View Full Version : why do we keep giving these people a soap box?

May 6th, 2008, 10:50 AM
interview with the nut job odonnal and how she agrees with rev. wright. (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,354277,00.html)

May 6th, 2008, 03:32 PM
OK, not going to read it..just so I can say I didn't give her a soap box to stand on.. in my little world anyway.

May 6th, 2008, 04:10 PM
Sensationalism sells man...always has, always will

May 6th, 2008, 08:38 PM
Just pisses me the hell off!! Tired of it! Who gives a **** what actors think anyway. Does anyone actually check actors opinions before heading out to the poles? Oh it was a big deal when the anti christ Opra announced her support for Osama Bin Ladin. I don't care if Pauly Shore gets president as long as that racist america hating bastard Obama doesn't get it.

May 6th, 2008, 09:08 PM
amen!!!! but we will hav ea democrat in office this time

May 7th, 2008, 05:51 AM
Do you get the feeling that the democrats knew that the republicans weren't going to win this one, so they force you to pick a minority? You can either have a woman, OR you can have a half black guy with a musilum back ground. You pick. It just feels like they are saying "Oh one way or another, your getting screwed, so pick your poison"

May 7th, 2008, 08:36 AM
*cracks knuckles*

Do you get the feeling that the democrats knew that the republicans weren't going to win this one, so they force you to pick a minority? You can either have a woman, OR you can have a half black guy with a musilum back ground. You pick. It just feels like they are saying "Oh one way or another, your getting screwed, so pick your poison"

Can you be any more racist, sexist or bigoted? Wake the **** up! Whether you like it or not, the Civil War ended over 140 years ago. Whether you like it or not, people of differing color, nationality, gender, sexual preference, religion and any thing else that sets him or her apart from your xenophobic view of the world are guaranteed the same rights that you are by the very Bill of Rights that protects those rights for ALL Americans. Whether you like it or not, a “half black guy” and a “woman” have just as much right to run and be elected as President as any full blooded white guy or transsexual, for that matter.

Does it REALLY matter if the person running for President is a man or a woman? Does it really matter if they are black, white, red, yellow, “mix” or “other”? Does it really matter if the Democratic party wins this election, regardless of who wins? My answer, to all three questions, is a resounding “NO!” It doesn’t matter the gender of the person running for office…all have equal abilities. It doesn’t matter the color of the person, where they are from, where they are going, who they’ve slept with, what religion they may or may not have practiced (or even if they chose to practice ANYTHING at all). It doesn’t matter WHICH party ends up running the US. It really doesn’t…either way, no matter who it is, they have a HUGE job ahead of them to get the US out of the predicaments we are presently in (and I’m not talking about the war, per se). Regardless of who it is, it’s going to be a difficult task.

I really hope that the way I read what you wrote and what you actually meant were completely different.

“A fascist is one whose lust for money or power is combined with such an intensity of intolerance toward those of other races, parties, classes, religions, cultures, regions or nations as to make him ruthless in his use of deceit or violence to attain his ends.”- Henry A. Wallace

May 7th, 2008, 08:48 AM
Oh ****... time to duck... Wetz should be here any second... haha

May 7th, 2008, 03:32 PM
Oh ****... time to duck... Wetz should be here any second... haha

LOL... Good lead in man.... :)

May 7th, 2008, 03:46 PM
/pokes head in..looks around /runaway runaway

BTW screw Rosie O what ever her name is.

May 7th, 2008, 05:40 PM
haha i think you misread I think he was just saying that the Dem party saw an opportunity for a minority or a woman to win because they stand a very good chance of being elected: regardless of there race, sex ,or religion. I am an independent. I would love to see our country thrive again and to be honest on an economical stand point, I dont believe any of the three are right for the job. I will be voting for Mcain not because he is a man, Not because he is white, Because I believe him to be the best candidate of the three. Definitely the most honest. I think if he had been going to a church with a Pastor who preached like that he would have heared a copuple of racist un patriotic comments, and not lie about it as Obama has. Will Mcain win? Probably not. I think that BS was just stating the obvious. The Dems are likely to win with anyone. Shoot even rosie could probably win. So lets group hug b4 the wars begin.

