View Full Version : Palin Interview from 03/08...

August 30th, 2008, 09:39 AM
Interesting interview with the Gov. Palin from March of this year....

Take a look at #4 ... this energy experience is huge!!


August 30th, 2008, 10:02 AM
Yeah, I'm impressed with this selection so far. Great move. I find it disgusting how quickly the messiah turned on the baseless attacks. What happened to change? lol

August 30th, 2008, 10:07 AM
She definitely opens herself up on a couple points.
She endorses McCain because he is very good for Alaska and its economy.
She admits he is heavy into more oil as an answer to energy woes.

She will never whine about being attacked to much though. THat is good. Hillary made me sick when she stated that.

August 30th, 2008, 10:12 AM
Ok I watched this whole interview.

First off it only served to re-enforce what I already knew and that is organizations like Newsweek are so flippin biased it's insane. The interviewer was so obviously a Hillary fanatic it spilled over into the interview. And that is the SF bureau chief for Newsweek? Jeez.

Secondly, this woman is an expert on energy, pure and simple. She should be talking where to drill, how to drill, what to drill for, how to get it to market, what it will mean in jobs, revenue etc. She should not ever STOP talking energy. It's ENERGY stupid....

She is smart, AND ARTICULATE... McCain should have her in TOWN HALL meetings after town hall meetings... Brilliant move!

August 30th, 2008, 10:13 AM
Rook the issue is MORE drilling.. Drill!!! until the technology is there to replace it....

August 30th, 2008, 10:24 AM
You can drill till your hearts content. It may make it to market just after that lil' piggy comes home screeming "weee, weeee,weeee,weeee." We do not have the facilities to handle it. The oil companies say the same thing. By the time you get rigs set up, production going, it will be ten years. Gas should be what $47/gallon if you listen to some of the bell ringers. We can wait.
Keep strongly pushing alternative energy and the oil companies will eviscerate themselves to keep us on oil. They are no better than the crack dealer in the hood. You start to kick the habit and he will practically give it to you to get you hooked again. We have never dipped a drill bit yet gas fell for the majority of the last 40 days. Why?

August 30th, 2008, 03:03 PM
Because Bush said he wants us to Drill. The next day prices started tumbling.

every journey begins with a single step. It doesn't matter if the oil won't make it to the gas market for 4, 6, 8, or 10 years. it will NEVER make it to market if we don't take the first step. Also, it's not just about providing energy/gas. it's also (maybe even more so) about spending less / being less dependent on foriegn oil and reducing national security risk.

I still have yet to hear a solid valid reason against drilling domesticly. I have not found 1 conclusive bit of evidence that it would hurt the current situation if we started drilling now.

why can't we drill while we are developing alternative energy sources at the same time? is there a rule that we can't multi-task?

why would the big oil companies be so against alternative energy? you think they don't have a crap load of money and resources invested in alternatives already?

August 30th, 2008, 03:26 PM
Because Bush said he wants us to Drill. The next day prices started tumbling.

every journey begins with a single step. It doesn't matter if the oil won't want it to the gas market for 4, 6, 8, or 10 years. it will NEVER make it to market if we don't take the first step. Also, it's not just about providing energy/gas. it's also (maybe even more so) about spending less / being less dependent on foriegn oil and reducing national security risk.

I still have yet to hear a solid valid reason against drilling domesticly. I have not found 1 conclusive bit of evidence that it would hurt the current situation if we started drilling now.

10/4 .... You da' MAN!

August 30th, 2008, 04:27 PM
Well, I watched the whole interview and was impressed with her. I hope when its all said and done McCain wins the election and both these candidates come out swinging..

As far as her Expertise, its in energy.. so let her go after energy... McCain can deal with the overseas conflicts. I think they could make a good team.

August 30th, 2008, 06:32 PM
I hope when its all said and done McCain wins the election and both these candidates come out swinging..

well, I'm sure they would have a much better shot at winning if they aired commercials like this constantly from mid-October thru Nov. 4th.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/1nA1MwOE86U&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/1nA1MwOE86U&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

August 30th, 2008, 08:59 PM
good find i like that why hasnt it been aired?

