View Full Version : I voted!

November 4th, 2008, 07:51 AM
Line was long but I did my duty, WOOHOO!

November 4th, 2008, 10:22 AM

November 4th, 2008, 10:22 AM

November 4th, 2008, 12:41 PM
Me too.. took an hour

November 4th, 2008, 01:02 PM

November 4th, 2008, 01:56 PM

November 4th, 2008, 02:12 PM
took 3 minutes !!!!!

November 4th, 2008, 03:46 PM
took me 5 min

November 4th, 2008, 04:17 PM
45 minutes. Got there at 6:40AM, line out the door. They're projecting a 70% turnout for Louisiana, but I figger my precinct will hit 90+%

November 4th, 2008, 06:21 PM
i voted as well, took me about 30 minutes, took my wife 5. For some reason, they didnt change her name on her voter registration after she sent in the change request form, so she got in the little line for L-Z, while I was stuck in the longer A-K line....bah!

November 4th, 2008, 06:34 PM
haha my wife took 1.5 hours lol and i took 3 minutes lol

November 4th, 2008, 07:21 PM
20 minutes here

November 4th, 2008, 07:41 PM
Early voted last Friday, and from the looks of it I'll get to say I voted for a loser. This is the second time this has occurred in my life. I voted for GHWB and he lost to Billary.

God Help this nation, seriously look out with this guy. I'll bet 100 dollars 8 months from now you won't be able to find a modestly educated person who will admit they Voted for BHO....

November 5th, 2008, 07:26 AM
I'll bet 100 dollars 8 months from now you won't be able to find a modestly educated person who will admit they Voted for BHO....

They won't have to admit, I made a list. And the scary part is the list is HUGE with the number of well educated people that helped BHO into office. I love how last night Obama said, and I quote "It may take a year it may take more than one term, but we will change this nation!" WTF!, the man is a god, he succesfully played his "Get out of Jail Free Card!" The day of the election, and people cheered, OMFG! Ahh, I have never been so mad at an election. I'm turning in my notice at work today so I can get on welfare and ride the Rich into the ground, WOOHOO!

November 5th, 2008, 07:51 AM
Unlike the above :stick,

I will wake up, put my pants on one leg at a time, and kiss my family good morning. Drink my coffee, eat some breakfast, and scurry us all off to daycare and work. I will work the same as I did yesterday, and will tomorrow. I will still make my non-extravagant wage and pay my exorbitant amount in taxes. I will bail out the RICH and I will bail out the POOR. I will look at my family and feel blessed for what I have, not bitter for what might or is taken from me. I do not yearn for extravagance. I yearn to live within my means and work a second job if that doesn't work. I do not want your money or some rich guys money. I just want my money. This is my anthem.

There is going to be a lot of ridicule and hate and what not in the next few months. I will not pander to that. I will look above that. I will do what I was taught to do in my Church.
Look a man in the eyes.
Try not to judge, but offer help.
Lift people up, not push them down.

Again, this is my anthem.

Robert Whited

November 5th, 2008, 08:00 AM
kinda funny.. it is always the smart ones that disappear when the socialist take over, and they are the ones that hyped this guy! LOL!

Seriously.. Our system of government by design is slow to change. Obama will take the helm of a giant freighter loaded down. The best he can do is nudge us in a different direction and wait to see the results down the line. We still have the ability to stop things in the Senate and that is VERY good. Bottom line is he is the 44th President and we as citizens need to stand up and keep on moving forward. It is what it is for at least the next 4 years. Hell.. we really don't know much about this guy. We could be pleasantly surprised with his ability to compromise and be a more moderate.. then again he could be the most ultra left wing liberal we've seen. Either way we will have a shot in 4 years to make a change if one is needed. It wouldn't be the first horrible presidency we've had to sit through and we are all still here. Still the greatest Nation on the planet.

November 5th, 2008, 09:36 AM
My take on the happenings:

For the last couple weeks, I've been frustrated with a number of threads I've read here at MERC. What, exactly, makes any single one of us think that we're better than any other member of the forums, the state you live in, or the country?