May 7th, 2008, 06:09 PM
It just scares me to think of either one in the Democratic party of winning, Just got a bad feeling about those 2.

May 7th, 2008, 07:34 PM
I'm basically a carbon copy of Sniper.

May 7th, 2008, 11:45 PM
*Rolls sleeves up*

Can you be any more racist, sexist or bigoted?

I really hope that the way I read what you wrote and what you actually meant were completely different.

Well after you called me a racist, sexist and a bigot, I honestly don't give a damn what you thought I meant.

May 8th, 2008, 07:50 AM
Hahahahaha....my .02....

Hillary [ http://www.hillaryclinton.com/home/ ].....She is not Bill as hard as she tries, and she is done.

Obama [ http://www.barackobama.com/index.php ]....Unproven. Liar.......maybe, but by what stretch. He tried to side step the Rev. Wright thing quickly and prudently, but Rev. Wright pushed that a little to far, and denounced him publicly. Does Obama "hate" America....not any more then McCain hate the military for its torture methods. Also the wife comment about the first time she is truly proud of this country......I have to agree a little. What have I in the last 30 yrs have to truly be proud about concerning this country's political system or parties or itself for that matter?

McCain [ http://www.johnmccain.com/landing/?sid=gorganic ]....Wishy washy. Where does McCain stand? Right....Left......Fence......or Gatekeeper? He is proven he can drive things to get stuff done. Is this a sign of a truly great politician or a great American? I think there is more to McCain. When get to the meat and potato parts we may get thrown a curve ball.

As far as the Democrats having a free ride to the 'House. What the hell have y'all been watching? McCain is a clear favorite right now. No real dirt.....no real issues from the past. If the Republicans would quit beating up their own guy about his stances on certain bills he passed, he would be spotless. War hero.....M.I.A.......torture victim himself. Right arm of military....left arm of compassion. What does this guy not have, except Condaleza as vice? The Democrats will have an uphill battle on this one. I wait to see McCain's out of the gate campaigning. He has been dormant for a long time. I guess he will lead out with the clarification of his stance on the Economy...then Health Care.....then the War. The War is second or third in Americans' minds right now.

May 8th, 2008, 07:55 AM
Just an observation ... if you're gonna post in this forum and post something that is going to raise hair on someone, you should be prepared for something that's either gonna hurt your feelings or make you feel alienated. If you're not prepared to handle this like an adult and discuss it like men, or men and women if the case arrises, then I suggest you 1) stay out of this part of the forums or 2) keep your comments to yourself.

That is all. Now back to our normal broadcast.

May 8th, 2008, 08:04 AM
Well after you called me a racist, sexist and a bigot, I honestly don't give a damn what you thought I meant.

I also implied that you were a facist, based on your stance, but you missed that one, which is ok.

Surprisingly enough, my political views USED to mirror those of yours as well as several other people here...100% republican all the time regardless of what anyone else said. I'm not like that anymore. I don't accept what "the party" tells me to accept and chose, instead, to find out things for myself from as many different sources as I can. I prefer to gather data and then think for myself...to come to my own conclusions.

Having said that, I agree with Sniper...there is no real good choice this go around...Republican or Democrat. I would like to think that Rosie would have no chance...but yeah, she has just as much chance as any of the other 3 at this point. I still haven't decided who I am going to vote for...but I do know that I won't be voting for Hitlary.

Getting back on topic (the original one), people like Rosie, Sean Penn, Charlton Heston, Tim Robbins and the rest are just doing what all of us can do and do on a regular basis...they are standing on their soapbox, saying their opinion...they just happen to have a bigger soapbox than the rest of us have. How is what they do any different than us posting our political views here?

BS: Prove me wrong. I'm basing my statements off of your statements alone...so, prove me wrong

May 8th, 2008, 08:08 AM
More to read....



just because she says it is not over....

Now that we can move past the discussion of the poorly thought through prolly frustrated or venting comment by BS, who I am sure did not mean it how he wrote it, lets actually have a discussion on Barack v. McCain. If you post literature as foundation, please do not do so from biased or uncredited sources. I truly want to look at these two and make the BEST decision for my family, my friends, and my country. A round table of sorts. Also please keep flaming down. If you are a righty or a lefty.....produce VALID arguments. This is for my betterment as much as yours. If this becomes out of control, I can come to my own conclusions and will not seek political advice from here. I just want to think that outside of "trial" stuff, I can lean on my fellow Mercs for more than gaming. We all live in this country and in different parts. We should be able to put together a fairly decent debate of the topics.

