View Full Version : Time to step up to the dish...

October 26th, 2008, 11:35 AM
Less than 10 days to go in this never ending election cycle, there really should be a law about when an election starts.... Only one can win, I'll be casting my ballot for McCain and Sarah Palin.

Can they pull it off? We'll know 11/05...


October 26th, 2008, 11:55 AM
I'm so discouraged about the whole damm thing I don't know what to think anymore. Obama scares me, and McCain seems to me too be more of the same, still better than the alternative the democrats are offering up.. but still if I had a true choice it would the 3rd guy... you know the one we would really need in office... Yea that guy... the one that does not exist... thats who I would vote for.

the noxious
October 26th, 2008, 12:46 PM
just vote for Brandon Politz, he could definately be the best one!

October 26th, 2008, 04:42 PM
I can not vote for someone who doesn't believe in Dinosaurs...err or believes their fossils are here to test our faith.

I will not increase my yearly tax burden by a guaranteed $4,000.00 due to my wife working for a company that believes in supplying their employees with a great benefits package.

I will vote for the person that best suits me and my family's needs economically, morally, and HONESTLY.

I will wait till the ballot is in my hand to cast my vote. My vote will go to the best candidate not the letter. Albeit an (R), (D), or and (I).

October 27th, 2008, 06:11 AM
Right on Rook...

October 27th, 2008, 09:46 AM
You know, at this point I'm just ready for it to be over. I'm sick of seeing it every day. I'm the unpopular, non cool, shotgun having, bible carrying, same old story republican, but I do wonder sometimes if McCain was the best my party could come up with lol. The general concensus I get from all the republicans in my area is, they're not voting for Mccain as much as they are voting against Obama.

October 27th, 2008, 10:56 AM
I agree a little here BS.

I am a "moderate" conservative. I also tow the OLD Republican lines that existed with Reagan and George Sr. I do not come close to a lot of what the Republican platform has evolved into in the last 8 yrs. There is a lot of extremism being pushed and I am still a firm believer that Extremist make the news, but moderates get the work done. I want to see a return of the Old core Republican views of helping the small businesses, helping people who help themselves, of free market values no matter good or bad. Where are these now? What irritates me more than anything is that McCain's policy actually hurts me, white middle-class American worker, more than Obama's. WTF is up with that. Obama I feel may hurt the country as a whole more in the long run. I really need to look and see how I think the state elections are gonna go. That will lean me one way or the other.

October 27th, 2008, 11:36 AM
Reagan Republicans are gone, man...have been since 1988. Bush Sr. TRIED to be old school Rep, but he failed as soon as the troops started withdrawing from Iraq. Then Clinton (no comment there). And I agree, the last 8 years have been ****. We now pander to the hardcore right? The bible thumping southern baptists are all happy, sure...but they don't make up mainstream at all. My biggest complain with GHWB is that...he panders to the religious right. I don't consider myself to be a part of that group AT ALL anymore. Reagan Rep, sure...they're the old "you bomb a building and kill a couple Americans, we'll bomb your country and kill hundreds of yours (see Kahdaffi)" type, and you GOTTA respect clout like that. My #1 worry, aside from getting screwed by his economic plan, is that McCain is going to continue the pandering/rhetoric. And, if you look at Palin (I first typed Pelosi here...hahah!) as any sort of indicator, I think that's what the plan is. Same ol', same ol'...and that scares me. I don't want to live in a theocracy (neither do I wish to live in a socialist country)

And, if I were to give myself a title...I'm a Fiscal Conservative/Social Liberal.

October 27th, 2008, 11:49 AM
Vote for Ralph Nadder! He's on the ticket too. :slp

October 27th, 2008, 02:45 PM

What about Ron Paul?

October 27th, 2008, 07:27 PM
Obama is a 3 year senator with ZERO service to this country. By his on words he believes in redistribution of wealth and believes that legislation, not the courts is the way to get it done. When I see Redistribution of wealth, I see socialism. All we have to do is look around the world and see how well socialism/communism works.