So you went to school and got a degree...that's great, I'm happy for you and that you had the opportunities and the means to do so. Not everyone is so lucky. But does your degree make you better than anyone else? No...it doesn't. It doesn't mean that you made anything more of your life than anyone else. It doesn't give you the right to demean people that have a different opinion than you, or someone with a different background than you or someone with a lower socio-economic class than you.

I watched the results come in last night and watched the speeches given by both participants in this election. I was VERY impressed at the graciousness, humility and hopefulness given by McCain. He was the perfect example of a gentleman...and went out the same as he came into this race: with pride in his country and a willingness to serve. You have to respect that. The crowd, on the other hand, booed every time Obama's name was spoken. Bad taste, in my opinion. Obama's speech was what you would expect: full of hope, promises of change, and very positive when mentioning McCain...and the crowd didn't boo (from what I heard, anyway).

Regardless of who you voted for, this was a historic election. I sincerely hope that, like was told to all the Kerry and Gore supporters, that we as a country support the President...and, as was also told the Kerry and Gore supporters...if you don't like it, there's always Mexico or Canada (joke).

November 5th, 2008, 10:30 AM
I've got a bad feeling about this guy. I'm not talking about taxes, economy, gun control or abortion. All of those things can be changed with the next administration if Obama screws its up. I mean seriously, taxes and the economy have changed with every new president. The military always takes a hit when Liberals are in office. Public opinion is getting more and more desensitized on abortion and gay marriage every year, so eventually its going to be accepted no matter who is in office. Sure we're going to be paying for people that won't work, but we've always done that. What scares me is, what is this guy going to do on the world stage? I'm one of those bible nuts people make fun of. Who are our new friends going to be? Iran? Is our money going to say "In All gods we trust"? The guy has a muslim background. How much damage could a Muslim president do to our nation?

November 5th, 2008, 11:17 AM
I too have a bad feeling about this guy as president.
I know we'll get to find out now who's right. Is he a nut case waiting to tear this country apart at its seems? Is he liberal with very little experience, and at this first sign of trouble, hes goes with what's "popular"? Or will he make a good president who might for once make a difference?

I just hope and pray he don't do too much damage in the next 4 years.. and if we end up with him for another 4 years,,, well, God help us all.

BTW... I still think John McCain is a better man, he earned the right to hold that office.. Obama has not IMO, Maybe he will prove himself worthy in the next 4 years.

November 5th, 2008, 11:50 AM
What I like is the fact that this guy has to live past his presidency in the America he creates. John McCain could increase taxes 400% and he will be fine.

I think we may be pleasantly surprised as to the job Barrack Hussein Obama will do. I not...hopefully someone will get to him. :stick Do not trip him up before he starts. As far as McCain goes. If the same McCain that gave that speech last night, the same McCain from 3yrs ago, was the one that ran this campaign, we would have arrived at a different outcome.

November 5th, 2008, 01:14 PM
That and a different running mate than Palin, and I would agree.

November 5th, 2008, 01:44 PM
I liked Palin personally but I do believe it as a bad choice she was and is not ready for the position he should have chosen Lieberman imo. Oh and Palin was a little far fetched with some of her beliefs. I would still be MUCH happier whith them in office than this guy , but he is here now and i will keep my mouth shut and see what he will do. Like rook said nothing we can do but put our clothes on get up and go to work. So lets move on

November 5th, 2008, 02:22 PM
My take on the happenings:

For the last couple weeks, I've been frustrated with a number of threads I've read here at MERC. What, exactly, makes any single one of us think that we're better than any other member of the forums, the state you live in, or the country?

So you went to school and got a degree...that's great, I'm happy for you and that you had the opportunities and the means to do so. Not everyone is so lucky. But does your degree make you better than anyone else? No...it doesn't. It doesn't mean that you made anything more of your life than anyone else. It doesn't give you the right to demean people that have a different opinion than you, or someone with a different background than you or someone with a lower socio-economic class than you.

