assumption. What made us leave and dispute was that while we were talking about the sub, one of your team charged into our spawn and started shooting everyone....that's not cool. We were obviously in a discussion and not ready to play and he does that crap. I have a screen shot of who it was so I can give you the name later. I would like to play the match again but by the book this time so there is no confusion. 5v5 and no typing durring the match and all the other infractions that were taking place. IMO we let our friendship between clans affect how we played. Niether of our clans would have done the stuff we did in a match against a team we didn't know.


September 8th, 2002, 02:25 PM
Dear LA_Merc,

This is to all of the LA_Merc members that took place in the match last night. Me and some of my team would like to apologize for the inconvinece that occured. Espesialy i am sorry for killing your team while the match was paused. And I know all of my team would like to apolagize for the abusive use of the AllChat. I hope that this insident hasnt alarmed any of you and that we can some time have another friendly match. Once again and i apolagize. Hope that your guys forgive us. !THANK YOU FOR THE FUN MATCH! And once more i am very sorry.

September 8th, 2002, 03:37 PM
b00n....who let you out of your cage. :D

NP D|M nice match you owned...no 2 ways about it.


September 8th, 2002, 10:33 PM
Fun match, but for the love of God man, I feel like I'm deciphering Iraqui when I read 'em.

j/k :stick

September 9th, 2002, 02:43 PM
lol it was a long day and i did not check my typeing.

September 9th, 2002, 04:24 PM
Damn Triple get a diconnarysf;lsdakflsad grrr. i need one

dA nYc pIMp
September 9th, 2002, 04:32 PM
its dicitionary
îñ§tåñt G®åtîFî©åtøñ

haha u still in |6 :p
