View Full Version : Palin, Alaska and Big Oil...

September 5th, 2008, 01:20 PM
I found this an interesting read...


September 5th, 2008, 01:56 PM
OMG!!! A reputable source. I liked it. It was still an editorial so there is slant in there but at least it appears to be fact based, not inuendo circumstantial.

I'm sure there is "another side" to the info included but pending that side from a REPUTABLE source, I'll take it as fact.

September 5th, 2008, 02:11 PM
This is where I stand today.

Today's congressional Republicans could learn from this. The party has been plagued by earmarks, scandal and corruption. Most members have embraced the machine. That has diminished voters' trust, and in the process diminished good, conservative ideas. It is no wonder 37 million people tuned in to Mrs. Palin's convention speech. They are looking for something fresh.

I just have to come to terms with having to accept McCain and a far fetched abortion view to get Palin. To me McCain is just another one of those ^^^^^^^^.

September 5th, 2008, 02:23 PM
Rook, why get riled up by something that is NEVER going to happen? Why fume about an issue that is unlikely to EVER touch your life? So what if Republicans want a hard line anti-abortion plank, it's a fantasy that will NEVER happen, they hope for it, pray for it, and plan for it, but my brother it's not EVER going to occur. Never Ever... so let it go and focus on the things that can happen. Smaller govt, lower taxes, better schools, win a war, kill bomb-toting camel jockey's, drill for more oil, develop new and better energy sources, secure our borders. I hate to see you or anyone get so tied to one stinking sorry arse issue... particularly that one.

Abortion is a personal and private matter, solely for the people who sadly have to go through it... Should the Federal Govt be in the abortion business, not in my opinion. It should be state and local decision. I'm thankful I've never had to make a decision about it, and pray none of my kids, or their wives have to either. I just pray those who are facing this decision have an open heart and mind to what it is they are about to embark on. IMHO.

So... how about that game last night? :stick

September 6th, 2008, 12:10 AM
Id vote for a Palin/Wetzny ticket!

September 6th, 2008, 12:17 AM
OH, and whats the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull?

September 6th, 2008, 04:30 AM
and focus on the things that can happen. Smaller govt, lower taxes, better schools, win a war, kill bomb-toting camel jockey's, drill for more oil, develop new and better energy sources, secure our borders.
Abortion is a personal and private matter, solely for the people who sadly have to go through it... Should the Federal Govt be in the abortion business, not in my opinion. It should be state and local decision. I'm thankful I've never had to make a decision about it, and pray none of my kids, or their wives have to either. I just pray those who are facing this decision have an open heart and mind to what it is they are about to embark on. IMHO.

I could not have said it beter myself. I'd vote for Wetzny too.

I'm Andyconda and I approve this message

September 6th, 2008, 07:33 AM
OH, and whats the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull?

I hear that it's lipstick. :p

I liked this article. It impressed me that she was able to stick up to the greaseballs who call themselves conservatives.

Hey wetz! Just goes to show, it works every time!
