View Full Version : Why I'll vote for McCain...

February 21st, 2008, 09:16 AM
I'll vote for McCain because IMHO the War trumps all other issues. I believe the hard work, sacrifice, and successful war fighting skill of the US Serviceman deserve nothing less than Victory.

Here is a new story from Iraq that will demonstrate again how Completely wrong the left is about Iraq and our efforts against Islamic fascists.

Why elect someone (A Democrat) who wants to snatch Defeat from the Jaws of Victory?


February 21st, 2008, 11:33 AM
Ive said for a while now that my interaction with the staff within my ROTC unit has painted a vastly different picture then whats seen on the news or heard from our democratic "leaders." What better source of information then Master Sergeants or CPT/MAJ that are just back from Iraq to find out the status of things over there.

What I hear lately is that the Iraqi people for the most part are finally tired of all the radicals and are ready to push them out so they can get back to a better life.

February 21st, 2008, 02:59 PM
IMHO, This is a very complicated issue that someone OTHER THAN BUSH will have to truly deal with. I think we need to start working both ends to meet in the middle which will end this travesty. Am I saying pull the troops...no. Am I saying continue down the same path...no. I to think McCain is the better candidate for many reasons other than the war. I think he possesses the mentality that war is necessary but not great. McCain is not the "big business" people that Bush/Cheney are, and he is a MODERATE republican.
Extremist make the news, moderates get sh!t accomplished.

February 21st, 2008, 03:53 PM
Extremist make the news, moderates get sh!t accomplished.

Very true,,, lets hope we get the Latter.
