View Full Version : BF2 Leaderboard...

July 18th, 2008, 08:24 AM
Hey would any of the Guru's which lovingly provide all the necessary answers to the stupid questions I ask, be willing to see if we can put our BF2 Leaderboard back in action? I'm gaining on Andy and I think Goose has passed him, so it's time again to see who's who in our BF2 world.

Thanks Much!

July 18th, 2008, 08:30 AM
refer here: http://www.lamerc.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=18925

its in the same status. I dont know how to write php, and jack has been very busy. i'll see if anyone in the community has released a public script to do it though...

July 18th, 2008, 08:54 AM
Mucho Appreciated.... Thanks for the update and look see...

July 18th, 2008, 09:01 AM
Here is a link to BF2s.com (http://bf2s.com/my-leaderboard.php?pids=43373029%2C47270712%2C4348637 6%2C45002431%2C66069767%2C22979102%2C45450158%2C44 449030%2C44441682%2C44116915%2C67487332%2C62938900 %2C43664232%2C44149578%2C44452586%2C48752956%2C434 86376%2C46690111%2C63674688%2C43978166%2C66362868% 2C44758421%2C46993064%2C62017325%2C23453710%2C9941 5641%2C48964342%2C101270156%2C90673611%2C100341888 %2C23092779%2C82377922%2C60631308%2C46893803%2C108 528055%2C44189683%2C43698571%2C94881526%2C65488888 %2C47171858%2C47577179%2C45288583&get=Get+Leader+Board) with the PIDs that will give you a temp version of the Leaderboard. Yea, I know it's not embedded into the page.

July 18th, 2008, 09:52 AM
thanks doc

July 18th, 2008, 10:15 AM
Thanks mano! BTW good times last night with Baddawg, Wildman, Frag and yourself... Excellent squad play. Mowed through a bunch of Bastages ....

July 18th, 2008, 10:21 AM
Yea, that was some serious action on {DAM} last night.

BTW, I just grabbed a bunch of the PIDs off of BF2s for that link I created. Feel free to add/remove other PIDs that I missed. I didn't use an 'official' list or anything, so if I forgot your name on there don't take it personally.