I watched the results come in last night and watched the speeches given by both participants in this election. I was VERY impressed at the graciousness, humility and hopefulness given by McCain. He was the perfect example of a gentleman...and went out the same as he came into this race: with pride in his country and a willingness to serve. You have to respect that. The crowd, on the other hand, booed every time Obama's name was spoken. Bad taste, in my opinion. Obama's speech was what you would expect: full of hope, promises of change, and very positive when mentioning McCain...and the crowd didn't boo (from what I heard, anyway).

Regardless of who you voted for, this was a historic election. I sincerely hope that, like was told to all the Kerry and Gore supporters, that we as a country support the President...and, as was also told the Kerry and Gore supporters...if you don't like it, there's always Mexico or Canada (joke).

AMEN Brother!!!!!
I've been a member of the Democratic Party since I was in the Young Democrats in High School. I've always stayed out of the political discussions on here, but there have been times over the course of this election I've just simply not come to the forums because I knew certain people's comments would tick me off. But it's ok, they believe how they want to believe, and I'll follow my beliefs. Does being a Democrat make be a bad person? No! Am I a Socialist? Hell no! Are all Democrats Socialists? Hell no! I think a lot of people need to do their research into the parties before making assumptions. I'm a Democrat, but I AM a moderate.

As for the 'class' stuff - I have been stupid in my time. I didn't finish college, and I've been through some REALLY hard times in my life. I grew up with a Single parent who never made more than $8 an hour that I can remember.

I am at a point in my life where I make a "decent" middle-class salary - do I bring down 6 figures? No, but I could eventually. Will that change my beliefs? Probably not. Would I ever make comments to make someone who makes less money than I do feel bad? Hell no! Do I resent people who make more than I do? No, but I do resent people who constantly bring up how much they make and what they have and rub it in peoples faces.

That being said...
I'm glad the whole damn thing is over with. The President really has far less influence on what can impact me than my State and Local representatives. I never vote straight down party lines, and I think more folks should stop doing that, and research, especially candidates on the local level and vote for the candidate, not the party they represent. I'm also DAMN GLAD we finally as a nation were able to vote an African American into the White House. Perhaps that shows that we have finally come far enough as a country to look past the racial lines and accept someone for who they are, and not what color their skin is. Also, I sincerely hope some stupid redneck with a grudge doesn't do something stupid against him either. People need to grow up and realize that every one is of the same race - the Human Race.

/Soapbox off

November 5th, 2008, 02:35 PM
What scares me is, what is this guy going to do on the world stage? I'm one of those bible nuts people make fun of. Who are our new friends going to be? Iran? Is our money going to say "In All gods we trust"? The guy has a muslim background. How much damage could a Muslim president do to our nation?

Amen BS, I agree 100% here. Where I am optimistic here is that maybe he will have better luck in communications with middle eastern countries? My first bet last night was within 2 years the phrase on our money "in god we trust" will be altered or removed. Things have already came up with this issue before (ie the phrase in our pledge of allegiance).

What I am fearful of is what effect hes going to have on my line of work (the oil and gas industry, more so the drilling side of things). If you talk with people that worked back during the clinton years, things slowed down. I know its a different day and age now, but it still worries me.

November 5th, 2008, 02:44 PM
I'm a Republican because I believe in the republican ideology: Lesser government, judges not legislating from the bench, strong national defense, and a stricter interpretation of the constitution.

I do believe that the Republican party has lost it's way and the Libertarian party now more closely resembles the original Republican party.

When it comes to voting for the President of the United States, I could care less of their color, gender, or race. I will say, however, that I wouldn't want a gay President in the White House. I want the person who will do the better job and I just did not believe that Obama would do the better job based the policies that he laid out.

I actually think that we should elect a president like a major company would hire a CEO. The same for all senate seats. Pay them more but measure their performance and remove them if they are not performing. It makes no sense that Congress has an approval rating in the single digits and the President below 20%. Some in Congress are in for 6 year terms and the President for 4. They only promise and do what the people want during an election year.

All of government has me sick to my stomach, republicans and democrats.