With Obama in office we could see the first "super majority" since 1965. Before that was 1933. It saw the birth of social security and the welfare system we deal with today. Large increases in government. As a person much wiser than me said in a recent e-mail.. "an eagle needs both a left AND a right wing to fly"

A similar health care solution to the one that Obama has planned was just dissolved in Hawaii after only 7mos because the cost was way more than planned and it was largely ineffective. I think we can expect the same on a larger scale should it be implemented.

I will cast my vote for McCain.

That being said no matter who wins I will get up in the morning and give a large portion of my money to the man same as always.

October 27th, 2008, 09:20 PM
I'll wake up in the morning and take a big dump, same as always. Just like the politicians, I'm full of ****!

October 28th, 2008, 08:20 AM
Our country is more socialistic now than ever. Albeit bailing out the asshats who run big business unregulated, but with a "safety net" I guess. The rich will always bail out the rich. The MIDDLE-CLASS Americans will always fit the bill for EVERYONE, and the lower forms off life will always leech of the system.

Three of the banks that got bailed out have set aside a combined 20 Billion dollars for bonuses. FTW?

October 29th, 2008, 07:16 AM
Like many I'm not happy about the fact Government is much bigger and growing daily it seems with GW in the White House. I guess thats the down side to a compassionate conservative, which must be code for a Spend it like a drunk frat boy Republican. I'll never vote for a C.C. again. This is the problem with electing anything other than an absolute died in the wool CONSERVATIVE, they all write huge checks with my money and most of us get nothing in return. Nothing. NADA. ZILCH. Where was my fiscal stimulas check from last year??? ZERO...

Now I have too choose a Chicago thug, who states very clearly that his tax plan won't even promise me anything, it just a straight FAIRNESS issue with this greedy freak. It's not fair that I make a good living, it's not fair that someone else doesn't so he wants to take my earned money and GIVE it to someone who DIDNT EARN it... What kind if FUICKING choice is that my friends? of course I'll vote for the OTHER Guy even if it was Corky from the Wonder Years....

October 29th, 2008, 08:40 PM
From a healthcare persons perspective.....

If Obama were to socialize or as they put it "universal healthcare", I'll tell you what kind of care you would get. Crap! It would take months to even get an appointment for really sick patients. It would be with with terrible providers. why would any of us go into the healthcare field? Let me see.....go to school for years....accrue a bunch of loans...get out and make barely enough to pay back loans. Yeah, if they are smart, they won't go into it. And there is no accountability in that system for the doctors. Do we really want the same people that run the IRS and Social security to tell you what you get for care and who to go to for care.

I will vote for McCain. I can't stomach the thought of Obama being president. What's his background? Muslim parent, only a senator for 3 yrs, and wants to give my money to people who don't work. WTF! Oh, and married in a church that hates whites (sorry, only the preacher does but that has no effect on the members right? Kinda reminds me of David Duke, you know he USED to be a member of the KKK but not anymore.)

I don't love McCain but like we said before it's more of voting against Obama. Ultimately, I'm voting what is best for me, my job, my livelihood and my family.

October 30th, 2008, 07:38 AM
Our country is more socialistic now than ever. Albeit bailing out the asshats who run big business unregulated, but with a "safety net" I guess. The rich will always bail out the rich. The MIDDLE-CLASS Americans will always fit the bill for EVERYONE, and the lower forms off life will always leech of the system.

Three of the banks that got bailed out have set aside a combined 20 Billion dollars for bonuses. FTW?

It's funny how the liberal left attack machine is not focusing all their effors on the bonus issue but they are attacking Palin for wearing the clothes that the RNC bought her. They are parked out front of "Joe the plumbers" house in satellite trucks.

I think the bonus issue is retarded. These institutions are claiming that they will lose "talent" if they don't give out bonuses. WTF?!?! Where is their talent going to go? No one could afford them and how good are they if they were not able to predict or handle the stock market?

October 30th, 2008, 07:46 AM
From a healthcare persons perspective.....

