View Full Version : What is hind-site again?.......

July 30th, 2008, 11:23 AM
Oh that is right...20/20.

Interesting quotes from some very prominent figures in the new the last 8 yrs.
Make sure you read who was quoted each time. Gives you an idea where American Politics have gone and how easy America forgets. Do not take this as a pro-Demmy speech cause it is not. Just goes to character of the people in power. You can go down the line and circle the Nut-jobbers in the Political parties, but it is the wolves in sheep's clothing that are hard to pick out of the herd.


July 30th, 2008, 03:28 PM
that is just politics at its finest. doesn't matter who is the presidential chair....the opposing party will ***** and moan to make themselves better positioned for the next election.

You can find quotes from anyone to make them look foolish....just ask Andy!

July 30th, 2008, 04:37 PM
Yeah that is my point. They are ALL the same. Excluding Extremist Rights and Lefts.

They want to make money, they will say anything to do so, and they will do anything to do so. Nothing really changes except who gets to b1tch while the other guys make more money. Contrary to popular belief, they really could give a rats arse about you as a person, and will only care if you can make their tenure go away