November 5th, 2008, 02:49 PM
Amen BS, I agree 100% here. Where I am optimistic here is that maybe he will have better luck in communications with middle eastern countries? My first bet last night was within 2 years the phrase on our money "in god we trust" will be altered or removed. Things have already came up with this issue before (ie the phrase in our pledge of allegiance).

What I am fearful of is what effect hes going to have on my line of work (the oil and gas industry, more so the drilling side of things). If you talk with people that worked back during the clinton years, things slowed down. I know its a different day and age now, but it still worries me.

Other countries fight to keep their values and beliefs, America fights, within itself, to change 'em... lol

November 5th, 2008, 02:56 PM
I will say, however, that I wouldn't want a gay President in the White House.

Heh...There's a good chance there has already been one - it's been rumored in historical circles that James Buchanan was gay...

Just a small factoid to bring humor to the conversation...

Here is a quote from Wikipeida:

For 15 years in Washington, D.C., prior to his presidency, Buchanan lived with his close friend, Alabama Senator William Rufus King.[12] King became Vice President under Franklin Pierce. He took ill and died shortly after Pierce's inauguration, and four years before Buchanan became President. Buchanan and King's close relationship prompted Andrew Jackson to refer to King as "Miss Nancy" and "Aunt Fancy", while Aaron V. Brown spoke of the two as "Buchanan and his wife".[13][14] Further, some of the contemporary press also speculated about Buchanan and King's relationship. Buchanan and King's nieces destroyed their uncles' correspondence, leaving some questions as to what relationship the two men had, but the length and intimacy of surviving letters illustrate "the affection of a special friendship"[13] and Buchanan wrote of his "communion" with his housemate.[15] Such expression, however, was not necessarily unusual among men at the time. Circumstances surrounding Buchanan and King's close emotional ties have led to speculation that Buchanan was homosexual.[13] James W. Loewen, in his book Lies Across America, points out that in May 1844, during one of the interruptions in Buchanan and King's relationship that resulted from King's appointment as minister to France, Buchanan wrote to a Mrs. Roosevelt about his social life, "I am now 'solitary and alone', having no companion in the house with me. I have gone a wooing to several gentlemen, but have not succeeded with any one of them. I feel that it is not good for man to be alone, and [I] should not be astonished to find myself married to some old maid who can nurse me when I am sick, provide good dinners for me when I am well, and not expect from me any very ardent or romantic affection."[16][17][18] The only President never to marry, Buchanan turned to Harriet Lane, an orphaned niece whom he had earlier adopted, to act as his First Lady.

Here is the rest of the article:


It's also interesting to note that the Democratic party of that time (the one Buchanan was a member of) was more "like" our current Republican party, and our current Republican party who just LOVES to scream "We are the party of Abraham Lincoln" whenever it's handy fails to realizet the the Republican party of Lincolns time was more "like" our current Democrat party...

November 5th, 2008, 03:45 PM
I voted early (was probably leaving the poll when you were waiting in line Frag). My guy didn't win. That's the way it goes. The people got to vote and it was a beautiful thing.

I figure that Obama's term(s) will be very similar to Carter's, but I sure hope that I'm wrong. There's no benefit in wishing harm on these United States.

Perhaps I can show up around here a little more often to read the posts. The past month or two I just fire up a game of COD4 (or other) and try to forget there was an election on the way.

November 5th, 2008, 03:49 PM
I meant, knowingly elect a gay president. A male president who would openly want to have a first man. Who has a rainbow bumper sticker.. that guy or gal.

I'm not sure about the Republicans were democrats and the democrats were republican's part. Link me

November 5th, 2008, 03:51 PM
I'm not sure about the Republicans were democrats and the democrats were republican's part. Link me

That might be hard to link - but I can see what I can dig up - it's mostly generalisations. The entire Country/World was so very different then, it's hard to make direct comparisons...I know I have info in textbooks.