August 31st, 2008, 03:56 AM
Because Bush said he wants us to Drill. The next day prices started tumbling.

Now I know Bush is a "powerful" man and all, at the same time speculators know that a pulpit speech means nothing. Maybe it was the flip-flop by McCain to back the drilling now. Not the fact that 3 full electric cars were announced to be in full production in 2010 by GM and Mitsubishi. The National Auto manufacturers press releasing the fact that by 2020 every vehicle on a new car lot will be a hybrid. THe cost of Solar is coming down dratically. Wal-Mart and IKEA are starting to sell consumer solar. Wind generation is spiraling ahead as fast a s possible. China is planning a 6Gigawatt farm, Texas a 4.4 GigaWatt farm, South Dakota a 5 GigaWatt farm. The first Geothermal Electrical Generation Plant is coming online. The first ever Hydrogen Electrical Generation Plant is supposed to be tested next year. A shift in policy regarding Natural Gas production. National add campaigns informing Americans about real options of alternatives. Some by ex-oil company moguls. More and more states are jumping onto the Bio-fuels bandwagon and dumping money into that industry. Fewer and fewer Gov't officials can easily hand over whatever Big Oil wants without getting massacred by the public. Big Oil was made a bad word by OPEC. Granted, the American companies are still reaping Ultra-high profits.

every journey begins with a single step. It doesn't matter if the oil won't make it to the gas market for 4, 6, 8, or 10 years. it will NEVER make it to market if we don't take the first step. Also, it's not just about providing energy/gas. it's also (maybe even more so) about spending less / being less dependent on foriegn oil and reducing national security risk.

I know that our National Security is an utmost concern. That is why we are fighting wars for countries that rape our economy everyday with their gas prices. Yet they really appreciate us spending BILLIONS on rebuilding their sh!t. While we pay MILLIONS of dollars to Haliburton, that could never be clarified as to what it went to, to help with the cause. In 10 yrs we can have 40 million barrels of crude getting shipped to OPEC to be produced into viable fuel. I am sure they will keep producing at the same rate they always do and flood the market they have 99% control of. Costing themselves millions. Also I am sure they would charge very little to do the actual refining of that crude, to help out us Americans. America has no more refining capabilities. Period. Anything above and beyond what we produce now will be shipped to "foreign oil" to be refined if we want it to hit the market. BTW - OPEC is always complaining that they are operating at max already with their refineries.

I still have yet to hear a solid valid reason against drilling domesticly. I have not found 1 conclusive bit of evidence that it would hurt the current situation if we started drilling now.

Would it hurt the present situation? Technically...prolly not. Would it help..NO. Necessity is the mother of all invention. If we allow the big oil to start tapping the reserves we have, we:
1. Have no real clue how much we truly have.
2. We will lose the necessity to come to market with alternative fuels.
3. We will be spinning our wheels in mud.

why can't we drill while we are developing alternative energy sources at the same time? is there a rule that we can't multi-task?

Because we did that back in the early '80's right? Notta. We actually have gone backwards in the fight of oil independence since 1984. Our average MPG on cars/trucks is much less, no real world marketable/affordable alternative energy has been coming forth. We as Americans usually do not do more than we have to, and expect even less out of the companies that steer us everyday.

why would the big oil companies be so against alternative energy? you think they don't have a crap load of money and resources invested in alternatives already?

Because they sell us OIL. They supposedly have more money into alternative fuel research, but when is the last time Exxon came out to the public with an alternative to oil? When was the last time Exxon used kites to help save fuel on the shipping of it's oil by tanker? Hell, Palin made a name for herself suing Exxon to finally try and get them to fully clean up a spill from 19yrs ago. Do you logically think that big oil will come to market with real, true, viable alternative energy sources. If you do you are riding the same unicorn as Obama, just in a different part of the forest.