May 8th, 2008, 08:57 AM
Here goes:

I am not affiliated with any real political party. My view on the parties is that they ALL have a few good things and a lot of negative things. All combined though they would be great. Also by cookie cutting myself to a party I have told a candidate to lobby the other guys needs and wants because I am already a fleeced sheep. Hence, I want a well-educated, well-thought, well-spoken, and believable person to vote for.

My views as of 5-8-08:

McCain: Politician. He has supported his family doing this for a long time now, and is prolly a "company" guy. I like his stance on Gun Control, Medical Marijuana, the borders, and Tax Reform. I think his compassion linked to his MIA stint has left him as not a great Commander-in-chief to lead a War. In times of War I think that compassion for the enemy has to take a back seat to achieving the overall goal. Our enemies have done it to him, and they do it to our troops all day. The secure borders is key though. The enemy is quick to adapt. DO you think they are not already sending men away from the fight to attack our vastly unprotected country. Our National Guard is fight the international war. Secure borders are a must.

Obama: Unproven. Everything about him is unproven. I want to know his stance on gun control. He did hit the nail on the head with his comments about the war preceding the war start. It will be long, it will be undetermined, and it will be costly. It is not costing the White House anything. It is costing American lives and American dollars. The economy. He has proven himself in this aspect. He did work inner-city community projects for a long time. He knows the woes of life from all aspects and I think he will not hand out but hold accountable the appropriation's that go to select areas. Inner city should not be an excuse that defines one, but just a mark on time line where someone started their definition.

I am on the fence here. I am anxious for change. I am tired of the wealth gap getting larger. The middle-income American people getting the shaft and the overall tax burden. I am tired of hand outs to system leeches. I am tired of the fact the no one is held accountable in todays society unless it can make headlines. I am tired of the excuses or rationalizations. I am tired of the present day American political system.

Till later.....

May 8th, 2008, 09:54 AM
I like chocolate.

May 8th, 2008, 10:46 AM
Here goes:

I am on the fence here. I am anxious for change.

So was the Jedi Council, but look what that change brought them!

I agree with what you said earlier, I think McCain has this basically in the bag. I don't think there is any way that obama can stand the scrutiny that is about to be bestowed onto his past, family and associations. His wife is already starting to let down the persona and show a little of her true self. (http://www.worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=63532)

but the party lines are getting more and more blurry. maybe there should be a shake up in the party system and both the republican and democratic parties be disbanded. Let a larger # of new parties form and open the elections so people can vote accross party lines.

May 8th, 2008, 11:44 AM
So was the Jedi Council, but look what that change brought them!


Ok, here's my opinions at this point (5/8/08):

Hillary isn't even in the picture any more for all intents and purposes. The fact that she's not conceding this point only strengthens my dislike of her. At this point, she has as much chance of winning the Presidency as the Saints have winning the Super Bowl this year (I know, I know...it COULD happen, and I'm going to look like a complete idiot if it does!). She's trying to ride on the coat-tails of her husband and say that this experience is just the same as leading the country, when thats essentially the same as saying "My dad is a chemist, so I can do chemistry"...which unfortunately for me wasn't true.

So, that leaves us McCain and OBama.

McCain is, as Rook said, a part of the system already. He's a career politician, stuck in the quagmire that is DC politics. He's old (I know, that shouldn't matter, and while it doesn't really matter...it is something to be concerned about, especially when it comes time to pick the VP). Is he the right person to lead the country? I don't really know. Would he do a good job? Probably.

OBama is young, stresses political change (which, admittedly, could be his selling point to many people BECAUSE they are tired of the aforementioned quagmire, but is it just that...a selling point and words?) and not a part of "The System" as much as the other candidates. These strengths are also major weaknesses: he's young (less experienced in leading etc), stresses political change (the political beast doesn't accept sweeping changes easily, so is he bucking the trend, or just saying what people want to hear?) and because he ISN'T a part of the System (comparatively), then what can he really hope to accomplish (politics is still "The Good Old Boy" system)?

