View Full Version : RPGs you should play

July 27th, 2002, 11:19 AM
k i will name some rpgs all should play, this will require you haveing a playstation 1 or 2 cause the ps2 will play all ps one games.

1.final fantasy IV-X
2.final fantasy tatics
3.chrono trigger and chrono cross
4.legend of the dragoon
5.dustin likes persona which i never got to play but looks good.
6.suikoden and suikoden II
7.legend of mana, weird but kinda cool
8.now we wait on the next installment of final fantasy and hopefully another final fantasy tatics game and another chrono game!!!!!!!

July 28th, 2002, 01:56 AM
The last rpg i got into seriously was ff VII I spent so much of my life into that game it wasnt even funny... and then 8 came out and i was dissapointed.. havent really given them a chance since.

July 29th, 2002, 12:55 AM
b00n, 8 was awesome.

all the PS FF games owned.

My fav still bein 3 though.

Im tryin to get the parts to connect my new(used) SNES to the TV. if any1 can help, drop me a line.

i got original copy of FF3. and im frikkin dyin to play it.

July 29th, 2002, 02:46 AM
man i can hook you up i have all the parts to my super nes and also have ff2 and ff3 now know as ffIV and ffVI, i also have ffIV-ffIX on my ps1 also have chrono tigger and cross, just give me a holla when you back online and we will see what we can do.also i must add that final fantasy 6 is good but story wise it has nothing on final fantasy 4. if you have never got to play this ff game please do you will truely enjoy this game only thing is the graphics are old but trust me ask onji or anyone who is a true final fantasy freak like me this game has got the best story in the whole series. it was my first rpg and to this day my favorite.

July 29th, 2002, 12:23 PM

July 29th, 2002, 12:36 PM
Don't worry, you're really not.

July 29th, 2002, 12:44 PM
i dont care a whole lot of them

July 29th, 2002, 04:21 PM
it doesnt matter what you think!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what matters is you know your role and just stick to your cs..................hahahhhaha.

July 29th, 2002, 09:41 PM
Noxious, Nintendo has used the same A/V cables since SNES - so if you have the cables for the N64 or Cube, you should be set.

If it's the power adapter you need, I think a generic 12-volt adapter will do - will check and let you know...

If it's controllers you need, I still see these at Gamestop for cheap...good luck!

While you're at it playing the SNES, you should check out Super Metroid - not an RPG, but a darn fine game nonetheless...Peace.

August 2nd, 2002, 09:08 PM
heheh omega said chrono tigger LOL now thats a game id love to play and i assume the evil villian would be pooh eh?? :P
