View Full Version : British = sheeple

January 28th, 2008, 12:08 PM
This is a VERY funny article to me. All the proponents of stricter gun control laws and all the people that want to continue and expand the pussification of our country. SUCK IT


Pay close attention to the comment at the bottom. These poor people are CLUELESS.

January 28th, 2008, 12:14 PM
LOL, use the army to police the streets, LOL. taste of their own medicine. LOL, did she really say that, LOL. Some people are completly clueless.

January 28th, 2008, 01:46 PM
We live in a world of little to no consequences. People who pull a gun should be prepaired to be shot and killed. People who rape someone should be prepaired to get raped. People who kill someone should be prepaired to forfeit their life. If you steal, you should forfeit all you own equal to that amount if not more.

If police say "Stop or I'll shoot" and you keep running, you should get a bullet in your ass.

The government is more worried about holding people accountable for the taxes they file than murders and robberies at gun point.

It would only take a few changes to make things better. If you kill someone, and more than 1 witness links you plus the dna testing, you should go straight to the chair. Make it a public viewing.

There was less crime when people were hung and stoned to death were all could see. The more crime that people think that they can get away with, the more they will do. If they only have to worry about jail time, some won't even second think it. Why in the world would someone have a life sentense or multiple life sentences? If the crime is that bad, remove them from society.

In China, they had that politician take a money bribe to look the other way while lead paint was used on products shipped to the US and he was KILLED! I bet all the other politicians in China think really hard when faced with the same proposal. Right now, politicians in the US might get a little jail time, and I stress "little". When they get out, they will still get their retirement and the millions already stuffed in their pockets.

January 28th, 2008, 03:33 PM
In China, they had that politician take a money bribe to look the other way while lead paint was used on products shipped to the US and he was KILLED!

Dude I like that Idea... should fix a lot of things.
