View Full Version : This FARKING SUCKS!

December 6th, 2008, 10:25 AM
OK, here's a little update on what I got going on.

I have a training class for my job in Saint Louis M.O. I flew out here last Tuesday, and will be here until next Thursday. So, the Hilton hotel they put us up in is REAL swanky with the exception that the restaurant Fvcking sucks. This past Thursday night I had the grilled Tilapia with rice, and at about 6:30 am Friday morning It all came back up. So now I'm sick as a dog, and the last thing I need to do is go out the door to class, but if I don't I will loose credit, and the whole Shatty A$$ trip will have been for nothing. So off to class I go, by the time I get their I'm sick again, and again, and again.. but I am struggling to get through the criteria for the day. Well, I made it. So the Instructor excuses me from class, and I catch a ride back to the hotel to continue throwing up my guts the rest of the day. Well by later that day I'm felling better, so by dinner time I go downstairs to get something from the restaurant. Now at this point what I need to eat and what I have a choice to eat are 2 different things. At this point I guess I should fill you guys in on our eating arrangements. To control "COST" our company gives you food tickets for the hotel restaurant, not per diem, or anything like that, and to add injury to insult, we have to choose from a "Special" menu that has less choices. OK, back on the subject, So I inform the Ares holes in the restaurant the food I got last night nearly killed me, so do they have anything other than whats on the Special menu that I can eat like a Broth, vegetable soup, or maybe just a plain baked potato? NO SIR. You have to eat from the menu provided!!!! WTF!!! MY GOD PEOPLE HAVE A LITTLE COMPASSION HERE. Then to add injury to insult, even if I offered to pay for what I want to eat, they still don't have it, this Fvcking place sucks!! OK, so I end up with mashed potato's and bread. that's it, Oh and very flat sprite. So about 3:00 this morning, I'm back in the bathroom throwing my guts up again, UGGGG this sucks. Now here's the part that really sucks. I'm now sitting in the hotel room, its now 11:00, and I have 2 days off to do absolutely nothing, since our class does not run through the weekend, but will start back up on Monday. The reason I picked Saint Louis was so I could do some exploring around downtown, like to see the Arch, take a tour of the Budweiser brewery, and such. Now its looking like I may not get to do any of that. I hope by tomorrow I will be able to hold some food down and get my energy back up, because right now, I haven't had a meal I could keep down since lunch on Thursday.


BTW, if you ever come to Saint Louis, stay away from the Hilton. I think they may have Paris back their cooking in the kitchen.

December 6th, 2008, 10:30 AM
That really does suck, Parker. Skip the food and go for the minis in the fridge. You'll probably still puke but you'll kill whatever has you puking.

December 6th, 2008, 10:41 AM
That really does suck, Parker. Skip the food and go for the minis in the fridge. You'll probably still puke but you'll kill whatever has you puking.

LOL,, well, theirs no fridge, and no alcohol. :( OHHH the bar sucks too, btw. They have every kind of wine you could think of, but I have a better beer selection in the fridge at my house, than these fools do.

December 6th, 2008, 10:43 AM
Then go with the Gatoraide and water ... clear liquids regiment.

December 6th, 2008, 10:54 AM
Ok if you're still sick, you probably got the flu. Bad food would have cleared out and you would bounce back fairly quick. Plus the bad food would have shot out the top exit much sooner than the next A.M. Drink a lot fluids. Call the concierge, ask him to locate a near by Wallgreen's or Kroger, get the courtesy van to drive you over there and get some pepto and the like, a nice bottle of sprite and some crackers, saltines. Then head back to the Hotel and watch football and PPV all day. Sunday, head to a bar there are TONS down around the Stadium and have a nice steak watch some football etc. Go to the Arch on a Weekday evening, low crowds.. Do the Arch it's cool... Get well....

December 6th, 2008, 03:51 PM
hahaha. Wetz you wanna go tuck him in.

I would listen to the parent here.

December 6th, 2008, 04:44 PM
Don't give him too hard a time, I did get the saltines, and some soup.. Gatorade too.

Thanks for the advice Wetz :)
