View Full Version : Issue with L4D

February 22nd, 2009, 03:56 PM
So i replaced the motherboard on my desktop, yet i still glitch up. I noticed on my g15 system monitor, it says im at 100% usage most of the time im playing. Could this be an issue?

February 22nd, 2009, 07:27 PM
What processor are you running? I dont think that's a real problem but just curious.

February 22nd, 2009, 07:40 PM
I'm not familiar w/ the game, but I'd say most any game would have your CPU utilization at (or near) 100% while playing - now, if you're already at 100% utilization *before* you launch the game, then yeah, that could be a problem!

February 22nd, 2009, 09:22 PM
Well when I run WoW, i sit around 60% usage, and i don't think TF2 hits it that high. It sits around 95% or higher when i play L4D, but when it gets up to 100%, it'll start doing glitches(freezes on a sound and a frame) and then it will release.

Processor is Intel Core 2 Conroe 6600.

February 22nd, 2009, 09:56 PM
First off, it seems that Left4Dead is multi-threaded, and will make use of both of your cores - I'm not sure about WoW or TF2, but if they aren't multi-threaded, that's why you would see lower overall CPU utilization - the OS would simply bounce the thread back and forth across the two cores not really fully utilizing either one...

Below are some screenshots - in the first one, you can see a single-treaded Cinebench run going on - as you can see, none of the cores are fully maxed out - in the second one, I've set the affinity of Cinebench in the task manager to CPU0 - as you can see, the first core is maxed out, but the other three aren't doing much at all. In the last screenshot, you can see the multi-threaded run going on, with all 4 cores at 100%.

I think this might be what's happening to you since L4D is multi-threaded...

February 22nd, 2009, 10:03 PM
Hey Drax - here are some links for you - one mentions being able to disable the mutli-processing capabilities of the game...


February 23rd, 2009, 09:28 AM
I get the same issue from time to time. Usually when I first get into the game for a few seconds then it goes away. Maybe again in a couple minutes but not usually after. I just chalked it up to steam L4D server connections.

February 23rd, 2009, 02:31 PM
That fixed it, turned off multicore rendering and i no longer have problems with it...

Now to figure out why I still get blue screen and file read errors from wow....

February 23rd, 2009, 04:00 PM
That fixed it, turned off multicore rendering and i no longer have problems with it...

Now to figure out why I still get blue screen and file read errors from wow....

Maybe that machine is like my last one was - POSSESSED!

It was my first (and as long as AMD can survive the Economic Crisis) and last Intel machine (at home anyway)...that thing made me lose more hair than I'd already lost on my own :-D

I always said that machine was AMD's way of punishing me for jumping ship...hehehe...

February 23rd, 2009, 05:02 PM
Phenom II here I come
