View Full Version : Uh oh....

September 19th, 2008, 03:39 PM
This is interesting.



The investigation update:

Elton said the administration's offer to comply was clear, and in writing. It was negotiated by Senior Assistant Attorney General Mike Barnhill and included an acknowledgment sought by Palin on how the state Personnel Act should be interpreted.

After Palin was nominated for vice president, she changed course and tried to move the investigation to the State Personnel Board, part of the executive branch she heads.


September 20th, 2008, 11:01 AM
Im not reading 5 articles. Cliff's Notes plz?

I take it she's coming up dirty in the "fire my ex-brother-in-law or else" scandal?

September 20th, 2008, 11:15 AM
I take it she's coming up dirty in the "fire my ex-brother-in-law or else" scandal?

LOL... well, if thats all shes got against her, so freaking what, if I had the ability to get even, or back at someone that FARKED with my sister,,, or at least thats how I under stand it... I might be guilty of that too.

Soooo it may not be the "RIGHT" thing to do.

I did read through the 1st, 2nd, and part of the third.. but I got a little lost in the details.

September 20th, 2008, 02:06 PM

1. The email hackers may get off due to a DOJ loophole.
In a case of self-scrutiny, bloggers and other Web users searching for the culprit have linked the handle "rubico" to the 20-year-old son of Tennessee Democratic State Rep. Mike Kernell.
3. She may face issues with conducting gov't business with a 3rd party email.
4. She also has switched her stance in the "I do not have anything to hide" investigation, and the fact that She and her whole office will do whatever is asked of them to get to the bottom of this issue. Her staff has been advised to not cooperate and they have to issue new subpoenas now. They are also looking at filing suit to have the investigation put on the back burner until after the election. It is going to get messy. The head of the Republican State senate is one of the people wanting to see this investigation continue forward BEFORE the election. The whole "Americans have the right to know" what she may be guilty of before electing her to office.
5. Palin and some of her people are being looked at for campaigning on the gov't's bill.
McCain-Palin campaign accused of co-opting Department of Law

September 20th, 2008, 11:48 PM
Until she:

commits treason
injects racial comments in the POTUS campaign
is actively supported by both foreign and domestic terrorist
found to have spent the last 20 years in a church that staunchly advocates an ideology against white America
flip flops on 95% of issues she had stances on at the start of being on the ticket
and stop being able to speak in even coherent sentences without a teleprompter

.... until then, barrack has her beat in the "more questionable" candidate

September 21st, 2008, 06:09 AM
Until she:

commits treason
injects racial comments in the POTUS campaign
is actively supported by both foreign and domestic terrorist
found to have spent the last 20 years in a church that staunchly advocates an ideology against white America
flip flops on 95% of issues she had stances on at the start of being on the ticket
and stop being able to speak in even coherent sentences without a teleprompter

.... until then, barrack has her beat in the "more questionable" candidate

Amen brother :)
