View Full Version : Crapola..this could turn into a mess.....

September 5th, 2008, 08:12 AM
I do not know what to think.


This is kinda absurd.

September 5th, 2008, 08:16 AM
pursue criminal charges if necessary. The key being IF NECESSARY. Besides, I don't see this as much different than the Clinton stuff.

September 5th, 2008, 08:54 AM
Besides, I don't see this as much different than the Clinton stuff.

Yea, thats what I was thinking, except the democrats were not looking to convict their own... I'm guessing it was just the other way around.

Personally I don't care what they did to the Prisoners in Guantanamo Bay.

September 5th, 2008, 09:28 AM
biden was on fox&friends yesterday morning giving his reaction to palin's speech. they specifically asked him if about the news of him and obama wanting to press charges if they got in office. biden made it seem as if he never heard of that idea and said there are no plans to do such a thing. LOL talk about katering to your audience.

September 5th, 2008, 12:03 PM
Obama has threatened people running negative ad's making him look bad. He's gone as far as asking the Department of Justice to step in.


His tactics have stayed the same throughout his career.

Also, I don't really care about the rights of terrorist. These extremist are far from human compassion. They should also not be tried in American courts but in special "war crimes" court which should be seperate from American laws.

September 5th, 2008, 02:46 PM
Target is right... try the bastages on a small boat near a large Hurricane...with the judge, jury, and all the other players safely ashore... I'd pay to watch those rats eat each other for awhile, then founder and eventually drown... THATS reality TV, baby.

September 5th, 2008, 11:24 PM
If it doesn't happen at Guantanamo, then I guarantee it will happen somewhere else.

September 6th, 2008, 09:53 AM
If it doesn't happen at Guantanamo, then I guarantee it will happen somewhere else.

Yea, you tell'em Highwind...

So how many little doggies have you thrown off cliffs, babies have you shot, and poor innocent Iraqi men have you tortured to find how where they hid their Coco Puffs.
After all we all know thats what our soidiers are doing over their, I know this becuase I read it in a very reliable e-mail I got from a friend called

FW.FW.FW.FW.FW.FW.FW.FW. I C@nt B3livE \/\/Hat Our S0idIers Ar3 DoIng

I'm an Informed Ameirkan and I Support this Message. :stick

OK, I kidding... Please dont shoot me... cause I know you will :stick

September 8th, 2008, 01:38 PM
yeah i was watching THE ONE speak several months ago and he made the statement that he would pursue criminal charges. I hope if he is elected that his term goes without any real problems because he wont be able to deal with them
