View Full Version : Indiana Jones 4

May 23rd, 2008, 08:16 AM
Well, two people I work with last night and I went to see the new Indiana Jones movie because it was raining and there was pretty much nothing else to do in Helena on a Thursday night...

It was actually pretty good. It had a lot of the stylistic Indiana Jones/George Lucas stuff in it (a lot more CG in this one than the others...combined). The acting is spot-on, especially for a franchise that hasn't made a new movie in a while, the cinematography is great, John Williams produces another great score (with musical themes used as an homage to the other films), a bunch of humorous bits...all-in-all...a pretty good movie.

Where does it rank? I think the first two (Doom and Ark) are far and above, the best...then it becomes tricky. This one and Crusade are pretty close.

So...if you like the series, see the movie if for no other reason than it being Indiana Jones.

May 23rd, 2008, 08:23 AM
saw it last night as well. there were a couple of scenes that made me say 'ugh' but the majority was good stuff.

May 23rd, 2008, 08:46 AM
sweet, going to see it this weekend. Ark and Crusade were my favorites. I never thought Temple *fit* right in the series. though short round was a good addition.

May 23rd, 2008, 09:00 AM
love the avatar CO, Adama for president!

May 23rd, 2008, 09:59 AM
haha I'm waiting for "Adama's Books on Tape" where he narates crime novels. if you saw a couple episodes back where he reads to Rosolin while she's getting treatment... it just made the story sound bad ass.