I'll see what I can dig up for ya. It get's even more interesting when you through the Whig party into the mix as well :D

November 5th, 2008, 05:28 PM
I actually like to read others' posts concerning social or political issues here. It does make me think more about why I believe and feel the way I do. I'm one of the many conservatives in this group. Am I ultra conservative.....no. Am I educated (have degrees).....Yes. Does it make me better.....No. Does it make me more informed......at times Yes. I am more informed of my friends and collegues beliefs and of the local situation. Does it make me bias....hell yes. I'm not happy about the election. I don't think this makes our race relations any better, at least not the relations down here. I work in a city that's 80% black. I work with mostly black people, and this was not about the best person for the job from their view. All I heard all day was "We won!" We who? America? Democrats?.....or what? Most of our elected officials in N.O. are black and have been for a number of years; it hasn't helped anything.
I think we can be harsh at times but this election was about electing the person that you believe represents you and your country. He's the leader of the US. I don't beleive that he represents my vision of my country. So it is personal in a way and people will feel that way because he represents all the maybe's that can hurt/help you and your family.
I do have problems with the way we seem to be heading....loss of the family unit, the inability of citizens to take care of themselves, giving more and more to those that don't deserve it, and loss of self responsibility. I don't see him repairing this. Not that McCain would have either, but to me he represented more my idea of the leader of the country....ex-military, POW, political experience, and Christian.

November 5th, 2008, 05:42 PM
amen shadow i like your response

November 6th, 2008, 05:56 AM
I guess I will take a page out of the ol' democracy works handbook.

Write Barack Obama. http://my.barackobama.com/page/s/mypolicy

Here is a chance for you to read his policies, and write him to say what you would change if you could. This could not hurt and takes little time.

He has some pretty in depth policy pages on the issues. I suggest reading them if you haven't. I read both Obama's and McCain's more than once. It was cute to see how they changed during the campaign. Both of them. http://www.barackobama.com/issues/

ex-military, POW, political experience, and Christian.

My take on this election was more towards a thinker not reacter. We have been reacting with our foreign policies and policies between our borders. I want some foresight here. Something corrected before it is a problem saves time, money, energy, and props up the system and strengthens it.
I am sorry he suffered through the P.O.W. stint and he deserves medals, disability, a health care plan for life, wage compensation, etc..., but that doesn't make him deserve the right to rule the people of this great country.
I think he has to much political experience. He has served no one but the gov't for his whole life. That made me think he will protect gov't more than small business America. Biden is of the same lot. The only thing Biden has is his foreign policy experience that even McCain does not challenge, and his voting record on alternative energy. He was voting for alternative energy when some of us were in diapers. Talk about foresight.
On the topic of theology. That is what it is. Plain and simple. Barack Obama is not a "secret muslim". Talk about conspiracy theory. For 20+ years he sat in a "christian denomination" church plotting to become President to change to his Islamic name and ruin our values and morals.
Guys we as a "christian country" have ruined our own values and morals long before today. True "live the life for themselves, their families, and their God" Christians sit in awe everyday watching the world and its antics. We send missionaries over seas to convert "non-believers" everyday when there are babies starving, abortions happening, adoption processes broken, family morals corrupted, school systems in shambles, local food drives dwindling, a neighbors yard not getting mowed, sidewalk shoveled. Need I go on. We make our 10% tithe and we smile as good Christians. This election has driven me back into the community of helpers not judgers, of huggers not pushers, of lifters not droppers called a Church. Religion and beliefs live in a person's heart if they are real. Religion worn on your arm is a patch. I have seen a lot of arm patches that are not liked in the present world.
:soapbox /steps off.

I also would like to think Andy for bringing the asshat named Wetz into merc. He has helped me reach where I am today. He is a man not concerned with upsetting anyone with his beliefs. He looks at the issue and offers concise points. His points are not the usual Right or Left propaganda either. They come from somewhere and more smack you in the face than anything and yell, "Wake Up!" He has made Merc a better place for sure. We may have had some good go at each other, but Wetz is a man I can respect, appreciate, and say I am glad to have known. As for the rest of ya dirtbags.....you have been shaping my life for years. I finally think I can actually say pretty much anything around here and get some leniency. THanks for that guys. Merc is still alive active and means as much as ever to me and my life.
Can I get a "here here?"

