View Full Version : Building a Security System help!

April 29th, 2008, 09:04 AM
Hey guys,

A fried of mine owns a waterpark in Oklahoma and he wants to build a system that can handle 16 security cameras (recording and saving). He is looking into buiding from scratch.

It's been awhile since I've looked into building any sort of system so I am calling on the guru's for help!

As a start....he does not currently have anything so it would be building from the ground up.

He is looking at spending about 1500-2000 on the computer itself (plus whatever else like cameras). He is hoping some of the cameras can be wireless. The cameras would be operating day & night.

Let's start discussing....please!

April 29th, 2008, 01:27 PM
Just the video capture card would be around $1000. Look into geovision cards. With 16 cameras, I wouldn't go below a GV1240. The software comes with the card.


Depending on the history, you will need at the least, 1.5T for 25-30 days.

These are good drives for DVR systems.


This would be a good tower server. I would recommend the os on a single smaller drive and the larger drives in a removable device so they can be swapped out pretty easily.

April 29th, 2008, 04:20 PM
Thanks Toby, I will pass all this information on to him.

Does anyone know if wireless would be a good fit for a waterpark? I know the range would be fairly broad so maybe the signal would not be strong. He can run the wires himself no problem if he has to...he his trying to make installation a bit more convenient.

I told him wireless might be stretch.

I guess he is having problems with little punks breaking into the park at night after hours and stealing stuff.

Here is the park if any of you are in the neighborhood :)


April 29th, 2008, 06:09 PM
Wireless camera setups are damn expensive.

April 30th, 2008, 02:43 AM
If you wanted to go with wireless Ip Cameras, you would be looking at a huge expense. At the same time. trying to run cables could run into just as big of an expense. Out in the sun, around water, people, etc... Cables may not be feasible for a lot of his cameras. My suggestions are:

1. Map the park. Need to know the "dream" amount of cameras wanted vs. the lowest amount needed. The range needed and specific environment of each camera. All cameras are different. Do they need to be able to remote pan the environment. Does he want wide angle so the software can "pan" what it has seen. Does he want to be able to access the cameras remotely and see what the park is doing at any time? How many of those 16 cameras does he want to access?

2. Toby covered the box issue. The DVR units can be spendy also. So price comparison betweeen capture card in a box vs. an actual DVR that can handle that amount of video capture. Storage goes hand in hand with the type of retention he needs. How long does he want to record and save records for. With vandalism 30 days should be more than sufficient.

I am looking at a wireless IP camera for video capturing some drag races. For the resolution and range of camera I need I was quoted approx. $900.00 cost plus shipping for the camera itself. So the cameras (16) themselves will prolly run $16,000 +.

I have a guy I work with that owns a security camera business and I am helping service 3 other "hacked" together security camera networks. I will ask questions tomorrow. They set up a camera system at a gas station he owns with 4 cameras (wireless) higher end, dvr, and networking and storage. He mentioned a tag of around $30,000 for labor and equipment to install. Service of the network is $ each call.

April 30th, 2008, 06:56 AM
Here are a couple of places to look around for cameras.




April 30th, 2008, 07:41 AM
How many of these units is he planning on installing in the changing room? Oh you said Oklahoma Waterpark... BLAH F that... Nothing but Indians and Fat-arse -chicks in OK... :stick

April 30th, 2008, 05:42 PM
at least one in each bathroom stall....at least that is all he would divulge :)
