View Full Version : The Deer I'm after....

October 18th, 2008, 06:23 PM
Well after a long month in Houston, I arrived back at home eagerly anticipating Bow season. This year as some here know, I've spent a bit of time out at my place putting in food plots and generally making it as deer friendly as possible. It was already a pretty outstanding spot, but this may be the best it's been in a long, long time.

My trail cam has picked up a number of young bucks that have potential and couple of borderline shooters have appeared recently, as the pre-pre-rut gets underway. But in the last week my target has shown his presence.

Here are the shots of him from last week, notice he was filmed only late at night, now his pattern has changed and he went by one of my best stands this morning (whilst I was in another) prolly just before good shooting light as the camera is still in infared mode. He's definitely a shooter, should go over 140, maybe 150 inches. The plus to this is I don't think he's the baddest dude on the block, I think there is a bigger dude out there. But given the chance I'm going to put an arrow through his heart. Likely tuesday morning, based on the weather reports thats my D-Day with this big ol' eight pointer...

Stay tuned.. Oh and given the chance, I'm going to kill this damn Coyote who you can see is taking a crap in a deer scrape.... BASTAGE!!

October 18th, 2008, 07:04 PM
I might be mistaken, but I think that guy has 9 points.

October 19th, 2008, 07:25 AM
Good luck Wetz...you might have to invite me out one year, I miss whitetails.

October 19th, 2008, 07:54 PM
hey wetz that is a nice one man good luck! I just missed the biggest of my life. I shot a doe the other day and missed my first miss in like 5 years. So I was like WTF! I went to check my gun the next day and it was off 14". Damn I havent had to set this rifle in years. a 1700dollar rifle and about a 600.00 Leupold scope Leupold mounts and rings. I st it an inch high @100 yards like I always do. I go hunting three days later and see a deer that is easily 250lbs. and atleast an 8 point possibly more i watch him @450 yards or so for about a 2 hour span he would come into field and eat check a couple does and scrapes and go back in . then he would do it again. I was shaking the whole time i have a huge buck on my wall (huge for here scores 135 gross 20"spread 8pt) this bick would score atleast 150 I SWEAR. almost unheard of here. anyway he comes out and runs a smaller buck straight to me. I started to think he would come all the way but NOOOO! he stopped a tad over 300 yards i have killed 5 bucks in the past in almost same spot i shot him. I shot and missed shot under him. I checked my gun again and itwas 6 inches low. so I miss the buck of a lifetime and may have scope problems. woot :(

October 19th, 2008, 10:47 PM
Dude!!!NNNNNOOOOO!! Sorry to hear that! Grab a bow then miss at 40 yards, talk about a bad day!! The weather will be right for me Monday eve and Tuesday am, maybe luck will be with me and I can get one of these nocturnal pigs to come by when I have enough light to unleash my Hoyt tipped with a mechanical Rage broadhead and drope the big boy. Other wise I'll wait another week for the pre-rut to get rolling. Dropped another trail cam in tonight near a feeder on the north end of my ground and grabbed a couple of new Gorilla stands to get in next week on some new trails the does are using. My deer count is way up if I get the right movement and weather I'm planning on killing one of these pigs. I want the one with his tongue out in the photo, Mike wants the deer that showed at 2 pm over the apple pile. Really I think its going to be a battle to see which one kills the apple stealing **** laying coyote thats hanging in the area... lol

October 20th, 2008, 07:22 AM
cool i thought that was more than 1 deer. hope you get them. I have been boww hunting as well and have killed 2 does with it. i just hung another stand yesterday. i am probably taking the bow there tomorrow. I also just ordered my new Hoyt Katera woohoo. should be ready next week

October 20th, 2008, 07:47 AM
I also just ordered my new Hoyt Katera woohoo. should be ready next week

I Hate you. Im still tempted to get one to. Always need a good back up bow tho right?

October 20th, 2008, 01:51 PM
haha yeah I went and shot a few bows friday. i shot a bowtech, bbowlogic Kodiak, matthews dxt, and a used switchback, Pse, a vectrix, and a katera. and i liked some things about most of them but the Katera for me ws the best all around. I have a couple of friends shooting the dxt. they dont like the Hoyt but I love it.

October 21st, 2008, 03:49 AM
Aight. So what is a good middle of the road bow? I want to bow hunt. Rifle is okay and all but takin a 6x6 Elk with a bow would be the shizz. I plan on being able to take a week off next year to go, and set up my camp trailer as a hunting camp would be the dealio. I just need to start shooting and becoming comfortable with the bow. I have a couple guys here that would like another guy in their hunting camps also. I know it is 12 months out but I think shooting a bow takes time. I will check them out at Capital Sports this weekend prolly.

October 21st, 2008, 08:08 AM
DO not go to capitol sports for looking at bows. They are great with rifles but idiots when it comes to bows. Goto Buffalo jump archery (old kessler brewery building) and talk with Judy the owner. She will get you set up and let you shoot anything on the indoor range(same building). You cant shoot anything at capitol, huge negative. Gimmie a call and I will go with, im up there 2-3 times a week anyway. Sniper is right on, you need to go with an open mind and see what feels best to you, pure and simple.

October 21st, 2008, 09:21 AM
well my input might not be much, im one of those guys that thinks it doesnt matter. the weapons all kill its skill. i tell u this i have a fred bear lights out. its my first hunting bow. i also have a competition bow. its a holt. but never thought of hunting with bow till this year. i cant see spending money on mathews or holt or any bow that does the same as the bow i have now. i spent in total of 460 dollars on set up and with arrows,tips,block and broad heads total was under 700. with in four shots at 20 yrds i hit dead center. thats the first time to shot bow. i have moved my targeting further back to 30 yds and im hitting with in 2 in of center to me that is good. and that reason is because i only shot one pin.
dont lol at this but i only shot 270 savage the best gun to me. the gun cost me less than 400 and the scope i have to say is my baby. it is leupold 4.5x16x52 cost me a heck of a lot of money but i wanted a good scope. it was 900 something it is kind that fits the barrel of gun. i can say i have never seen a big buck that would be a wall hanger but i still love to kill the nanees. the deer here are small and i dont want to pay a arm and leg to kill a deer. can tell u this im going to colardo next year to try and take a muley and elk.
anyways doesnt matter the type of bow. get what u want and make sure u like it.

October 21st, 2008, 01:21 PM
yeah you dont need an expenxive bow my Kodiak works just fine and i have killed deer with it i jus twant a Hoyt :). Rook I am going to sell my bow for 350 if you are interested i can post some pics when i get a chance. i was going to keep it for an extra bow but why i wont hunt with it again after i get the new one so if youy want it let me know.

October 21st, 2008, 02:27 PM
Do it up. I wanna see.

October 22nd, 2008, 06:41 AM
No big buck sightings Monday PM or Tuesday AM or PM. The coyote has been in and out a bunch... I did have a nice 8 pointer come in, but I passed. He'll be a shooter next year. Heading back out on Friday after the system comes in.