November 6th, 2008, 06:19 PM
I voted and my guy lost, and I woke up Wednesday morning and sent my kids to school, and my wife to her office, life goes on.

The color of BHO's skin is unimportant to me, it's his policies which I think will and do suck. Government is never the answer, provide a common defense and leave the rest to people who know what to do. When you look at the history of this country, limited government created opportunities in this country which never occurred in Europe or Asia because of the SIZE and POWER of Government. Republics created from Monarchies fostered an environment of classes and dependence. The opposite of this was the foundation of our nation, limited government, checks and balances, (was it perfect?, Rook way ahead of you here.. OF COURSE NOT) power concentrated in state and local governments. These are some of the ingredients which created the greatest nation ever.

Liberals and leftist's like Obama see only the power of the Machine, taking from those who THEY believe have enough or too much and giving to those THEY FEEL have little or too less. This is bull****. Will BHO hold true to his core beliefs and take from the "Rich" (now a moving target number, which seemingly continues to drop) and hand it off to the "poor"? create even larger and bigger government programs, grants and giveaways (if that's even possible, but I'm sure the Democrats can figure out a label, emm..how about a second economic stimulus package, has a nice ring to it..) which strive to expand Government into every small corner of our lives. How many here like the fact local and state governments now tell you where it's ok to smoke outside in a public park?? Crap.. But hold on more is on the way.... In the coming weeks we may hear some interesting variations of this theme: Obamaniac Europeans shocked that we are consulting the UN on trans-Atlantic problems and conflicted about free trade; new-age hedge-fund directors shocked about new capital gains taxes; and hip Silicon Valley types shocked that their shredded 401(k)s have not surged back and now they learn that a 65% combined federal, state, Medicare, and FICA income tax really does apply to them, despite the Obama sign out front on the lawn.

I'm with DJ here, people of color walking around like they just won the lottery or found 20.00 on the bus with a "we won" attitude, let me say this if you live in this country, the reality is you're way, way, way ahead of 99% of the people to have ever LIVED on THIS planet!!! and if you're just now thinking your a "winner" because the color of the POTUS skin is one you favor, you're FECKING IGNORANT....

Still tryin to kill a big deer, catch you all later!!

November 6th, 2008, 07:13 PM
Me mentioning the POW, Christian, etc, was just to state a couple the reasons he seemed more of what I viewed as a leader. I thought about leaving it out b/c I knew that would be a sticking point. I was trying not to complain about Obama's past or experience etc. I don't think he's a secret muslim or any of that crap (was he a part of a racist church....?) Those are not the main reason's I voted the way I did. I do care about what McCain's and Obama's policies are and that they were constantly altered, but the basis of what the policies are based on are my main concern. It just seems that we are heading to more and more policies that are socialistic. Uh, socialized or let me restate it....universal healthcare and welfare.
The main point I was making is that most people vote for what they believe will be the best for themselves. And while many voted for very superficial reasons on both sides, I know everyone here well enough that no one here picked his candidate for such stupid reasons as just skin or religion.

November 6th, 2008, 08:15 PM
bottom line BHO is just like his pator said "He is a politician he does what politicians do" I believe he ment tell you what you want to hear. He was right though i believe mcain is the same way to a degree. I dont trus any of them truth be told this country basically runs itself. The pres is just a scapegoat. oh and rook i dont like this comment [QUOTE=LA_MERC_th33_r00k;215714], a neighbors yard not getting mowed, QUOTE]
who told you i need to cut my grass :P

November 6th, 2008, 10:55 PM
I have a question, how do you preempt a terrorist attack instead of reacting to it? Bush ran on a very modest foreign policy but really, when terrorist do what they did on 9-11, what does Amercia do? Turn the other cheek?

Do I have to name all the democrats that have health care plans for life? I don't think this text box allows for that much typing. Do republicans fall into the same catagory? EXACTLY! Point at one, be sure to point them all out. I'm also not sure that anyone said that McCain "deserves" the right to rule this country. And where does "rule the people of this country" come from? I never thought the President ruled anything, he sure as hell doesn't rule me.

