View Full Version : Need your input folks!!

September 2nd, 2002, 06:23 PM

Alicia and I are having a discussion about my mother and whether or not she (my mom) likes her (my wife). The email in question can be found here (It was written before we got married):

I wanted to write you, but I wanted to do so when I thought Alicia
wouldn't see it. Then I nearly forgot.
Your concern about Alicia maybe not being willing to move from the Ruston
area is valid. You've seen it in the lives of others. Didn't she said
in the beginning she wanted to move away from that area? Can you trust
her to step up to the plate and do what is right? If not, nows the time
to make a decision. Now's the time to call off the wedding if you don't
think you can live with that. Don't forget, there may be things you
don't want to do but is deep in her heart that she needs you to do. She
may be having a similar concern about those.

Please let us know what you think.


LaTech and Mrs. BoLT

September 2nd, 2002, 06:40 PM
Well here is love advice from Dr. SnAkEbItE I was once engaged to a lady when I live in South Bend IN. One of my job specs is that I had to move alot back then due to being low man on totem pole. She said that she wanted to leave that area and see the world. So all was cool untill the rubber hit the road. Yes we were engaged to be married right before I was to relocate. She couldn't leave her family and friends.
I think that your mom in not against her just wanting you to be sure that all parited involved are in agreement on the relocation if that comes up. She is just trying to protect her son. That's what mom's due.

September 2nd, 2002, 07:19 PM
ah...Scott where to start...how about something my mom told me and Jessie when we told her that we where engaged...

these are my mothers exact words...

Do you have to?

my mother was a pain in the behind the first few years of marriage, and i honestly think she didnt like Jessie at the time...but now they get along fine and everything is just dandy...

as to the other part about the moving, i believe she is just trying to make sure that there wouldnt be any problems down the road if something like that happened...so i dont believe that she dislikes Alicia, just that Alicia wouldnt hurt her baby boy...:D

just give it time, and everything works out...and the best thing you can do, DO NOT TELL HER IF YOU ARE HAVING PROBLEMS, she will try to help and it will only make matters worse, not only for the problem, but it will compound on it by making your wife feel like you betrayed her...

if you every need to talk Scott, drop me a line

September 2nd, 2002, 07:47 PM
do what ya gotta do man, if u love alicia, then go 4 it.
ur mom seems like she wants u to stay near to her, and that seems like the wants u to still be her little boy, but ur grown up.

get hitched man, go 4 it.

September 2nd, 2002, 08:05 PM
Well I have been in this spot before... as a matter of fact more than once....

Dayla and I have been married 11 years now...in the beginning my parents didnt like her very much and hers didnt like me. It felt as if our relationship was doomed from the start, if we listened to them. We, Dayla and I, didnt put a whole lot of faith in there versions of how we would turn out and basicaly did what we wanted. In the end, we both agreed that being near family was important, not only because they were family, but because of having a base of support for descions and mistakes. Now we have made some mistakes in the past and have needed the help of family and it was nice to have when needed.

In the end I think that the mom is just wanting what is best for her son, and I would think for her future (now) daughter-in-law.

So believe that there are alternant motives here cause there are, moms always have them..BUT do what YOU want to do and BE HAPPY....

good luck.

Mark & Dayla

and as always scott and alicia, if you need to talk, please call us anytime.
