View Full Version : Obama Voters are Stupid...

November 25th, 2008, 05:22 PM
Here is the proof...


This freaking country is headed down the freaking toilet...

November 25th, 2008, 05:58 PM
I saw this on the news and it was crazy as hell. Granted, they needed to do one on McCain for comparison but with all those going crazy over Obama, you think they would have known more about him and his party.

It just proves the role that the media played in this election. The media got Obama elected. The sheeple just listened and did what they were told. These people shouldn't even be allowed to vote.

November 25th, 2008, 07:50 PM
yeah it hink that tey are all retarded and i agree toby . you could do the same with McCain voters> I bet probably 40 percent of the pop. had no clue what they were really voting for. That is just SO SAD! No matter who you vote ffor do a little research. sheese

November 25th, 2008, 09:37 PM
Perhaps EVERYONE should do a little research and not believe everything they get in a "chain email".

November 25th, 2008, 10:07 PM
Here is a novel thought... how about a little truthfulness, honesty, realism and transparency from our candidates? Obama spouted "change!" from every orifice of his body, and what are we left with? Same ol' same 'ol...

I think candidates should name their cabinet as part of the general election, lets have ALL the cards on the table the risks are to high not too. Is it any different with the GOP? Probably not, but at the least McCain nominated a VP candidate who appears to be more of a 'Change' than The One has reached for on any level.

Honestly does anyone believe Mr. Change would have won had we known he would name Billary as the head of his foreign policy apparatus? As AG the guy who rubber stamped the notorious 12th hour Clinton pardons?

At Treasury the same knucklehead who worked his magic as head of the New York federal reserve? By the way if these geniuses are SO bright why did the system crumble while some held direct control???

I'm an optimist by nature, but people I'm here to tell you... until we stop printing money like its free and raising debt levels to numbers beyond imagination and pronunciation, and laying it all at the feet of of our children there is a massive storm of financial hurt waiting down the road, and you, me, our kids and their kids are laying right in the way.

Why is it nearly all sectors of our economy are cutting, trimming and slashing overhead, yet not ONE peep about curtailing federal job hires, budget freezes or God forbid budget cuts? How about cutting overseas spending to other countries? or the UN? or any number of unknown expenditures?

I'll be an the first to say GW started the ball down this path, there is NO end in sight... We are witness to a First World nation on the fast track to Third World status....

For the first time in my life simultaneously I have Zero confidence in the Governor of my state, my political party, my Congressman, my Senators, the Congress, the Senate, and the POTUS,.....

Scary times....

November 26th, 2008, 05:19 AM
I will wait and see. We here in America waited 8 yrs before we saw the **** hitting the fan. I will give this guy at least a couple actual days in office before I cast judgment. Bush prolly will f*ck up enough sh*t in the next month. I never have been a Bush supporter.

November 26th, 2008, 06:37 AM
Pretty shallow Wetz.... calling ALL Obama voters stupid. People are crucifying him before he has even gotten in office. Like it or not, he is your Commander in Chief for the next 4 years. If you are so worried that he will ruin the country for you then you should seek shelter in Canada. :dunno

November 26th, 2008, 06:55 AM
I thought we were past the political BS now. I had avoided these threads for a while now and only read it after a certain other post by Mad Max.

I did not vote for Obama (and never once considered voting for him for political reasons), but he won the election and is now the POTUS. I will respect him and critically watch his moves. I don't think all of his supporters are stupid, but like others here I think that the voting public is generally uninformed.

In all fairness, I had to listen to the Bush hating BS for years as well so maybe the left will have to get a thick skin now...comes with the territory I suppose. But for me, I'll now go back to my earlier plan to avoid political BS and try to game more.

November 26th, 2008, 08:23 AM
The point here is Obama didn't put us where we are, I'll hand that mantle to GW and the Congress hand in hand they've given US the taxpayer the burden of cleaning this up. So far who has Obama turned to? More of the same, it's just moving chairs on the Titanic at this point to me. Like I said, if O had spelled out his team BEFORE he was elected would anyone had believed his "Change" chant?

As far as the title of this thread it's indicative of the handful Mensa members IN THE VIDEO... No one else.

I'm only judging who the Guy has appointed... that fair in my book. I'll give him credit, Obama is crafty, IMHO by appointing Gates as Sec Def, he gets the best of both worlds politically covered. If the war (Iraq is over, BTW we Won. I'm speaking of Afghanistan) goes south from here, he gets to blame the hold over Gates, Petreaus and the rest. When it succeeds as I predict it will, he'll look smart for not ditching the guys to changed Iraq, mainly Petreaus.

