View Full Version : Disturbing.....

August 1st, 2008, 11:02 PM
I was screwing around looking for Republican Jesus pics when I stumbled across this. This link seems to be biased a little in the fact it addresses only the Republican party, but it is disturbing all the same. I just sat back and said FTW? about 10 times. I have heard of maybe 3% of these instances. I am sure the other side of the aisle is not much better.


August 2nd, 2008, 09:24 AM
Republican Jesus? WTF IS THAT? Thats pretty offensive.

August 2nd, 2008, 10:52 AM
You have never seen a Republican Jesus skit? It is actually quite funny.

August 2nd, 2008, 04:35 PM
I don't find it a bit funny ... I find it offensive.

August 3rd, 2008, 12:46 PM
I apologize for the use of Jesus in the Republican Jesus cartoons and skits. It was done to poke fun on the fact that The "Dub" himself almost solely campaigned on that fact that he is a christian with values. He will not be "immoral" like that "cigar" guy. So instead of getting an Oval office midnight "smoke" break he drummed war unto a country that ended up being a little cleaner than he expected. A country of which the highest intelligence people have admitted to being a little wrong about. It was bad intelligence they said....4 yrs later. So it is not poking fun at Jesus or organized bible readings, it is poking fun at Bush, the Republican Party, and their antics as "Christians", and the use of Jesus as a Political motivator and/or campaign poster. IF I am offended by the poster I would for surley be offended by the use of Jesus as a political tool.
The Irony is missed here as it was in the New Yorker cover done up to show the absurdness demonstrated by those thinking a middle name and skin color make a guy a terrorist. That or the lack of "pride" out of his wife for a country that ignores its inner cities to free oppressed nations around the world at the tune of BILLIONS of dollars. The reason why is Big Business does NOT make money making inner cities better compared to what they make commercializing and rebuilding the world.

Am I a supporter of Obama? Not any more than I am a supporter of McCain. I think we are in a far worse predicament this election then we were at the last 2. I am a supporter of Irony and a sense of humor. All of which need to be dolled from both sides of any aisle. Religious, political, or even life itself.

August 3rd, 2008, 01:27 PM
I do think that your religion might play a part in your choice of candidate mainly because most conservative views are shared with christians, or because of how you feel about abortion, or cloning. These types of things usually fall back on your religion.

With that in mind, I don't think that you ever see a poster with a Republican candidate having his arm superimposed over the shoulder of Jesus Christ with Jesus giving the thumbs up. Or, A republican sending Jesus off to war with a rifle in his hand.

Candidates will always try to gain votes by trying to play on the values of the voters wheither that is pro life, church goers, family images, or the rights of gays. You do have issues when candidates try to pander to every value out there. You don't have to think gay marriage is ok or fight for it in order to try understand people's choices. A candidate should run with an open mind instead of trying to steer their values in line with every different group of people in America.

I don't think I believe in either candidate. I want a list of everything that they have done in the past, in office and out, along with a list of all their proposed policies. I want it written out fully and easy to comprehind. It should be all about public debates produced and operated by the public since that is who they are to serve.

This media circus of a campaign is rediculas. It's a waste of money and time. It's a challenage to see who has the best marketing campaign and who can make the most promises that they can't fulfil.
