View Full Version : Last Night...

May 12th, 2009, 08:47 AM

Last night I was on the phone with Krysta. I was kinda laying near the back door, but not really close. The back window blinds were open, but the windows themselves were closed. The porch light was off.

There is a base for a planter or something there that is on casters. While I was on the phone, we all heard a noise and Lolo started barking and ran to the window. I couldn't figure out what she was looking at or what had moved the base thing, but I figured it was some animal or something...in other words, nothing to be worried about. I calmed Lolo down and then lay back down on the floor to talk with Krysta some more. My head at this point was still on the carpet, but closer to the back door than it was. There is a loose board there that makes a noise when you step on it. Well, as I lay there on the phone, I heard the loose board noise and got really quiet.

Krysta says, "You're awfully quiet." "There's someone outside on the porch." I quietly got up and looked out the window, but didn't see anything or anyone. Turning on the porch light seems like a good idea, so I do and then walk around the front room (staying out of the light that comes in from the open window) and look out. I see nothing. I sat down on the couch with a clear view across the porch and down the steps. Nothing. Krysta is asking me what all is going on and I tell her I can't see anything, and then I do and get all quiet again.

There's a guy, skinny with darkish hair (or maybe a hat), with a dark shirt and a black and white bandanna who was on the first step of the porch...holding a rifle (or possibly a shotgun). He throws a rock at the door and then ducks back against the house. "Well, he just threw a rock against the door and is holding a rifle or shotgun or something," I said to Krysta. "Call the cops!"

I called the police...the first time I've ever called them intentionally...and the lady was like, "What seems to be the problem?" "I think there is someone on my back porch." "Are they still there? How do you know there was someone there?" "Well...I saw a guy with a bandanna and a rifle or something..." "Two sheriffs and a Trooper are on the way there, Sir...please stay on the line."

After we hung up, I called Krysta back and we talked for a little bit. She was more worried than I was...but the whole situation hadn't sunk in yet (and didn't until this morning). They arrived and I explained what happened to one of the Sheriffs and they drove around for a bit. He came back and said, "Do you know anyone with a red Nissan car?" I said, "I don't know anyone with a red car except for my boss...and I would really hope they would come up with a better way of telling me I was fired than this!" We both laughed and he said, "Well...we saw a red Nissan speed off after the officer passed it."

So...they all left and I couldn't fall asleep in the bedroom, so I got up for a while and then finally tried falling asleep on the couch (my thought being I could hear the majority of the windows and the two doors from there) and finally did around 1. Lolo kept getting up all night which would wake me up and I didn't sleep well as a result.

It dawned on me this morning how serious a situation that could have been. Nobody brings a rifle to rob a house. Nobody brings a rifle and then throws rocks at a door to try and coax someone outside just to intimidate them. Slightly concerned now...


May 12th, 2009, 01:01 PM
First stop on the ride home is the either the pawn shop or the gun store. 40 cal glock, 12 guage shot gun or claymores (my personal favorite)

May 12th, 2009, 01:37 PM
or claymores (my personal favorite)

LOL, goose hes trying yo kill the guy in the bandanna, not the all the neighbors for 3 blocks.

On a serious note, Tech, get you some personal protection and I dont mean the latex kind... :)
There are some strange people in this world...

May 12th, 2009, 02:00 PM
crazy shizzle--Let me know if you want to borrow a pistol.

May 12th, 2009, 02:44 PM
no **** man.. I'd be armed and cautious.

May 12th, 2009, 03:14 PM
Shoot first ask questions later if the bastage is still alive is my moto, if he can answer shoot again.

May 13th, 2009, 01:23 AM
I will check on the house while you are gone Tech. If you wanna join in sLing, let me know. We also have to realize Tech has some really nice hardware in his living room and very little curtains. I am more worried about this was a meth head looking for cash/hardware more than someone looking for Tech.

I do have guns and will carry them out there.

May 13th, 2009, 07:40 AM
Tech, man sorry to hear about this! By all means take care and be vigilant. During my concealed carry class the instructor informed the class numerous times regarding using a gun for self-defense and THE ONE item which he repeated over and over; if you have to use deadly force to defend yourself or property (if allowed in your state) be SURE NOT TO SHOOT THE PERPETRATOR IN THE BACK!!!!

Take care!

May 13th, 2009, 07:44 AM
I dont mind helping with looking in on the place, just need to know when. If it would make you feel better tech you can store some of hardware in my garage till you get back..keep me informed guys.

May 15th, 2009, 12:26 AM
I could bring my arsonal up there. And Wetz.... If I shoot someone in the back, I will just claim PTSD and say "Well....looked like a gook to me!" :p
