View Full Version : LSU vs Auburn

September 21st, 2008, 05:22 AM
What a game to watch, and what a lick Andrew Hatch took, i don't think he'll ever run the ball the same again. But what a relief it was to see Lee come in the 2nd half and play completely different. That first half pass that he through was weak and he telepathed it so bad. Liked see that Scott can still be a dominate force even against a strong defense.

The game was definately a perfect example of how smash mouth the SEC plays, hard knocks all game long.

September 21st, 2008, 06:02 AM
Absolutely. A true testiment to two teams that deserve to be in the top 10. I think Auburn played well and should not drop in the AP. The game was very close and everything you would expect from 2 teams ranked in the top 10. What an awesome game. I kept saying that Hatch was going to learn the hard way not to run so hard. Right after saying that, BOOM, he was seeing stars. But I agree Justin, Lee was a different animal when he came back in. Thank God too as we needed somone to rise to the occasion. Damn what a game!

September 21st, 2008, 07:57 AM
I thought that Auburn's QB played like shiznit. Everything he threw down the field was either intercepted or it came within a fingertip of being intercepted. Auburns offense was weak and it looked like they were barely hanging in because of luck. I thought LSU dominated the game, but the scoreboard did not show that. LSU's D was very good.

hatch was not hurt from the initial hit...it was the knee to the back of the head after he landed. One of the LSU players kneed him in the back of the head after the 'big' hit.

September 21st, 2008, 02:17 PM
I'm on my way back from the game. Had great seats and the game seems totally different when watching in person.

Auburn's offense played a lot better than they did their last game. No penalties and no fumbles. LSU defense just showed why it's top in the SEC. Auburn's no huddle offense hurt us bad because of our constant defensive rotations. Almost the whole game, LSU's defense looked confused.

LSU could not move the ball with Hatch. I think he is to quick to run before checking off all his receivers. 16 yards passing with Hatch. This then hurt the running game with Auburn stacking the box.

As soon as Lee started passing, Auburn got back on their heels and it opened up big lanes for the running backs. Charles "Juggernaut" Scott showed good vision and that he wants to hit who ever tried to tackle him.

Bird missed a touchdown pass that he would have had if he wasn't hurt. I didn't find out if it was a cramp or what but you could tell he was not running full speed.

Auburn made a couple good passes and a couple on extended/broken plays.

LSU dominated the ground game, dizzed people by their onside kick and running back pass (that they just put in the offense this week). A couple of broken/bad plays and no passing in the first half really hurt LSU and made the game closer than it should have been.

LSU needs to work on pass protection and D needs to work on getting to the QB a lot faster.

September 21st, 2008, 04:54 PM
lol @ juggernaut!

Great game.

September 22nd, 2008, 06:41 AM
Good game. I see why it was so closely picked also. IT must have been nuts being in that crowd T4rg3T. Fun game.
