View Full Version : Drill for it...

September 3rd, 2008, 09:47 AM
Just the Talk of more drilling (supply) lowers the price. I hope Kudlow is right, if Palin comes out tonight and uses a form of this article as a basis for her speech, watch the bounce McCain gets.

Who would have thought that the amount of land they want to drill on in ANWR is LESS than the size of LAX???? The Crazy-Left is totally out of control, fecking FREAKS!


September 3rd, 2008, 05:09 PM
In other words, he just doesn't get it.... LOL

September 4th, 2008, 05:39 PM
Well, I hope to God that these 2, Mcain and Palin are what they say they are,,, and get our countries energy needs back under control... and out the hands of foreign countries who dont give a rats ARSE what happens to us.