If Obama were to socialize or as they put it "universal healthcare", I'll tell you what kind of care you would get. Crap! It would take months to even get an appointment for really sick patients. It would be with with terrible providers. why would any of us go into the healthcare field? Let me see.....go to school for years....accrue a bunch of loans...get out and make barely enough to pay back loans. Yeah, if they are smart, they won't go into it. And there is no accountability in that system for the doctors. Do we really want the same people that run the IRS and Social security to tell you what you get for care and who to go to for care.

I will vote for McCain. I can't stomach the thought of Obama being president. What's his background? Muslim parent, only a senator for 3 yrs, and wants to give my money to people who don't work. WTF! Oh, and married in a church that hates whites (sorry, only the preacher does but that has no effect on the members right? Kinda reminds me of David Duke, you know he USED to be a member of the KKK but not anymore.)

I don't love McCain but like we said before it's more of voting against Obama. Ultimately, I'm voting what is best for me, my job, my livelihood and my family.

Thanks for the comments coming from someone in the health field as you are right. Obama claims that he wants to offer the same health care that senators get to the American public but if you believe that you will get the same level of health care as a senator, you are full of the kool-aid, stop drinking!

You throw in thousands of people into a health care system all at once and there will not be enough doctors or medical professionals to treat people. What ever happened to the free clinics? Are they not good enough for people who decide that they don't want to work?

There is a lot about Obama's past from his birth certificate, him going to school and his admission form showing that he was Islam. All the radical associations he has now and even the Times not releasing a 2003 tap showing him toasting another radical.

The liberal media elected Obama.

October 30th, 2008, 07:55 AM
I agree with a lot of what Tech said. If not for the war in Iraq, there would nothing for people to hate on Bush about. I can post up a list of Clinton promises he made in 92 before he was in office for 8 years and he didn't accomplish a damn thing. In fact, he promised to lower taxes on the middle class and do this and that for the middle class but the first thing he did when he got in office was to raise taxes on the middle class.

The choice between Obama and McCain is clear. Obama doesn't talk much about not renewing the Bush tax cuts when they come up next year. His entire tax plan revolves around the current Bush tax cuts so if you think you are going to get a refund in 2010, you are kidding yourself. Also, 40% of those 95% of middle class get almost all their taxes back, currently. You are going to tax businesses even more even though the US has the second highest business tax in the world?

I don't trust McCain but he is the lesser of the two evils.

Geraldine Ferraro told O'Reilly he pays 50% of his income to taxes in NY state but "They're not taking everything"!!!!!!! Typical liberal insite to tax policy

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October 30th, 2008, 09:21 AM
My problem with McCain | Palin is Palin. I would not vote to give her a pulpit to speak from. She is extremist in every way regarding theology, believes in witch hunting, doesn't believe in carbon dating, believes Evolution is a "Test of our Faith", 100% creationist, wants a constitutional ban on abortion, wants a constitutional ban on gay marriage.

1. I believe in EVOLUTION
2. I believe in Carbon Dating
3. I was raised in a christian home and I:
- do not speak in tongues
- believe in the humanity of most people.
- do not believe Politics should EVER should rule with a theological fist.
- believe people can be "witches".
- believe it is not my position to judge ones actions but to provide guidance to the ones that have been lead astray.

There are may things about both of the "Main" nominees' camps that I despise. I will prolly vote Ron Paul or Ralph Nader, but 'Bama sill has a chance. Palin stands no chance in present times to receive a vote from me. F*ck she even uses lil' Trig as a Political Slogan. Do I feel bad for Trig yes, do I think Palin is a saint NO.

Advancing maternal age. As a woman's eggs age, there's a greater inclination for chromosomes to divide improperly. So a woman's chances of giving birth to a child with Down syndrome increase with age. By age 35, a woman's risk of conceiving a child with Down syndrome is 1 in 385. By age 40, the risk is 1 in 106. And by age 45, the risk is 1 in 30....http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/down-syndrome/DS00182/DSECTION=risk-factors

Lets see she is 44 and Trig is 5 months? She rolled the dice when she decided to have unprotected sex, sex with only 1 form of birth control, or have another child willingly. The problem is she prolly doesn't believe the medical claims. They are there to test her faith.