Also, Obama attended Rev Wrights church for 23 years. Rev Wright preached Black Liberation Theology http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_liberation_theology. To call it just theology is just rediculas.

Also, when speaking of christian values and morals, don't lump us all in one barrel just as I won't lump all democrats into far left loons. Churches do send people on missionaries. These people that go are not paid and are doing work for people who want help. Most homeless in America don't want help, they want to be homeless and not have any responsibilities. We do help people in the United States. Amercia has the FATEST poor kids in the WORLD! The schools are in shambles because of parents expecting the government to do their job for them. If the parents took time to help teach and descipline their kids, the schools could do their jobs. I'm not even going to touch the abortion part. Pro abortionist want an easy way out, they want to have the choice and if they got it completely, the morning after pill would become the 9month after pill. Pro life people can be just as bad but there are couples out there who cannot have kids. On the same hand, natural selection should come into play at some point. If a child is born deformed or not at full mental capacity, the parents should really be aware of this ahead of time and should pay more taxes if they elect to have this child. My reasoning is that it will typically cost the government in the end where as a healthy child has the chance of contributing to the country.

This deserves another paragrah. If my neighbor is physically able but is waiting for me to cut his grass, he is **** out of luck. I already pay taxes to support all the people currently on welfare. It's lazy people like that who should be put on a island with no support and let them die a lazy life because they would never do or want to know how to do for themselves. Leeches are leeches, they drain society and are only able to survive in this country because of GOVERNMENT.

Also, the church wants money. All major churches want money and they get money. I always see these huge new churches going up on the biggest and best plots of land in all cities. Even non denominational churches. Giving tithe could actually mean giving 10% of anything, time, money, services but all churches now want 10% of your check on top of the 40-50% that the government wants. I'm catholic but I'm not a blind catholic. I don't believe in everything it stands for just as I do with everything else, I have my own reservations as a free thinker. I'm glad r00k has found his happiness with his church or group of people he is associating with. You should never have to look to anyone else to make yourself into a helper, hugger, and lifter. People are good because of a genuine goodness in them. Others are just posers who are looking for attention which is like r00ks remark of wearing a patch on your arm. You can do good without publicly announcing it.

I will discuss politics but I won't put Obama on a pedestal. He has no record worth speaking of but he has had a ton of far left loons who are close to him and a bunch of Government and "white man" haters shaping his life.

Beyond him as a person, his policies are just crazy. Bigger government? How do you just give people the same health care that senators get? Are you serious? Will someone not working or making only 20k a year get the same health care as a state senator? Where will all these new doctors come from to take care of all these newly created patients? It takes 8+ years to become a doctor. Also, what happened to all these community free clinics? I saw FEMA workers last week. 2 of them in their vehicles would drive down the hwy and mark a tree limb to be removed and another truck would come by with 3-4 guys and cut that limb. 2 PEOPLE to mark a tree limb and another 4 to cut it?!?! And another crew 10 miles down the road. Government is not efficient and people/companies working for the government are not efficient! They put all these plans in action and pour all this TAX PAYER money into it but they NEVER manage it properly. The same will happen with this monster of a Government health care system. You have to hire thousands of new government workers to try to impliment it and you are relying on the government to handle your health care when they can't manage banks and the stock market which they are personally vested in.

Obama/Biden wants to reward kids in an attempt to get them to raise their grades. What about the students and parents to strive to make good grades? Pat them on the back but really reward the others as a bribe for them to make better grades? Public schools are public schools. They need to be treated like private schools where they are not required to take kids who are trouble makers or don't want to be in school. You can't fix stupid and if a child cannot learn then they need to go to a vocational school and learn a trade. Some parents use schools as a free baby sitter and that needs to stop. No child left behind needs to be left behind. It's a waste of tax money as stated above, you can't fix stupid.

Distribution of wealth is all I have to say.

Also, he changed his mind on issues constantly during his 2 years of running for president. He said everything the people wanted to hear, if he didn't, his campaign made him correct it.

