View Full Version : How do you like him now...

August 8th, 2008, 04:09 PM
So John-boy Edwards gets caught with his pants down, lies about it (for years) then is outed by of all things the National-three-headed-aliens-are-attacking-us-Enquirer. Sweet, when will these idiots learn, to just fess-up and be done with it. Now (Thankfully) he's done for good....


In the accompanying photo Edwards has better hair then the Cougar, LOL!

August 8th, 2008, 04:21 PM
Most news organizations are liberal and probably would have not run the story even if they found out. The ones that did find out ran a pro Edwards article and put it in the far back of the paper. Not one had it as front, second, third, or fourth page news.
