View Full Version : Stop Government Spending...

December 17th, 2008, 08:28 AM
While you and I work our elected officals drive us off the financial cliff. If you weren't concerned about who Congress or the Whitehouse wants to bailout next, consider this article. Someone has done the math, and my friends it ain't pretty. Republican or Democrat it doesn't matter, Washingtonians are sending us to the bottom...

The United States of America is bankrupt. Don’t believe it? Consider this: Federal obligations now exceed the collective net worth of all Americans, according to the New York-based Peter G. Peterson Foundation. Washington politicians and bureaucrats have essentially mortgaged everything We the People own so they can keep spending our tax dollars like there’s no tomorrow.

The foundation’s grim calculations are based on Sept. 30 consolidated federal statements, which showed that Americans’ total household net worth, diminished by falling stock prices and home equity, is $56.5 trillion. But rising costs for unfunded social programs like Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security increased to $56.4 trillion – and that was before the more recent stock market crash, $700 billion bank bailout, and monster federal deficits chalked up in October and November.

“Given more recent developments, it’s clear that America now owes more than its citizens are worth,” said Foundation president David M. Walker, who has been trying to warn Americans of the coming financial tsunami for years, to no avail. So, after Uncle Sam bails out bankers, Wall Street gamblers, carmakers and over-their-head homeowners, who’ll bail out Uncle Sam?

Here's the link... http://www.dcexaminer.com/opinion/Who_Will_Bail_Out_Uncle_Sam_121608.html

December 17th, 2008, 04:00 PM
Im much happier staring at your avatar than reading this article... that's only because it makes me sad.

December 22nd, 2008, 08:14 AM
We're screwed. My question has always been, what happens when these other countries that we owe all this money to, decide they want their money and not just the quarterly minimum payment? Exactly where is the world bankruptcey court located lol.

December 22nd, 2008, 09:21 AM
It is called United States Armed Services. Come get some.
