View Full Version : I'm almost back !!

November 17th, 2009, 08:01 AM
I have got all the new stuff, except for the vid card. I'm going to start putting everything together tonight (should take my dumbass about a week), and as money permits, I'll get the vid card and I'll be back in business. This time, the wife gets locked off the game machine!! I never had a problem with anything, until she got on there googling Disney info. Next thing I know, the thing commited suicide.

November 23rd, 2009, 09:12 AM
Hey whats everyone playing now? I saw last night that theres a battlefield 1943 or something. The left 4 dead looks pretty good, and I saw the modern warfare is out. Never played the left for dead or the call of duty before. I know a lot of you have moved over the wow stuff.
I got the new computer put together (right I hope), I'm just missing the vid card now. I'm looking around for that today. Not really sure what the best bang for the buck on that. So far this one looks good price wise.


November 24th, 2009, 04:10 PM
Jerry, most of the mercs I see gaming now, is through steam, and its either Left 4 dead, or now Left 4 dead 2.. If I were going to give one a try, I would go ahead and get L4D2. It just got released so it should be played for a while. I'd be more than glad help you prepare for the Zombie Apocalypse.

We just need to get you hooked up in steams friends network so you can see whos on, and what server..

December 2nd, 2009, 02:24 PM
Is it the old counter strike steam thing? If so I'm still on that I believe, if I can remember my log in

I'm back killin. Got my pc put together and started playing yesterday. (Even pulled a sick day with the old " I got the Shits " line)

December 2nd, 2009, 07:22 PM
haha! dont know how many times Ive used that myself. Im still willing to do Modern warfare 2 on pc if we can get some people comited to playing, I play 2-3 hours a night of it on the ps3, I love it. L4d2 is just not my thing. I dont want to play on pc by myself so Im waiting to see if there are enough people to give it a go.

December 3rd, 2009, 11:33 PM
I got turned off on the slaughter all the innocents on the Modern Warfare for the Xbox360. I will try to get the network cable hooked up if someone else has the Xbox version. Also am going to pick up the New Hockey release for the Wii. Looks sick with the stick handling capabilities of the controllers. L4D2 will definitely have to wait for a couple more weeks. Atleast until I take my Net+ test. Then I start the Security+ Jan. 10th. Fun shits.

December 4th, 2009, 10:39 AM
Jerry, the steam log in you use to use, is still the same, its gotten a lot better IMO than it use to be. Very easy to re-obtain any games you ever purchased through them.

I got turned off on the slaughter all the innocents on the Modern Warfare for the Xbox360.

Rook, I was a little disturb by that part of the game, I see why now they give you option to Opt out if the "Very Disturbing" parts of the game when you first start it up.. I mainly walked through the airport part.

NOW on the other hand, if its an airport lobby full of rancid zombies... OPEN FIRE AND LET THE BULLETS FLY!! :)

December 15th, 2009, 03:07 PM
NOW on the other hand, if its an airport lobby full of rancid zombies... OPEN FIRE AND LET THE BULLETS FLY!! :)

True dat!
