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February 9th, 2008, 12:59 AM
To Rollout and his manhood:stick

Fun times had by all. Re-emergence of Dark Knight. Walters, Wetz, Dark, Rollout, and Doc. Cutting it up and LAUGHING. Laughing a lot and often. Glad to hear that again. Thanks for a fun night.

Favorite quote:

Rollout, "Blah blah blah talk sh!t blah blah blah."
Wetzny, "How can you talk so much sh!t with a mouth full of that much lead?"


February 9th, 2008, 08:31 AM
LMAO!!! Ohhh I think David just took Rollout's man card :)

February 9th, 2008, 09:56 AM
Dude Great times!!! Rollout made a beer run came back and he was switched to the other side... he spent the rest of the night running like he'd just stole 6 cartoons of Cigarettes! Great Great fun!! Hell even Exile's made it in for an hour or two and I met M@lachi for the first time in BF2, AWESOME! Good to hear old voices and see old faces!!!

February 9th, 2008, 03:28 PM
Here, Here!!!! Thanks to everyone for sticking around so long, THAT WAS GREAT FUN!!!!!!!As Rook stated, that was one of the funniest moments; I'm mouthing off because I was stuck unable to switch teams, and Wetzy fills me full of lead, and without a pause he blurts out his mow famous retort listed above...EVERYONES BUSTS OUT LAUGHING AT THE SAME TIME, it sounded like the ComedyZone on a rowdy evening, GREAT FUN!!!!

February 12th, 2008, 07:43 PM
Does this mean I'm now taken off of your "Do Not Revive" list? :)

February 12th, 2008, 09:03 PM
Probably, depends on the night though :)