McCain isn't much better but I'm for kicking out all the politicians and start over. They will continue on their crooked ways until we put the fear into them that we don't need them.

If you want to fix government, start cleaning house. Remove and consolidate some of these laws we've been making for the past 200+ years. Remove the government fat and run it like a business who should have to report back to it's shareholders (the American tax payer) on a quarterly basis. We've gotten to complacent with the corrent goverment system and not knowing what is happening around us and allowing the government to run rampid.

Have the news report the news, not their opinions. If I want an opinion, I'll watch the O'Reilly factor.

I could go on but this is probably already longer than I wanted it to be.

The last thing is something I said earlier

Other countries fight to keep their values and ways of life where as Amercia fights with itself to change it's values and ways of life.

November 7th, 2008, 05:17 AM
I'm for kicking out all the politicians and start over. They will continue on their crooked ways until we put the fear into them that we don't need them.

AMEN Toby! I've been saying for a long time that someone needs to go in there and clean house! If you've been a senator or rep for more than 8 years, you are a career politician and need to go home. End of story, no exceptions. They are ALL corrupted to some degree...and only an insane or power hungry person would want that position (and yes, I know what I'm saying here)

November 7th, 2008, 06:22 AM
This is something to watch for in the future

November 7th, 2008, 07:44 AM
They are ALL corrupted to some degree...and only an insane or power hungry person would want that position (and yes, I know what I'm saying here)

exactly why else would you spend millions of dollars to get a job that pays peanuts

November 7th, 2008, 07:55 AM
Great point Tech and Sniper. They get in and give themselves raises when they want, help people when they want, and position them for more money when they decide to step down. Sniper is right, why spend so much money to campaign for something that doesn't pay that well. One of the reason is 100% retirement and health benefits after 2 terms but the main one is power and side money.

November 7th, 2008, 07:57 AM
This is something to watch for in the future

Nutria, good link. I heard about it at the beginning of this year and checked out the site. They have a really noble objective of returning the house of representatives to something it once was. No career politicians need apply

November 7th, 2008, 09:02 AM
Interesting idea: http://www.change.gov/

You can submit ideas and read about the plans.

November 7th, 2008, 09:07 AM
the main one is power and side money.


November 7th, 2008, 09:09 AM
Sorry this is a speed bump in the conversation, but damn man my phone is on fire from all the text message jokes since the election lol. I workout in the mornings with a black guy thats a doctor, and I wouldn't even think of repeating the Obama jokes he's told me. Hell I don't know if it's politically correct to laugh or not when a black guy tells a racist joke.

He was a BIG supporter of McCain during the election. He has a private practice. He was telling me that he's going to take a large hit on taxes with Obama. Right now he's paying somewhere around 46% in state and fed taxes. He's looking to pay a minimum of 55% on Obama's plan. I asked him how in the hell is he going to bring home a check after taxes, payroll, buisness expenses and his high insurance cost which is over $180,000.00 a year. His response was "Well, looks like there's going to be a lot more x-rays being ordered for my patients till this is over". Shadow probably knows all about this already, but this was news to me. Half the crap they send you to the hospital for, you don't even need. They order it and bill the hell out of your insurance company. On your way in, they do a check on your insurance to see what they will cover. Appearently, the private practice doctors and the hospital will order up all kinds of crap to get that money from the insurance company.

Anyway, sorry for the interruption, proceed

November 7th, 2008, 10:07 AM
Appearently, the private practice doctors and the hospital will order up all kinds of crap to get that money from the insurance company.

My wife went into to get her eye checked since she was having some problems with it (she had lens replacement last year). The doctor ordered an MRI for her. We start checking on the cost and it was going to run about $5k. It would cost us $2k out of pocket. So we call the doctor and ask if it is necessary. After a lot of double talk, they so no, not necessary, but it would be nice. Well, we don't have $2k to spend on it right now, so we'll just see if it gets worse before going down that path.

I think you are right about this BS. I get way too many $2k bills these days.
