View Full Version : Wall*E - No Spoilers

July 3rd, 2008, 08:28 AM
So I went to see Wall*E (the new movie by Pixar) last night at the 6:50 showing (I know that doesn't really matter, but I'm trying to make this sound official) at the Cinemark in Helena, MT.

The movie opens up with the short film called "Presto" which is, to sum up in as few words as possible, genius. It's really freakin' funny, well planned and everything. Easily the best Pixar short so far.

The the movie Wall*E actually starts. I won't say what the movie is about, mostly because if you are interested, you've already read the synopsis of the movie and are just trying to see if it's worth going to see. I can answer this question really easily: YES...it's worth seeing at least once in the theater. The movie is, I think, better than The Incredibles, which was my previous favorite Pixar movie. Good story. Good graphics. Good music. Good themes. All-in-all, a great movie.

Oh, and as in all the other Pixar movies, John Ratzenberger makes an appearance.

July 3rd, 2008, 09:03 AM
So I went to see Wall*E (the new movie by Pixar) last night at the 6:50 showing (I know that doesn't really matter, but I'm trying to make this sound official) at the Cinemark in Helena, MT.

I saw it on a Tuesday... with the family in tow. it was a balmy 91 degrees outside with high humidity. fairly hot for a 10:30 showing at the local Rave. The sky had but a few clouds, none of them looked like rain. I made the decision to let the wife purchase the tickets while I parked the van. She did was most women do, that is, go with the tried and true method of purchasing from hte teller. She waited in a line that was already 18 people deep. by the time I reached her, she was still half a dozen patrons away from making the purchase. being the observant guy that's not afraid of technology, I noticed right away that the kiosks were deserted, empty and looking unloved. I decided right then that I was the man to give them that love and start a chain reaction of followers sick of the long lines and snears from the teenage teller. After making my way through the menus, I siezed my purchase and let loose a triumphant yell.... turning around and taunting the sheep remaining in line as cattle being hurded to their doom. My wife, shaking her head, said to our children "it's just going to get worse as you get older, but he's your father and you have to love him"

(is that official enough?)

loved the movie. I would rank it between Cars and Incredibles.

July 3rd, 2008, 09:05 AM
So P and I should go see it?
Do you want to go again?

July 3rd, 2008, 09:10 AM
Yeah, I'm gonna see it again.

And CO, I used to like Cars...until it was played about 231089709865094 times in a row. I don't think I'll ever intentionally watch it again for the next 10 years.

July 3rd, 2008, 09:30 AM
try having a 2 yr old boy who wants to watch it back to back every second he's awake. he's constantly running around the house saying "Ka Chow!!!". he's got the shirts, shoes, uderwear, swiming trunks, cups, lunch box, etc. I even downloaded some of the songs from the sound track and put them on a CD for the car. We blare "Real Gone" as we go down the road.

during this movie though, I kept expecting some guy with a thick indian accent to come out saying "ohh my God! Johnny 5, you're Alive!!!"

July 3rd, 2008, 09:39 AM
Believe me...that's why I hate the movie now. Rook's son is obsessed with it (will be 3 this month).

Me too, though...that or for Wall*E to look at Eve and say, "Nice Software!"

July 3rd, 2008, 10:14 AM
My wife and I were not impressed. My wife, both children and I all were within inches of falling asleep and falling out of our chairs.

To each his own but I will not see it again, theater or home movie.

July 3rd, 2008, 11:42 AM
loved Wall*E, my daughter(5yrs) laughed her little head off

we watched Kungfu panda a week before, loved it too. had some great moments.

July 3rd, 2008, 11:46 AM
Oh Yeah!.......Lightnings' Ready!.........Ka-Chooooooow!

Love to hear someone else lives in my little world called Cars.

July 3rd, 2008, 12:58 PM
Serpentine! Serpentine!

He did wut in his cup?!?!

my daughter is always coming up behind me with a flashlight saying "It's the ghost light... it's gonna getcha"

Yeah Onji, we loved kung fu panda too. my daughter still keeps trying to do the wushu finger move on me.

July 3rd, 2008, 01:10 PM
Mac...Mac!...you're not Mac.

Mac?, I am a Peterbuilt for Gosh sakes!

July 7th, 2008, 07:26 AM
Went to see Wall*E this weekend. It was a pretty good movie, but probably one of my least favorite Pixar flics (not necessarily a bad thing since I love and own all of their shows). Definitely some interesting scenes and some interesting social commentary, but the other Pixar films are so strong on dialog that this one seemed a little lacking. Perhaps if I get to watch it a couple more times, I'll catch a lot of the things that I inevitably miss in the first viewing.

July 7th, 2008, 08:41 AM
I definitely thought this one carried a strong message about humans and our society as a whole. I thought it was a good movie and I saw flashes of my wife's personality in E.V.E....lol.
