View Full Version : This is wrong...

February 10th, 2009, 05:41 AM
Ok.. She already gets food stamps? SSI money on 3 kids prior? No way to support her family, other than with YOUR tax money... and she has a publicist?? Please... This biotch should be in jail, she's stealing...


February 10th, 2009, 07:56 AM
yeah.... and she has 6 kids already. Lives with her mom in a three bedroom house. Can't afford the six shes has. Goes to Canada for the procedure and then comes here to live of the system. Biotch actually mentioned hosting a show about caring for kids.. WTF? She is acting as if she one the fvcking lottery....

February 10th, 2009, 08:14 AM
Same ole crap. I'm sorry but if you need to live off government assistance/welfare you should not be allowed to have children. There should be a mandatory birth control given. If you don't want to take it you lose the welfare. This is a perfect example of how people think it's their RIGHT to do what they want and let others pay for it.

February 10th, 2009, 08:40 AM
Once again, there needs to be "just needed shooting" laws in every state.

February 10th, 2009, 10:46 AM
Her kids should go up for adoptions. She knew the risk involved in trying to have 8 KIDS at once and that some would probably not survive but she went through with it anyway.

She's might as well be a retarded poster child. And to believe that others say she has the right to have as many kids as she wants.

Who is paying for the hospital bills?

We are one of the only country that rewards stupidism. If you are a big enough idoit, asshole, baby moma, etc.. You are famous.

I now wonder if the Jerry Springer show brought this on. We, as a people, encourage this bullshiitake by watching these shows and giving these people the attention that they seak. If they didn't receive attention from us or the news and didn't see others getting paid for it, they probably wouldn't do it (as much).

We also need more strict repricusions.

February 10th, 2009, 03:48 PM
Well... Im going outside now to take soil samples of my yard to send off for testing,
that's about all I can do after reading this article... waste of my good time.

Stupid Bioch!