I don't know why this take has fired anyone up, hell I'm giving Obama a chance, but that doesn't mean I'm going stick my head in the sand while I watch my savings, property values and other assets shrink because of poor financial decisions compounded by Washington know-it-all's. I'm paying attention to the numbers I hear thrown around, and it's super scary, this is real money someone is going to have to pay back. And I know who that will be, me and anyone else who actually pays taxes.

Nooch, why would I go to Canada? lol

I'm aghast at the fact Obama supporters haven't hit the airwaves wondering when the Agent of Change is going to deliver said change... Hell we're three weeks out from the election and so far the Obama administration looks more like the Last Clinton administration. Where's the new blood?

I guess what I'm saying is until voters and supporters start holding their candidates feet to the fire and demand honesty, truthfulness and the like; this is what we'll get from BOTH sides. Says one thing, does 180 degrees different. 24 months of Change BS and then a THIRD Clinton administration? On top of that he nominates the EXACT same people who had a hand in getting us where we are! I'm stunned by the audacity this man has shown to completely set adrift his platform from which he was elected, while everyone looks the other way. What is worrisome to me is, if he casts off what he's been selling so quickly, then whats next to go???

By looking the other way, giving them a pass if you will, in my mind it only serves to validate despicable behavior and seems to reinforce to these politicians we're sheep.

I for one will not be thought of as a sheep, particularly by anyone WHO SUPPOSEDLY WORKS FOR ME!!! or To WHOM I HELP PAY A VERY NICE SALARY to.

Again to those who felt I was offending them, that was not my intention, and I will offer an apology. I see serious issues financial and other wise, being handled like a child would. There is no Single Party wholly at fault, both Republicans and Democrats are neck deep in this, they'll come out the other side fine insiders always do. I'm worried how I and my family will emerge and I don't think it will be better than when we went in. And just how is that my fault? I guess we didn't demand MORE from those put in power over us... It's a full time job watching those Arse-hats..... I'm not laying this at the feet of Obama, merely pointing out that so far he's turning to the same people who got us here, for guidance on how to get out... I don't see the logic here..


November 26th, 2008, 08:57 AM
Well said Wetz :)

Some Great points made here, I think the most important thing we can do as people is keep a watchful eye on what the people in power are trying to pull. 1 person dosen't pose a threat to the Same as it ever was system of government, but several million do.

Keep up the good rants:)

November 26th, 2008, 01:19 PM
I agree with the appointments Wetz. They are no different than any of the others. Give 2 people the same set of tools and tell them to build you a bird house without plans, they will use those same tools in drastically different ways, and they will both build you that bird house. Will Obama bring the change he promised. I do not know. Will I give him a chance yes. As far as the title goes....well it is stoopid. Warren Buffet and Bill Gates are not dumb men. They ooze free market and capitalism. They stood behind Barack. That is the same as posting after tornado videos in Louisiana and making a title like, "Louisianans are all redneck backwoods freaks that do on air interviews in their P.J.'s" or "Nawlin's folk are all looters."
Wetz I respect your opinion more than most, but that title incites anger. If anyone here voted for Obama you just called them stupid.
There are some very interesting names in this list. Look through it.

Some names:
Ron Reagan, son of Ronald Reagan
Nathan Portalski, nephew of John McCain's wife, Cindy Hensley McCain
Maria Shriver, journalist, niece of John F. Kennedy, First Lady of California and wife of Arnold Schwarzenegger
Ken Adelman, current member of the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board; former advisor to President Ronald Reagan; former Director of the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency; former deputy U.S. Ambassador to the United Nation
Kenneth Duberstein, former chief of staff (1988–1989) of Ronald Reagan
Charles Fried, former Solicitor General under Ronald Reagan and former McCain Campaign Advisor
Douglas Kmiec, legal counsel to Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush, and co-chairman of Romney's Committee for the Courts and the Constitution
Paul O'Neill, former Secretary of the Treasury under George W. Bush
Scott McClellan, former White House Press Secretary under George W. Bush
Colin Powell, Former Secretary of State under George W. Bush

November 26th, 2008, 01:34 PM
Dude.. I admitted I made a mistake, how much more do you want? The people in the Video are stupid... I should have said THESE..... my error and I apologized the MINUTE I realized my error, really how much more grovelling do you need Rook?

November 26th, 2008, 02:19 PM
somebody must of pissed in y'alls cheerios this morning...dam!

I agree with Wetz here...this country is going in the wrong direction and QUICK! Let's just keep bailing out all these failing companies with Monopoly money, because that is what it will be soon, and think it's going to be ok? YOu have to be kidding me? what about the guy who cuts my grass that or the lady that comes to clean my house???? what are they going to do without working for me? I'm sure other folks are cutting their services too....so who is going to 'bail' them out.

