View Full Version : Paintball....

September 4th, 2002, 09:44 PM
I am trying to get about 15-20 people together to go play some paintball. So if you live in the monroe area and are interested in doing this pls visit our site at www.teamdred.com and go to the forums and post a reply to the thread. Their is a paintball place out past swartz and i figured this would be a good way to get everyone that hasnt ever met to meet and also to relieve some stress that some of us might have built up. Anyways if your interested pls go post a reply. Also i believe if memory serves that it costs about 30 dollars for all the equipment and paintballs. It is so fun. They got about 4 coarses to play on...a western city...a forest coarse and some others that are just pretty wide open with stuff u can hide behind. Anyways take care.

September 4th, 2002, 09:58 PM
that is about 2 and a half minutes from my house...but i am broke so i cant come...i am just now getting the money to attend the lan in october...

September 5th, 2002, 07:28 AM
Hey guys, let me know if ya'll want to get the group together. Bayou Paintball, the one in swartz, use to be my practice field when I use to do tournament circuit. I'd be more than willing to go out and play some paintball with you guys. I know that Malice and DarkCuban would also like to come.

Its been awhile since I played, so I'm a bit rusty. I don't even know if my marker is still functional.

OH link to their website..........

Bayou Paintball (http://www.bayoupaintball.com)
