View Full Version : Musicians and music lovers....

September 26th, 2008, 04:57 AM
I need your assistance!

I'm sure you read my Metallica thread about the sound issues. Well, this subject has gone nuclear. Metallica fans *****ed loud and long enough to get major media outlets involved.



and the list goes on....anyways

One radio station in Australia has gone so far as to play the GH3 rips instead of the original CD.

Some of the more vocal people from the Metallica BB put our money where our mouths are and started a website/forum focused on the loudness war and what it's doing to music. It's barely over a day online and we are getting a rave response. This is where you guys come in :heart3

Please stop in and register for the site. Posting a few times would be EVEN BETTER!! We allready have some music industry people working with us in the shadows and we plan to blow this up as big as possible. Even if nothign changes, we want to educate the public about this issue. I wasn't even aware of it till Death Magnetic came out but it's been going on for years.

Stop by and register. We would GREATLY appreciate it. Also, post the link on any music related site you visit. We need all the help we can get.

www.musicquality.org (that is a temporary name)

One last thing. This not just about Metallica. This is directed at the music industry as a whole because it effects ALLgenres of music. Just look at the wikipedia entries for albums effected by over compression and a detailed explanation of what it is.



September 26th, 2008, 07:47 AM
Great post Scott, and I have heard about the Loudness war. To me it seems almost comical that record producers would even phathom the idea of settleing for less sound quality for volume. In todays world of perr to peer sharing mp3, you would think that the music industry would be raving about sound quality of CD's over mp3. Add the fact that most music lovers have plenty of "amplification" in their cars and houses. I think your post is great. I will copy this same thread over to my band website and will post positive comments on the musicquality.org website.

