View Full Version : lmao @ the british

March 3rd, 2008, 02:25 PM
Gun control... lmfao.. wonder how these cops feel about it..


March 3rd, 2008, 03:24 PM
Umm yea, I dont think the Happy Happy Joy Joy method is working over there. Maybe they need their guns back, I mean come one people, nothing says Im going to kick your A$$ like looking down the barrel of a gun.

March 4th, 2008, 09:10 AM
I think their problems are more than just not having guns. I'm sure the police having guns would help deter situations like this video, but they will have to be able to use their guns. from what I understand, the mindset is so far left wing liberal there right now that if the police fired a weapon even in self defense, there would be a public outcry. It seems a majority of their issues are stemming from their education system and disciplinary system (or lack there of) which is helping to create many gangs all over the place.

I don't think they need to be shot or even threatened with a gun, they just need to be shown right from wrong and have heavy consequences when they do wrong.

March 4th, 2008, 10:48 AM
I was speaking to my brother this weekend and he was telling about all of the state police in Louisiana getting certified for tasers.

They basically have 5 levels of force that they can use.
1. Talking
2. Light Wrestling
3. Spray
4. Night stick
5. Lethal force

The taser originally would fall into the 4 range but just recently, it got moved down. They are now authorized to use their taser in the 2 range. If someone is not responding to reasoning, they get tasered.

The taser comes with a 98% charge and they are told that a single charge should last a year. They have to test it every morning to make sure it is functioning properly before they load the discharge unit. It has a processing chip on it so they can plug it up to their computers at the troop and download all kind of data from it. They can see if the unit was tested every morning, time and date it was discharged, length of discharge and print reports from this data.

March 4th, 2008, 11:20 AM

March 4th, 2008, 02:11 PM
Meh... my point is if everyday people were strapped to the teeth you wouldn't need as many cops. This would sort themselves out. Now I don't mean that quite so literally, but if a would be criminal knows for sure there's a 75% chance he is going to phail the victim selection test and catch a bullet for his trouble there may be a LOT less attempts.

March 4th, 2008, 03:32 PM
True that,

To me criminals are like a pack of coyotes, they prey on the weak, and easy victims
Don't make yourself an easy target, instead make the criminal the target.

March 4th, 2008, 07:53 PM
Meh... my point is if everyday people were strapped to the teeth you wouldn't need as many cops. This would sort themselves out. Now I don't mean that quite so literally, but if a would be criminal knows for sure there's a 75% chance he is going to phail the victim selection test and catch a bullet for his trouble there may be a LOT less attempts.

What ever happened to the police saying "Stop or I'll shoot"? Criminals are not affraid of anything. We need to start with the government, courts and lawyers before we hold the general public responsible.

Even if the public were strapped and they wounded a criminal, he would sue the **** out who ever shot him or for even shooting at him in the first place. They have nothing to lose and typically, they don't have to pay anything.

It the lawyers that we need to start shooting first.

The government and politicians are not affriad of us, how can you expect criminals to be? The government has taken more from you than most criminal ever will.

March 5th, 2008, 08:31 AM
Justin, please stop logging on as Toby.

LOL, I agree though. most lawyers see potential $ and chances to make a name for themselves. They manipulate the judicial system as much as they can to get what they want.

and I also agree that before we have vigilanty street justice (though it was a good song by Twisted Sister) the official law enforcement system needs to get a lot of stuff straight. mostly the constraints put on them by the political and judicial systems.

March 5th, 2008, 11:08 AM
Even if the public were strapped and they wounded a criminal, he would sue the **** out who ever shot him or for even shooting at him in the first place. They have nothing to lose and typically, they don't have to pay anything.

Lesson is....if you shoot someone make sure you kill him so you don't have to worry about that or that he'll lie when you do go to court. It's a lot easier to get off if you don't have another witness.

March 5th, 2008, 05:50 PM
really sad. Really, really sad.

March 6th, 2008, 01:08 PM
Lesson is....if you shoot someone make sure you kill him so you don't have to worry about that or that he'll lie when you do go to court. It's a lot easier to get off if you don't have another witness.

Don't you watch CSI? Witnesses are not needed for them to catch you.. haha

Then if you fire more than a couple of rounds, the family will sue you because it turns from defense to aggravated murder. Not to mention life in prision.

Sir, is there any reason why you fired 10 rounds into the victum? I saw him flinch after I fired the first 4, your honor.

March 6th, 2008, 02:04 PM
What they need is a couple of Americans over there to save their asses!!! Oh, wait....we already did that twice :)

March 6th, 2008, 02:29 PM
Sir, is there any reason why you fired 10 rounds into the victum? I saw him flinch after I fired the first 4, your honor.

My clip only held 10 rounds and Your Honor, my Daddy always taught me to finish what I started. I started shooting and didn't stop till I finished the clip.

March 6th, 2008, 02:37 PM
My clip only held 10 rounds and Your Honor, my Daddy always taught me to finish what I started. I started shooting and didn't stop till I finished the clip.

The muzzle flash caused my epilepsy to flair up!!!

March 6th, 2008, 03:21 PM
The muzzle flash caused my epilepsy to flair up!!!

Dude.. I had to think for second on that one...


March 9th, 2008, 12:18 PM
Our Tazer policy is if at any level they are not cooperating, they get tazed. You ask the guy to see his license, he says " Well why are you stopping me", he gets tazed. He was non-compliant when he refused to give up the license. This should drastically cut down on our officer injuries lol. In fact, we are actually collecting up all the mace from everyone once they get their tazers.