This whole bail out BS is stupid. If you think this is the answer, then I do think you are stupid....or at least in regards to economics. Why the hell should my tax dollars be given to these morons that cannot run a company...now they are just going to hand over billions to these same baffoons? Pathetic.

November 26th, 2008, 03:07 PM
I agree Sabre. Wetz, you're pretty much right on, the only thing I don't agree with is that you're apologizing....for what? you never said ALL people that voted for him are stupid, your statement is that some of them are.

Rook, if you don't like the topic or what he's saying - piss off and don't read the thread. no one on here should have to watch exactly what they say for fear that they offend you or whoever else. you and others post crap that I don't agree with, but I don't whine about it. I know I post stuff that offends you as I'm sure your the one who's complained about me several times.

the MERC community used to be one of the few places people could come to and not worry about being politically correct, or type something without having to worry if it's worded correctly so it doesn't get peoples panties in a wad. It's one thing to watch the language and keep stuff fairly clean (except for certain private parts of the forum), but to worry about offending someone because they interpret something wrong... that's crap.

And if someone wants to leave MERC because a joke was posted in the joke section of the forum.... that person's butt hole is probably so tight it's like a dog whistle when they fart.

November 26th, 2008, 04:20 PM
I don't think it was the joke solely. I think the main problem of late has been the fact that certain people find it necessary to bash anything they don't agree with, which tends to frustrate people that do agree with the bashed thing and they get upset because of it. So, while some people view it simply as worrying "not worry about being politically correct, or type something without having to worry if it's worded correctly so it doesn't get peoples panties in a wad", other people, usually the silent majority in matters of politics, religion, sexual preference or anything else that tends to generally piss people off, don't agree and while they are just as entitled to their opinion as you are to yours, more often than not, they are less vocal about it.

My other thought here is sure to piss some people off, but after reading some recent posts here, I don't care. Since when is voicing one's opinion worthy of telling someone to "piss off"? I mean, isn't this the On Topic forums where the whole things is pretty much filled with opinions? If Wetz posts something that I disagree with and I decide to respond to it, simply by disagreeing, I can piss off? **** that...that's stupid.

I was one of the people that found the "joke" offensive (and let me tell you, my butt doesn't sound like a dog whistle). It was in very poor taste. The implications of the joke were that someone WOULD be killed. Now, whether or not that happens doesn't matter...the implication is enough for even the FBI and Secret Service to take notice (and yes, they probably do sound like a dog whistle). Death isn't something that someone should "joke" about...especially if the subject of the "joke" is someone who was chosen...by a MAJORITY...to run the country.

November 26th, 2008, 04:22 PM
As for the bail out and economic condition of the US...I agree. We're pretty much screwed...and we're being screwed by the very people WE elected (president, congressmen, senators etc).

November 26th, 2008, 05:45 PM
For the love of God... this is insane. There are relationships here that have come a long way over the years and I dare say some of us who have differing views (to this day) are better friends now than we were 2 years ago.

I found that joke over at ArmyRanger.com in their Good Humor area, the joke it's self is silly, what I found funniest was WHERE I found the joke. Off color? Sure? but really it's still just a joke. Oh BTW if you go other there and read their thread on this thing, there is a second answer which is better than the first... lol.

Our politics here stretch the spectrum, that is never going to change. I'm fine with that, I accept that my friends and brothers don't see the world like I see it. I appreciate it when they help me see it through their eyes, and enlighten me. I'm not here to convert anyone or cause someone to abort what or who they believe in.

Finally, I agree with CO parsing every single sentence fearing the backlash and animosity is for some place OTHER than here. I'll cut any member here all the slack they need, just do the same for all of us.

November 26th, 2008, 10:21 PM
Did I miss some joke or something?

I do feel that if you give someone tools to build a bird house, they will use the tools the same way but their interpretation of a bird house might be different. A hammer will always be a hammer, a screw is a screw and a drill is a drill. The bird houses will probably come out looking differently but that is why we have a democratic and republican party because different people have different views.

Point is that politicians will say anything to get elected. Almost every single one of them lies about what they will do. Like Rev. Wright said "Obama will will say what he has to as a Politician". This is the same for all politicians.

I do wish that laws would be put in place so that all political contributions would go into a single fund and distributed to those in the party's that are running for office. That way, contributors would not know who would be getting the money they donate. Everyone should be on equal ground when running for federal offices.

They should have to put down on paper, the things that they will do when elected and the phases. They should be held to the same standards as any other corporate executive. They have to show progress on their promises or be forced out.

If their approval rating drops below 25%, they should be removed from office.

