View Full Version : On the side of Terrorists? Already???

January 21st, 2009, 03:14 PM
This wouldn't be on my schedule, the first day as POTUS...

Moronic IMHO...


January 21st, 2009, 03:31 PM
I agree with closing the prison. Why have it on foreign soil? move it to the states where MAYBE there'll be more oversight and less jackassery.

January 21st, 2009, 06:31 PM
For me it's the idea of Enemy Combatants moving from the Military tribunals to US criminal courts... The choice they made in taking up arms and killing Americans, put them not only in the cross-hairs of the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines on the battlefield but after they are captured they should be tried in a Military court...

As for the Jackassery, I could careless and from what I gather about Gitmo there is a LACK of Jackassery... They have better care, quarters and treatment then they would get in any other country... Turn the tables and consider whether or not our enemy would treat Christian's the same... Not hardly. Regardless why day one? and Why now just as the trials are finally moving and families look for closure. It's petty in my opinion, and puts the administration on the side of Terrorists..

January 21st, 2009, 07:27 PM
What happens when we put them in US prisions? Will they get better treatment? Will they be put in general population?

I would think that a military prision is run a lot better than a state and federal prision. We are also trying to make their stay a little more comfortable. Why not put them up in hotel rooms? They are pretty hospitable to the prisoners that they capture and the innocent bystanders that they chop the heads off of while filming.

January 21st, 2009, 08:20 PM
They should never touch US soil. NEVER!!!! Then people will claim they have the right to a criminal court trial. They are not US citizens and do not have the right to such a trial. They are war criminals and should be tried as such. If they want to close Gitmo, then send these guys to the egyptians and other's that are our allies. People want to complain how we mentally torture these guys. Let them see how they are treated by others.

January 21st, 2009, 08:46 PM
They should never touch US soil. NEVER!!!! Then people will claim they have the right to a criminal court trial. They are not US citizens and do not have the right to such a trial.

My thoughts for the most part.

I just see some freaking civil rights idiots picketing outside the prison they are held in, this then being televised all over the world. Next thing you see, is these idiots being used as propaganda for the Muslim extremist.

We in our ultimate wisdom will hand right over too them,with a pretty little bow on top.

January 22nd, 2009, 03:42 AM
bring them over here. Big deal. So they go to a US prison . Put them in general populaation. they wont make it 2 days. then they will say oh we should have kept things the wayy they were

January 22nd, 2009, 03:51 AM
just for the record i dont want them over here. I really didnt care and still dont about how they were or are treated. Do I think it is humane no do I care no. Did they care or be humane when they committed there crimes. If I were captured in war time yes i would hope i would be trated well but i would expect the worse. that is why it is called war and not poker If i make anyone mad or upset I am sorry this is how i feel I hope i get on the jury if they come over here

January 22nd, 2009, 05:06 AM
I hope i get on the jury if they come over here

That's kind of the point... their should be no court with a jury of their peers, they are not U.S citizens. Therefore they DO NOT have the right to a trial under the constitutional guidelines. A military tribunal is about as close to justice as I think they should come. I believe they will get their just punishment by US standards under a military tribunal. If you bring these guys into the states, my fear is all the fame seeking, money grubbing lawyers here will get into the middle of it and make a freaking mess of the dam thing.

January 22nd, 2009, 08:18 AM
A jury full of raghead terrorist. hahaha

From the article it mentions only slightly the draft being made for the closing of gitmo. Gitmo will prolly not close. It is our little slice of heaven down there. If we close it, we will NEVER have a chance to put another down there.

As far as the terrorist go, I think this has underlying reasons. They mention in the article that a judge has halted only a case against a Canadian. I think if a Canadian national killed an American, it is worse than the towel heads. We should have shot them on sight and we would not be having these issues.
I would not put them to death though. I would keep them alive and in prison. I would also assign a Catholic and Mormon Missionary to each towel head that visits them daily. Then I would give their roommates free unlimited playboys to hang on their cell walls. That or behead them on ****ty video cameras and ship the videos to Al-Jahzeer or what not. Then take their heads and ring Baghdad with them on stakes with their hands and feet nailed to the same post.

January 22nd, 2009, 09:08 AM
I'll Drink to THAT!!! Semper Fi Mother****ers!!!:nox




January 22nd, 2009, 11:25 AM
sounds good to me rook

February 4th, 2009, 12:01 AM
I think that you guys are TERRIBLE! Do you not know what the inscription at Ellis Island reads?

(national anthem begins to softly play in the background)

"Give me your tired(from all of the civilian abductions and executions), your poor(who still seem to be able to purchase explosives),
Your huddled masses(which makes suicide bombing MUCH more efficient) yearning to breathe free(because they are charged to breathe back home),
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore(that would refer to the feeces thrown at the guards).
Send these, the homeless(because they blew up their own damn house practicing suicide runs), tempest-tost(that would be the waves made by the explosion at the USS Cole) to me,
I lift my lamp(lighter for shoe bomb) beside the golden door!(Yellow Johnny Pots)"

Well,.....I hear that the Audubon Zoo has some cages open. I'd say send em there, but they might **** the other animals in the ass, complain that the monkeys got all the good bananas, and kick the birds out of the Aviary for use as a mosque :(

February 4th, 2009, 07:01 AM
Preach on Brother!!!

I love it when you get rolling :)
