View Full Version : Gibletgrinder

August 9th, 2002, 09:03 AM
Again I am telling you this is not about La Merc being on one side.
Come by the house and we will discuss this further.

August 9th, 2002, 09:35 AM
Gib I just figured out how to manually to the autobalance thing. So if they get one sided and it doesn't work. I can force it to work. I didn't know how to do it before. So if they get uneven, then I'll defin use it to keep them straight.

August 9th, 2002, 09:59 AM
Thanks Bighead for understanding and caring to take actions. I feel satisfied when even just one is motivated to help keep our gaming experiences fun for all.

August 9th, 2002, 10:55 AM
Gib, yu didn't get to see my response to your post but I'll hit the high points.

1) I appologized for what happened.
2) I said that I try to even up the teams whenever I play
3) I tell MERCs to even up if it's lopsided
4) I was not happy with the "honor" thing

I too just learned about admin_balance so I will start to use it too.
No one wants you or anyone to have a bad time on our server.


August 9th, 2002, 11:04 AM
Honestly I think that all the admin's just heard about it..I know i havent seen it before either..but it is another tool for us now and it will help out.

August 9th, 2002, 11:17 AM
ok - what is the exact command?

admin_balance 1 ???

August 9th, 2002, 11:34 AM
no...just admin_balance

August 9th, 2002, 11:51 AM
Rereading what I wrote versus what was in my mind when I wrote it. I can see from a different view point where this might be misconstrued so let me try to explain now that it is not so late at night and I am more mentally alert, on what I was trying to accomplish. I was trying to challenge each individual to look at their own actions concerning the way things where happening on the server. I was taking the stance of the preacher on the pulpit speaking out to the congregation on things that where effecting everyone that plays on this server that I have personally experienced over time and felt it was time to address the issue. So when typing this document out for the forum in my mind I was trying to ask the question is there honor here in the way we play. Motivating people, enough to take action was also a point I was trying to accomplish. Each individual must review their own actions on this and decide where they fall. The older generation of players is more cognizant of fair play and balance for team play. That is the essence of what counterstrike is, a team based game, where the more a team can function together the better they will do as a group.

It was never my intent to say any individual or clan has no honor, for that is not for me to decide. That is decided by each individuals actions in the viewpoints of others. Honor and respect is earned, you cannot buy it. If any individual or member of a clan feels that I have insulted them in my post then I apologize sincerely to them for that was not my intent at all. I have no ill feelings or ill will towards any player on the server and strive to keep it that way. In looking out for the lesser of our brethren, I was trying to get all of us including myself to do a better job of keeping the server fun for all participants. Whenever I see a trend developing that I believe adversely effects our gaming experiences, I will always speak out on social injustices and hopefully continue to grow on doing a better job of expressing my concerns for our gaming community.

August 9th, 2002, 12:04 PM
It does get old playing on yalls server when it seems to 90% of the time have stacked teams. Any decent clan should be able to own a server full of ppl that
1)have never played together to have teamwork
2)have possibly been playing a very short time
3)have no want to play as a team
When teams get stacked on ur server you keep them that way and i blame it completely on the stats. Everyone that looks at your stats page will "when they join" look to see which is the better team and try to join. This lowers the level of gameplay and quiet frankly makes it no fun to play in your server. I used to have about 1500 kills + a month in your server. But lately everytime i join the teams are extremely unfair. It is completely obvious that guys who have skill want to play with others that have skill just to get their stats as high as they can be. But the ppl who do this, their stats are fake. I say get rid of the stats and you will see teams become even again because ppl wont care about their individual effort and more the effort of the team they are on. And btw its much more fun to join the losing team and make them win then to join the winning team and just ride the wave.

August 9th, 2002, 12:52 PM
i have implemented a plugin for our server that makes you automatically join a team when you connect to the server. it also balances skill by swapping players throughout the course of the map. I dont know how well this is going to work as it does get a bit irritating being swapped around multiple times during one map. we'll see.

August 9th, 2002, 01:21 PM
Thank you Onji for trying to help create an EVEN playing field for those who play on our server.

For those of you who play on our server please try to stop by sometime today and play with this new Module.

August 9th, 2002, 01:28 PM
ok i tweaked it some, i took out the autoswitching of players due to alot of complaints, but you still autojoin a team on connect, and it will not let you switch over to the other team if they are already doing good etc...

August 9th, 2002, 01:30 PM

August 9th, 2002, 01:43 PM
Hudson, I'm sorry that you feel that way about some of us. Just for the record, I'm usually one of the first people to join a side on a new map and one of the first one to switch when teams are uneven.

Please, if you see this happening constantly with certain players, do what Redneck said in his first post.

Originally posted by LA_MERC_Redneck
Please take such things up with admins and include screen shots of said infractions.

August 10th, 2002, 12:00 AM
Here's just a suggestion... It would be more fair if people could
a) see only their stats
b) not see stats till like last day of month..

Then you dont know who is the best in server and what not

August 10th, 2002, 01:29 AM
Unfortunatly Corbin for b00ns like me i look at them to make a mental note of where i need to work on my areas of play. By monitoring my stats i've almost doubled my weapon accuracy (seeing it was low i started paying more attenion to detail during game play) I've also increased my life expectancy more than 2 fold. So i guess what i'm trying to say is that the stats can be a good thing. And in order to see where i stand against others you have to have some basis to judge yourself on. Hence seing other players stats.

August 10th, 2002, 01:40 AM
I've never been much of a stat monger. I look at then but purely for entertainment purposes. They mean even less now that they are tracked by ip instead of screen name.


August 10th, 2002, 02:40 AM
See thats where your wrong dude. In the game your not like "Well My life expectancy is 48.32%, and my kill death ratio of Apoc is .85, and 1.3 against Bighead, and I have an accuracy of 28.26% with my colt but an accuracy of 33.72% with my ak." No one does that in game, when your in the game your playing and having fun. You say that they show you where you need to work on your area's the most, well then if it were to show just your stats thats all you need to see, not how everyone else is doing, and where you are in relation to them. Because if you know who the top 10 players are, and your 42nd or so but want to be there too, at some point in the game your going to try to join the winning team. Very few people will stick it out on the losing team, or go help the losing team for that matter. Prolly one person I can say for sure that would try to help is Scott.

August 10th, 2002, 02:41 AM
And btw... how did I got from almost 800 posts to just under 600???

August 10th, 2002, 09:20 AM
Dont feel bad...I lost a bunch too. I think Mercy and MadOne as sucking them up like a vampire sucks blood. See there totals???


August 10th, 2002, 09:35 AM
HEHE dang them cyber vampires..prob sucking my bandwidth too lol
