View Full Version : Change we can't count on

October 31st, 2008, 08:14 AM
Looks like it's all been a big fat lie. Is Obama really a used car salesman?

He's selling it to the public but once American's buy into it and elect him, he's going to change everything.


October 31st, 2008, 09:01 AM
It is something he has to be concerned about though...I mean, you can't give people hope for something and then have them expect the things to change over night. That's an unrealistic expectation that he recognizes.

It's not a lie...he's just trying to say it's going to take time...which is what the article says.

October 31st, 2008, 09:06 AM
In one of the debates, he said exactly what he would do in the first 4 years. I'm putting money that what he said in the debate was a lie because he will not be able to get even half of it done.

If he doesn't do what he has laid in his campaign while in his first term, then he has been running on a platform of false pretenses. Don't state what you will do if you won't be able to do it. Why not be upfront and say, I want to get this done but it will take me being in office for 12 years.

I'd like to see what he said he will do versus what he will do, then I will call it a lie but then it will be to late. For the past 2 years, he's been saying "I will do this... if elected", which has changed depending on the time of the primary or general election. Now, in the last couple of days, he's saying "I might be able to do this... if elected but it will take time so don't get your "HOPEs" up".

October 31st, 2008, 11:56 AM
I do not think "might" was a word used in any quote. He said the first 1,000 days which plants him 2.7378507871321013004791238877481 yrs into his 1st term.

I agree about Clinton promising 1 thing and doing another.
Obama will not be able to do all he says, and he may not plan on doing any of it, but partisan politics is to strong for any change what so ever. Plus both sides are corrupt.
If McCain delivers I pay higher taxes than I ever have and so will you.
Palin is a theological nut jobber.
Biden is just a nut jobber.

October 31st, 2008, 02:19 PM
C'mon guys.
It's the same political two step that's been going on since the dawn of time.
It doesn't matter at ALL who says what they will change. The President doesn't have complete control over the system. And either of them making statements of I will do this or that in this amount of time isn't worth the que card it's printed on. About the only thing that matters in this election is each man conviction to ensure a hard line appraoch to our aggressors both foreign and domestic. The debate ends there and the clear choice is McCain. If you vote for Obama you are encouraging a delusion. A pipe dream. An impracticality that will further propogate the false reality of a uphoric society where we're all equal and everyone's happy. You can't make everyone happy by stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. He's not Robin Hood and he's not going to help. Not that McCain is a saving grace. He's not by any means. But he's the most hard lined do what I want when I want politician we've had the ability to vote into office in a long time. Vote with your Brain, not a false heart generated by "The Same Damn Political Two Step" we see every damn 4 years. He's not Bush, and the thought that he would do the same as W (another continued 4 years of the same thing) is the best add campaign tactic used by Obama to date. From all the indicators it appears I'm a minority but I have no problem telling you I'm voting for McCain and will debate the best of them as to why. From the plus side of Supply side Economics versus New Keynesian or old Keynesian economic policies to the difference in Karl Marx and Adam Smith's supply sider thinkers to the Monetarism Milton Friedman (rest his soul) and his change from Keynesian model thinking. We can debate the "New Deal" and even classically liberal political philosophies, but in the end you can't tax the one doing well and distribute it amongs those who are unwilling to do for themselves. The government will canabilize itself. I love Wisconsin's welfare system. If you get on it. You have 2 years where they train you in a trade. After 2 years of being on welfare and being paid to be trained a trade you are cut off. You can Never be on welfare again. Look at their unemployment rate and their ability to come closer to balancing state budget better than most other states. I'm just saying. I mean, I know very little about politcs (and that's teh way I tend to keep it) but I do try to learn enough to try and vote for a system that will better us all even if it does sting the pocket book for a while. I support my Military and if we need to be in Iraq for another decade, SO BE IT! Ahh, my blood pressure is boiling. Sorry guys. Hope i didn't offend any one. If I did, FREEDOM OF SPEECH BIOTCHES!

October 31st, 2008, 03:20 PM
I ran into a 'black' man today while I was filling up my truck with gas. He liked my truck and we started a conversation.

He said, with no provoking..."Obama is a damn liar, and we'd better get smart before voting that guy in".

I was shocked to say the least, I thought I would never hear that from a man of that ethnicity. He was your average hard-working guy...not high up on the education ladder if you get my drift.

I am not a racist, and now I am hopeful and glad to see that at least some folks are looking at the facts rather than the color of skin.

October 31st, 2008, 06:10 PM
Obama is a douche, and Mccain's a turd sandwich, but sometimes it comes down to choosing between a douche and a turd sandwich.