[edited]Palin is an expert .... ....Alaska needs to even toughen the stance they have environmentally with the production of oil.[edited] I went back and listened a 2nd time to the #4 and #5 sections and She is looking at the natural gas production not necessarily oil. She does hit the nail on the head though. THe fact that oil companies are sitting on a ton of oil all ready to go. It just is not permitted to go to market by the oil companies.
http://www.newsweek.com/id/156190 #6
Now she supports drilling in ANWR? Under what hard "tougher" standards. She has made a name "reforming" the Republican party in Alaska, and by slapping big oil in the face. Now she runs with McCain under the same fleece she has been fighting? I would think this would lead to character questions, or is she using McCain to possibly give her the biggest pulpit to preach from. IF it is the latter, I would vote for her. She mentions Clean air, clean water, and her children's future. In 28 more years she will have seen her children and what their future had become, just as McCain already has.

I will vote for the real maverick....Ron Paul.

August 31st, 2008, 12:15 PM

Nope, still don't see it.

August 31st, 2008, 01:20 PM
I don't trust Obama. Why? Not really sure...I just don't. I have the "feeling" that he's a wolf in sheeps clothing.

The flip side is I cannot bring myself to vote for pro-lifetards. November is going to be interesting to say the least.

My candidate is:

Pro gun
Pro choice
Pro alt fuels
Pro independence from foreign dependancy (regardless of what)
Pro "keep our nose out of world issues that dont concern us"
Pro positive movement in middle class standard of living

My problem is i want a lil piece of each candididate, including Ron Paul.

I guess you could always....

"VOTE CFH IN 2012!"

August 31st, 2008, 03:20 PM
I guess you could always....

"VOTE CFH IN 2012!"

I do not know. All this WOW stuff in your sig. Aw hell I guess I could.

August 31st, 2008, 06:25 PM
I'm about done with WoW...if that helps.

September 1st, 2008, 10:16 AM
I'm about done with WoW...if that helps.

Getting old Scott?

The game I mean, not you :stick

September 1st, 2008, 12:17 PM
Ya, kinda. Played abit this morning and its OK. I just need a change me thinks. Played a bunch of CS Condition Zero and enjoyed that. Oh, and I've been playing Mario/Sonic at the olympics on the Wii...while running on the treadmill. That's QUITE a workout. I spent 2.5 hours on the treadmill yesterday...lol.

September 1st, 2008, 04:28 PM
OK, Question?

Is their a way to link Mario/Sonic and a tread mill? I don't have a Wii, so I have no Idea what options their are for it?

September 1st, 2008, 05:01 PM
You can drill till your hearts content. It may make it to market just after that lil' piggy comes home screeming "weee, weeee,weeee,weeee." We do not have the facilities to handle it. The oil companies say the same thing. By the time you get rigs set up, production going, it will be ten years. Gas should be what $47/gallon if you listen to some of the bell ringers. We can wait.
Keep strongly pushing alternative energy and the oil companies will eviscerate themselves to keep us on oil. They are no better than the crack dealer in the hood. You start to kick the habit and he will practically give it to you to get you hooked again. We have never dipped a drill bit yet gas fell for the majority of the last 40 days. Why?

I just want to point out that the Russia/Georgia thing caused oil prices to go back up. Why? Because we depend on foreign oil so much and speculators eat that up.

Keep buying oil from Russia and the Middle East. Keep strenthing their economy and their military. It doesn't take a genius to know that we need to drill, buy, and refine only American oil.

If we don't have enough freaking refineries, lift some of the dumb ass liberal bans which cause it to take 7 years just to license a refinery before construction even starts. The liberals keep throwing the refining part back in there because they know that they have a lock down on the cost, laws and restrictions it takes to build a refinery.

September 1st, 2008, 05:19 PM
OK, Question?

Is their a way to link Mario/Sonic and a tread mill? I don't have a Wii, so I have no Idea what options their are for it?

Nope. I just walk on the treadmill while playing...lol. Steep incline, medium walk. That combined with the actions of the Wii controllers is a ball buster.