These are the things I'm debating with myself over...any thought on these things would be appreciated.

May 8th, 2008, 12:43 PM
I know, I know...it COULD happen, and I'm going to look like a complete idiot if it does!

Don't worry, I have a screen shot of your post incase it does happen.... :)

I've heard obama say he's all for change, over and over again. I've watched many interviews and debates with him. What I haven't seen very much of at all is:

a list of issues / items he wants to attack head on to change

his complete definition of his stance on those and how he wants them to be different (I've heard a lot of speculation from him and potentials, but I've not heard him be rock solid on where he feels the issues have to end up)

a complete well thought out plan for making the changes

a time frame that the changes will be occuring. should we expect him to start the ball rolling and see results the first day/week/month in office? is it something that will take 6-8 years to make a difference?

I voted for Bobby Jindal as governor of LA because he also stood for change. However, Jindal had a complete plan listed out (and posted on a website for everyone to view / pick apart), issues / items listed out in priority, and general time frames. He would talk in-depth about the issues and didn't dance around subjects with a lot of jibba jabba. Jindal has come in a done a great job so far. making changes in ethics and having the ball rolling on many other issues.

obama is also preaching about change, but all I really hear from him is jibba jabba.

May 8th, 2008, 01:10 PM
knew I could count on you, CO, to keep proof...hehe

Yeah, had I been in LA, would have voted for Jindal too. Everything I heard about him was great and the stuff I had read really showed he WANTED to lead. That's kinda what I mean about the other two here...I don't get the feeling from either of them. Maybe it's too early?

May 8th, 2008, 02:23 PM
Look! first off Politics and Religion ruffle feathers and I am not trying to do that. I just want to say something about racism. This will be a key factor with Obama for Pres. We are all racist to a point if you really want to disect the issue. For example Say you are driving down the road, and you happen to go through a rough neighberhood and you come to a stop sign there are ten black guys standing at the corner. your doors are unlocked. What do you do? LOCK the doors . Did they do anything to you no you were trying to be safe but wuld you have done it if they were white? Maybe maybe not. I feel that Obama could not have been in this church for 20+ years and listen to that racist Pator and never hear anything like we heard in his interviews. I think that if he becomes President then IT will not be any better maybe worse as far as racism is concerned I would like to say that I am not racist but I like many others have probably done and said something that i should not have . I have many good black friends And most of them know how i feel about Obama. The comment i made about the Dems being a shuwin (sp). Was based on history and the reasoning that USUALLy the economy is stronger with a Dem in office. It had nothing to do with how respectable Mcain is. Yes he stands a good chance and I hope that he wins; But I am doubtful. You put Colin Powell on a ticket and he will probably get my vote. Obama is a great speaker he would make alot of money as a motivational speaker. In my oppinion he is fooling everyone because of this alone. he has a big high profile backing take them away and I promise he would not have gone as far. Women in this country worship Orka I mean Oprah like a god and have fallen into her support for no reason other than OMG Oprah does so much good If hes good enough for her hes good enough for me. My .02.

May 8th, 2008, 02:56 PM
We are all racist to a point if you really want to disect the issue. For example Say you are driving down the road, and you happen to go through a rough neighberhood and you come to a stop sign there are ten black guys standing at the corner. your doors are unlocked. What do you do? LOCK the doors . Did they do anything to you no you were trying to be safe but wuld you have done it if they were white? Maybe maybe not.

If the 10 black guys are dressed in suits or preacher attire, etc. I don't lock the doors. May even stop and chat to see what was going on.

If it was 10 white guys, if they look like thugs (don't have to be black to be a thug), or up to no good, I'm locking the doors and monitoring the area for additional paths and people.

It it is 10 black guys and they look like thugs, I'm doing the same thing as I would if they were white and look like thugs. It's not racist. I'm not locking my doors and being more alert because they are black, I'm doing it because I perceive a threat.

May 8th, 2008, 03:06 PM
yeah the analogy doesnt work in all cases but it would in most just saying that alot of people might not think about it they would just do it. I believe that everyone is capeable of being racist whether they would admit it or not.

May 8th, 2008, 03:24 PM
