View Full Version : Are you kidding me!

October 29th, 2008, 01:55 PM
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!

I'll give the guy credit. He's got the money and is speding it all out to win this thing. A calculator web page, LMFAO!

My name is Andyconda and I do NOT approve of this web link

Please people, GET OUT AND VOTE!

October 29th, 2008, 02:26 PM
Captain Obvious sent this link to me.

That calculator is a sham but the kool-aid drinkers will love it.

October 30th, 2008, 07:40 AM
the kool-aid drinkers

LOL, I love that phrase. An accurate description of the ignorant masses that follow blindly. Made me spit my drink everywhere Toby, LMFAO.
Also, good link by Berk. Explains it pretty good.

November 2nd, 2008, 02:45 AM
You better start being nice to your next president. Youre stuck with him for 4 years....if we make it that far.

Anyone else find it highly ironic that all the doomsday predictors but the (most recent) end of time as being December 2012. That would be right around the end of his 1st term in office...coincidnece??

November 2nd, 2008, 08:18 AM
yeah lol and this was b4 barrak ran so they cant say people said it because a black guy i s running haah

November 2nd, 2008, 09:15 AM
LOL, I love that phrase. An accurate description of the ignorant masses that follow blindly. Made me spit my drink everywhere Toby, LMFAO.
Also, good link by Berk. Explains it pretty good.

What about the non-ignorant few who are going to vote whoever they think will best lead the country? Or, to turn it back on the Reps, the ignorant masses who don't see McSame for who he is?

(playing devils advocate here as I, like Rook, plan on voting Paul simply because I can't see myself voting for either of the other two...that or I might write in my own name and see how far that gets me)

November 3rd, 2008, 09:39 AM
I think there are kool-aid drinkers on both sides. It used to be a fad to be a biblical, all or none, with a gang mentality voter. I think that Democrats are becoming the fad now.

People vote emotion, NOT brains. We can all argue to our faces turn blue....or....errrr.....red. Whatever. Politics in this country is sto0PiD! Makes the sheep think they can make a difference in the way our country is run. FTW? You do not and cannot change the way anything is run, and neither can the President. What I can affect though is giving someone a position of power to say or do what ever they want. I will not give that power to Palin. She in no way will affect the Presidents stance on anything, and McSame will do whatever he wants when he gets into office, as he has always done. That is why he was the most loathed Republican in their party. His own party hated him until errr.....6 months ago. When the Democrats that voted Republican in the primaries made him the Repubs' nomination. Kind of a slap in hte face eh? He made a BAD decision in his Veep, against a lot of his party views and options laid out for him. He is Truly a Maverick.
Then there is the Obama story. Voted to the nomination by Republicans who were scared of Hillary running against a Republican and the Aura of Bill gleaming around her. Has risen to the challenge. He is young. So young that he will be President in 2012 if not this year. That is a fact. You can tell me I was wrong if it doesn't happen. There is no way McCain will make a 2nd term. Getting to be President for him is like winning the Stanley Cup. Once he does it, he will disappear. His life complete, and Palin will not stand a chance after screwing up for 4 yrs in the lime light. She is too extreme. SO Obama seems destined for the position of President. Now or 4 yrs from now. If he looses he will step back and every decision he will make will be weighed with the 2012 hate commercials in mind. He has the patience and the presence to be ready for it all. They will not be able to touch him. So I guess the question is when do the Republicans really want to loose an election? Now, when the failing economy can be transposed unto the Dems or in 4 yrs when I will be so bent out of frustration by being taxed for my health care that I will vote Pelosi for President to change for sure. They BOTH SUCK for the Middle-class American, and that it is Pah-freakin-thetic. They fling our money around like it is liquid and then F*CK us in the working class.

November 3rd, 2008, 02:52 PM
I just do not want ANY particular party controlling both the senate and the presidency. That is bad news, no checks and balances.....but I agree that you can't change shiot as the Prez, so I am not worried so much about who is elected at the top level. I am concerned about the second and third tiers of government...those guys are jack asses.

I really don't think Obama has the credentials to win (even though he will win), but same can be said about Palin. At least Palin as VP will not have as much influence as Obama as prez.
