View Full Version : A little distrubing.....

September 2nd, 2008, 03:44 PM
One of the items on Monday’s agenda is solidifying the party platform, which includes a harder line on abortion than even McCain has taken. The platform calls for opposing it in all cases and supporting a constitutional ban on abortion with no exceptions for rape, incest or threats to the life of the mother, a position Palin supports.

From: http://blogs.marketwatch.com/election/2008/09/01/palins-daughters-pregnancy-puts-abortion-in-spotlight/

I may be Pro-Life, at the same time I am NOT pro-death. FTW?

September 2nd, 2008, 05:17 PM
Yikes...a little extreme

September 2nd, 2008, 06:03 PM
This is one issue which I wish would just go away...

September 2nd, 2008, 08:12 PM
Well, the way I see it is. you have your pro choice Kill anything that breaths group, then you have your Pro Life, I don't care what the consequences are group. Then you have the people out their who apply common sense to both sides of the matter. I think ultimately its not going to matter how one sided they are, I don't think the moderates are going to let one extreme or the other make the final ruling.

September 3rd, 2008, 08:17 AM
This is not only relating to the extremist. This IS the Republican Party line now. McCain has even came out and supported a full out constitutional ban on it. I am sorry but I am still in position to have children, and if our OB/GYN looked at us and said that a pregnancy could take my wife's life, my wife's life will not be gambled with. That sux, but most of those circumstances arise within the first trimester and I would not lose much sleep over that. Feel bad....yes. At least All of my children would not suffer for a possible third to enter the world.
Better yet. Your daughter at the age of 15 gets brutally raped and becomes pregnant. Guess what boys...possibly in the near future, she wili have to carry that baby to term. Then you are going to have to make a 15 yr old girl decide if she wants to give it up or do the right thing and raise the child. FTW?
I am pro-life. I am in favor of outlawing "oops" abortions, but it is easy for people to stand behind a pulpit and only look at the real world when it suits them. If hard decisions need to be made, let more qualified people make them. Let us say Doctors. We will let them cut our chest open and do open heart surgery to save lives, but we will not let them make a decision on the viability of a pregnancy or the psychological strain on 15 yr old girl from carrying a rape baby.

September 3rd, 2008, 09:18 AM
That quote came from a comment from a blog. I'm not sure how far I trust it.

September 3rd, 2008, 05:16 PM
Yeah, just the thought of a "rape baby" makes me gag...