November 1st, 2008, 12:34 AM

November 1st, 2008, 12:35 AM
C'mon guys.
It's the same political two step that's been going on since the dawn of time.
It doesn't matter at ALL who says what they will change. The President doesn't have complete control over the system. And either of them making statements of I will do this or that in this amount of time isn't worth the que card it's printed on. About the only thing that matters in this election is each man conviction to ensure a hard line appraoch to our aggressors both foreign and domestic. The debate ends there and the clear choice is McCain. If you vote for Obama you are encouraging a delusion. A pipe dream. An impracticality that will further propogate the false reality of a uphoric society where we're all equal and everyone's happy. You can't make everyone happy by stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. He's not Robin Hood and he's not going to help. Not that McCain is a saving grace. He's not by any means. But he's the most hard lined do what I want when I want politician we've had the ability to vote into office in a long time. Vote with your Brain, not a false heart generated by "The Same Damn Political Two Step" we see every damn 4 years. He's not Bush, and the thought that he would do the same as W (another continued 4 years of the same thing) is the best add campaign tactic used by Obama to date. From all the indicators it appears I'm a minority but I have no problem telling you I'm voting for McCain and will debate the best of them as to why. From the plus side of Supply side Economics versus New Keynesian or old Keynesian economic policies to the difference in Karl Marx and Adam Smith's supply sider thinkers to the Monetarism Milton Friedman (rest his soul) and his change from Keynesian model thinking. We can debate the "New Deal" and even classically liberal political philosophies, but in the end you can't tax the one doing well and distribute it amongs those who are unwilling to do for themselves. The government will canabilize itself. I love Wisconsin's welfare system. If you get on it. You have 2 years where they train you in a trade. After 2 years of being on welfare and being paid to be trained a trade you are cut off. You can Never be on welfare again. Look at their unemployment rate and their ability to come closer to balancing state budget better than most other states. I'm just saying. I mean, I know very little about politcs (and that's teh way I tend to keep it) but I do try to learn enough to try and vote for a system that will better us all even if it does sting the pocket book for a while. I support my Military and if we need to be in Iraq for another decade, SO BE IT! Ahh, my blood pressure is boiling. Sorry guys. Hope i didn't offend any one. If I did, FREEDOM OF SPEECH BIOTCHES!

begone foul wall of text!!!

November 2nd, 2008, 03:02 AM
I listen to the Howard Stern show most days and a week or so ago, one of the dip****s that works in the office for him went out to Harlem with a recorder and started asking black people about Obama.

He would ask questions like, "Do you agree with Barack Obama's policy to stay in Iraq "for 100 years" if needed? They all said yes.

Do you agree with Obama on abortion and that it should be illegal. They all said yes.

There were several more questions but the point was the guy took ALL of McCain's main issues and put Obama'a name in front of them and BAM! They were great ideas. That tells me that people are sheep and NOT thinking for themselves.

I'm also not stupid. I'm SURE he found a few people who called him out on his little game in switching stuff around and they didn't play any of thoseon the air...BUT I'm positive it wasn't many.

Wonder if someone You Tubed that interview. Ill go look.

November 2nd, 2008, 03:05 AM
Well, LOOKY HERE!!! I don't know if it's more funny or sad....


BTW, Sal is a COMPLETE ****ING MORON. He has these conversations ALL THE TIME and continually puts his foot in his mouth and NEVER understands why people get upset.

November 3rd, 2008, 09:01 AM
begone foul wall of text!!!


November 3rd, 2008, 02:57 PM
I have not listened to Stern in years....he show is stupid to me.

However, in this case, he gets it right.

It's pathetic how many people just look at 'what's cool' or the 'in thing' when it comes stuff...especially serious stuff like this election. It' the hollywood mentality right?

Sheeple is the term we are searching for here....people of the USA.....Please think for yourselves for once!!!!!

November 4th, 2008, 07:57 AM
Sheeple is the term we are searching for here....people of the USA.....Please think for yourselves for once!!!!!

I'm going to have to side with the Jaschke. Al is correct. I think it is a mistake to run the ad for people to "Just Vote" We need more emphasis on "Vote Intellegent" Independant thought people, try it. It's great stuff! I for one think you should have to pass a very minimalistic test to be able to vote. I hope people don't take this the wrong way becuase its not meant to be racist at all, but I don't think we need monkey's mashing buttons to elect powerful positions. We need at least semi intellegent monkeys like me whaling on buttons (LOL!)

November 4th, 2008, 01:09 PM
I'm going to have to side with the Jaschke. Al is correct. I think it is a mistake to run the ad for people to "Just Vote" We need more emphasis on "Vote Intellegent" Independant thought people, try it. It's great stuff! I for one think you should have to pass a very minimalistic test to be able to vote. I hope people don't take this the wrong way becuase its not meant to be racist at all, but I don't think we need monkey's mashing buttons to elect powerful positions. We need at least semi intellegent monkeys like me whaling on buttons (LOL!)


But I love Monkey Mashing Buttons

November 4th, 2008, 06:37 PM
hell yeah i agree take a test if you dont know what you are voting for then u cant vote that would eliminate voting an race sex or other things. You need to know some baxic issues
