View Full Version : Transformers 2

June 29th, 2009, 11:55 AM
So, Rook, Mrs. Rook, J, couple other people and I went to see Transformers 2 this last Friday. The following is my honest opinion of the movie.

As we were walking out, Rook's Brother in Law and I were talking and I said, "Dumb is the only word that comes to mind to describe it." He agreed. Why?


- The Twins - What. The. F***. Completely pointless characters who constantly fight with one another, call each other names, and generally served absolutely no purpose in the movie other than "comedic relief" even though they weren't funny in the least.

- Forced, horribly written drama with the "I love you" bit. Retarded. Who cares if they've been dating for the last 2 years and haven't said "I love you." I don't care. Waste of dialogue and "acting"...if you can call it that.

- Anticlimactic "serious" moments - Things happen in the movie that, if you're into Transformers, you KNOW is going to happen...but what affect does it have on the main character? NOTHING. He's sad. Wow...cry me a freakin river.

- Robots - So they introduced a bunch of new characters in the movie. Great...you killed off half of them in the last movie and you need to bring more in...I get it. What about the people who don't know who Arcee is (and now she's 3 bikes?)? And she BARELY played a part in the movie...why bring in characters only to have them do absolutely nothing. Too much of a good thing is a bad thing.

- Weak central villain - Megatron and Starscream...come on. SS is supposed to be a badass as is Megatron...they weren't in this movie. And The Fallen...weaksauce! You can't tell me that nobody else could have REALLY taken him on and lost.

- Megan Fox - Slow motion running in a t-shirt. Ballooned lips. Poor acting (well, this would be "Poor acting Part 2"). Why is she even in this movie?!

- Swearing - The first movie had absolutely no swearing that I can remember. This one...the twins are constantly spouting off. Other characters swore off and on the whole movie. Why?! It doesn't need to be there!

This was just a complete waste of money and time. Then again, maybe as I'm about to turn 33, I'm now exiting the target demographic?

June 29th, 2009, 03:50 PM
Where did the spoilers go?? LOL... :pwned :matrix1

June 29th, 2009, 07:19 PM
hmmmm..glad I went camping instead..sorry the movie suxor'd tho.

June 30th, 2009, 01:08 AM
Now I thought the movie was not that bad. It plays a lot into the cartoon series, and you need to know it. There were a couple parts I did not care for, but for the most part I would watch it again. I thought the role of Optimus Prime in this movie was more in line with the cartoon. This movie is made more for a connection to transformer lore, but failed with the outcome of the Deceptacon turned autobot character. All in all a decent back lesson on Transformer lore setting up a third if decided upon.

June 30th, 2009, 04:06 PM
The following link will take you to a page full of spoilers for the movie, but done in a totally satirical way...unfortunately, he said everything I thought about the movie in a much better way than I could ever dream.


June 30th, 2009, 07:46 PM
a big 2 hour explosion, and slo-mo megan fox is ok w/me lol

July 1st, 2009, 06:16 PM
hey tech i liked it but was dissapointed for most of the same reasons you stated.
The swearing really upset me because i wasw hoping to take the kidsbut no thanks to the twins and leg humping and the dog humping. and yes there was about two cuss words in the first one. not that it bothers me but this is something you know little boys are gonna want to watch
