View Full Version : A refreshing outlook and stance.....

December 28th, 2008, 11:56 AM
Israel and Palestine are at it again.

What I find refreshing is a quote from an Isreali Spokesperson.

Hamas estimated that at least 15 women and some children had been killed in the past two days. "Palestine has never seen an uglier massacre," said Ismail Haniyeh, Hamas's leader in Gaza.

Livni said Israel was "trying to make all the efforts to target only terrorists and Hamas headquarters and places, but unfortunately, in a war, like any war, sometimes also civilians pay the price."

Whole article: http://homepage.bresnan.net/feeds/Parsers/NewsML/NewsMLArticle.aspx?file=2328947

These are people whose lives have been lived throughout conflict. They know and understand propaganda type announcements and shrug their shoulders. It is war after all.

December 29th, 2008, 08:56 AM
Yeah I know. I've been watching the fighting on TV, and if only 15 civilians have been killed during all that, I'd say thats pretty damn good.