The democrats have their day in the sun but as the cycle goes, things will change. I just hope that they don't put this country in the ****ter further than it is now.

Everyone is calling the current bailout the "Bush bailout" so that the democratic congress doesn't have to admit to supporting it. Now they want another 700 billion bailout which is just rediculas.

It's the squeeky wheel that get's the grease so if we don't voice our dislikes, politicians will continue to do what they want, when they want.

November 27th, 2008, 02:16 PM
I dont' like the economics bailout, i think its crap. Why should i bail out a bank, and yet still be paying my house notes back to them in the same breath.

As the other stuff in this thread goes, some Mccain voters can be labeled just the same. I know so many people that wouldn't vote for Obama just because hes black, not because of his political views. I dislike political crap, too much nonsense with it.

November 28th, 2008, 01:18 PM
lol at all of this.

DId stupid people vote for Obama? yep

McCain? yep. proportions the same? impossible to know. Obama's people having very public displays resulting from a bizarre sense of empowerment? oh yeah.

Funny thing really: DOes it really matter to you in your personal life? RIght now, no. Might it, maybe.

Outside of taxes, how much direct effect does the political and news crap have on your day to day life? THink about it. If you turned off the tv and internet news, would you think we are going up or down as a whole? Probably would not notice much more effect than ordinary.

IF you don't like what you have seen happen and worry about the future, do what things you can, but more importantly, you must find some type of faith in something to get you through. That's what it all boils down to anyway.

have fun!

November 28th, 2008, 06:57 PM
lol.....I had to come back for this one :p

Yes, Obama is retarded...it says so on his REAL birth certificate! (ok....that was a joke....not the part about him being retarded, but the birth cert thing...) However, he IS now the C.I.C. and I will respect his position in office, just as I did serving in the military under the other tard...what was his name? OH YEAH, Clinton :p You can dislike the person but yet respect the office. As conservatives, we need to prove this over the next four years. Unlike the liberals who disgraced the office and the country by making cartoons, movies, and others such WORLDWIDE propaganda that ignorant people paid good money to see. I will give him a chance, but if he follows the "Obama Plan" that he preached during the campaign, he will not be on my good side.

(Intermission: Please change your tampons)

I guess that you could find tards on both sides who voted for each candidate, but dude.....you cant tell me that lots of ignorant people who have never voted in their lives, and had no CLUE of what obama stood for, went to the polls because several black celebrities encouraged them to go and put an African American in the white house....you cant convince me that thats not true....I know too many of them. OH and the list of peeps who voted for Obama a few posts up.....BAD choice of examples...lol...just goes to prove the point.

I'm sure that Wetz just had a keyboard spasm when he titled his message, perhaps a Freudian Slip :p But the video is funny, discouraging, and a good case for licensing people to vote though.

Now....I vote for a "change" let's just go play computer games, and leave politics to the retarded polititions. There are too many intelligent folks here to be politically minded.....well, with the exception of Nooch of course :p

PS: Nooch, your mom voted for Obama because he promised her a new set of teeth.

November 29th, 2008, 12:37 PM
Nooch, your mom voted for Obama because he promised her a new set of teeth.
Why does it always have to go back to Nooch's Mama? Such a saweet lady.:stick

November 29th, 2008, 10:04 PM
Why does it always have to go back to Nooch's Mama? Such a saweet lady.:stick

It goes back to her because she likes it from the back.

December 1st, 2008, 02:49 PM
btw...I heard that joke way before Wetz put it up for us all. And I laughed because it was sort of funny...not right...but sort of funny in a dark creepy sort of way. I don't wish that on anyone (what the joke references) but it did give me a chuckle at first read.

No apologies necessary for me Wetz, I did not find it offensive....nor did I think that you were serious.

December 2nd, 2008, 01:56 AM
I got the joke via text mail on my phone 3 days after the election.

Yes I have those friends. The joke itself is not that hurtful. Kinda like:
What does John wilkes Booth and Peewee Herman have in common?
They both shot people in the back of the head in a theater.
Jokes are jokes no matter the content.

Lets turn this thread around....Tell your most horrendous joke you have ever heard.

Most distasteful joke ever heard IMO:
Anyone hear about the difference between a pizza and a jew?

Pizza never screams when you put them in an oven. *I told you it was bad.*

December 2nd, 2008, 06:11 AM
OMG! Yea that was bad,,, Visit Tshirthell.com (http://www.tshirthell.com/hell.shtml) and you can find all the horrendous jokes known to man.

Like this one


or this one from the baby section


And the worst one I could find at a glance


December 2nd, 2008, 07:44 AM
Holy crap. Love it.

December 2nd, 2008, 08:07 AM
Train wreck ...