October 30th, 2008, 09:31 AM
The choice between Obama and McCain is clear. Obama doesn't talk much about not renewing the Bush tax cuts when they come up next year. His entire tax plan revolves around the current Bush tax cuts so if you think you are going to get a refund in 2010, you are kidding yourself. Also, 40% of those 95% of middle class get almost all their taxes back, currently. You are going to tax businesses even more even though the US has the second highest business tax in the world?

I agree to a point. If I do the math on McCain:

I keep bush tax cut: $1500.00
I get taxed on benefits my wife receives: -$4000.00
Total = -$2500.00 per year.

I also do not receive my taxes back. Not even close. We pay in $15,000 plus depending on my wife's bonuses. I am Middle-Class as they get income wise.

October 30th, 2008, 10:20 AM
I agree to a point. If I do the math on McCain:

I keep bush tax cut: $1500.00
I get taxed on benefits my wife receives: -$4000.00
Total = -$2500.00 per year.

I also do not receive my taxes back. Not even close. We pay in $15,000 plus depending on my wife's bonuses. I am Middle-Class as they get income wise.

Do you mind doing a fair comparison of the tax break that you would receive for McCain versus Obama after Obama would end the Bush tax cuts, which will be next year?

October 30th, 2008, 10:25 AM
Lets see she is 44 and Trig is 5 months? She rolled the dice when she decided to have unprotected sex, sex with only 1 form of birth control, or have another child willingly. The problem is she prolly doesn't believe the medical claims. They are there to test her faith.

I don't remember Palin once saying that she would put a ban on abortion or a ban on gay marriage. Can you site some written examples? Links? I don't think she said anything close to that other than the fact that she doesn't agree with it. Biden said the EXACT same thing in their debate.

Also, I assume that you know for a fact that she had unprotected sex, sex with only 1 form of birth control, or have another child willingly? Could it have happened even if she was on birth control?

This is just as bad as the left wing attack machine.

October 30th, 2008, 10:27 AM
Rook you're out of line on the Palin-age-Trigg-has-Downs... That's over the top and offensive to me. Why do you get caught up in issues which are secondary? She's not entilted to be creationist? Abortion is legal, I don't see it ever changing, does that mean she has to be in favor of it? She has to believe the WAY you believe on EVERY little issue? There is no perfect candidate or candidates, while you look at the speck in McPalin's eye you miss the 12 two by four's hanging out of Obama's Grill.

October 30th, 2008, 10:58 AM
HAHAHA, man politics is a touchy subject with everyone lol. I don't ever remember an election that had EVERYONE upset on both sides. Tell you how bad it is, and I'm sure some of the other cops in here are getting the same thing, we're on an "all call out" for the election. The day before the election till two days afterwards, everyone is going to be working. If Obama loses they are expecting mass riots and looting, I'm sorry I meant peaceful protesting. If Obama wins, well we're expecting pretty much the same thing by the same people, but this would be more of a celebratory thing lol.

October 30th, 2008, 12:13 PM
HAHAHA, man politics is a touchy subject with everyone lol. I don't ever remember an election that had EVERYONE upset on both sides. Tell you how bad it is, and I'm sure some of the other cops in here are getting the same thing, we're on an "all call out" for the election. The day before the election till two days afterwards, everyone is going to be working. If Obama loses they are expecting mass riots and looting, I'm sorry I meant peaceful protesting. If Obama wins, well we're expecting pretty much the same thing by the same people, but this would be more of a celebratory thing lol.

I could see that...lmao.

October 30th, 2008, 01:06 PM
Sounds like this might be implimented


October 30th, 2008, 01:47 PM
Jerry be sure to shoot a couple for me!! :stick I'm kidding people!!

October 30th, 2008, 09:06 PM

Lets see she is 44 and Trig is 5 months? She rolled the dice when she decided to have unprotected sex, sex with only 1 form of birth control, or have another child willingly. The problem is she prolly doesn't believe the medical claims. They are there to test her faith.

I'm very interested to hear your reply to this as my mother was 41 when she had my sister. My parents are very responsible and they were not trying to have another child. I hope you don't make the same claims towards my mother as you are towards Palin.
