View Full Version : Ready for some New Blood....

January 24th, 2008, 10:03 AM
For years I’ve supported President Bush and his administration on any number of topics. Namely tax cuts, the war on terror, the nominations of John Bolton as UN ambassador and those of Justice's Roberts and Alito, along his vision of liberty as a basic human right. I’ve also disagreed with his policies on immigration reform, explosive and out of control government spending and grown weary of a failed White House communications team, namely Scott McClellan (?) and the current Bimbo in there now.

I’m now at the end of the line with the Bush administration, call it the 7 year itch, or whatever, but I’m ready for the old boy to head south to Crawford. I think the article below sums it up best for me.


January 24th, 2008, 10:41 AM
It mentions Israel in your linked article. One thing I do not, and never have, understand is our dogmatic support of Israel. Is there a reason for this? I do understand the atrocities of WW2 (and unlike Iran's Pres, I do believe they happened), and I do understand the 6 days war...but I do not understand why we are such staunch supporters of them.

Does anyone here know and/or care to explain?

And yes, Wetz...I agree. It's time to change the light bulb...this one has grown dim.

January 24th, 2008, 10:58 AM
Tech.. there is no way you are agreeing with Wetz... WTF is going on here

January 24th, 2008, 11:02 AM
From my understanding of the Israel situation is that the whole Middle East would love nothing more than the completely destroy Israel. The European countries take a pretty much indifferent stance (which is similar to most of us) which is let Israel fend for itself, and whatever happens happens. However, the US wave and touts the banner of everyone's right to exist and live, and such so we stand as the beacon of light that even if the whole world wants to see you destroyed, we will show that we support your right to exist.

I'm sure there is more to it than this, but it is my basic understanding of the relationship with Israel.

January 24th, 2008, 01:08 PM
That, and the fact that HollyWood is almost an entirely Jewish population. You know how much political weight Hollywood carries....

January 24th, 2008, 01:17 PM
No the real fact is base locations. As long as we back Israel we have a landing pad in the middle of sh!t-face central, aka the Middle East. Where Israel is located gives us almost instantaneous action against about 6 countries that want to see us DIE. I will always support the idea of give Israel what they need and unleash the Dogs of War unto the Middle East. Unlike us meek and meager Americans, Israel really does not give a sh!t about anyone they are fighting. They kill or be killed and boys that is how wars are won. We keep yanking on the leash anytime Israel gets pissed enough to go on a rampage. Bush was outdated the minute he took over his second term. His stance on topics changed with out merit, his support staff went south, America turned off the "set".

January 24th, 2008, 01:31 PM
Rook, I think you hit the nail on the head regarding our position on Israel. Israel has more tech and productivity than the surrounding nations combined. Not only that, we need Israel as a proxy to fight our battles there. They can be ruthless when cornered (and if you look at a map, they pretty much are).

As far as Bush is concerned, he's never been a true conservative (and neither was his father). They both succeeded in not being as bad as the alternative. I'm not so sure that's the case anymore. I'm a conservative before I'm a republican. On top of that, my biggest issue is reducing the size of government. Don't tell me how to live and don't spend my money for me. Bush has never been that kinda guy.

But just because I'm ticked at the republicans at the moment, don't think I would vote for a socialist.

January 24th, 2008, 01:49 PM
I think there is an inherent difference between "socialist" and "democrat"...but that's another discussion for another time.

I understand about having some place in the region that we can have a toe hold...or some place to stage operations from...but as much as we help Israel out, we are also spied upon by them often. Why do this to a country that is propping you up?

January 24th, 2008, 03:11 PM
Yes, they are different LT. That's my point though. Being a democrat used to be something very different. It seems that the two parties are looking more similar all the time. I could just as easily say that I'm a conservative before I'm a democrat. Both parties are tripping over each other trying to expand the nanny state.

As far as propping up any other country, I say we bring home our troops from any country that we can reach with a ICBM. Why should we pick up the tab for their defense.

Additionally: That last statement is over the top, but I'm tired of our country having to pay everyone else in the world. Why do we send so much money to Egypt? They hate our guts. You bring up Israel, but I would expand that to Japan, S. Korea, Germany, etc. We can be friends with them, but that shouldn't mean that we have to keep them safe. Hey, kill the spies (Pollards). You tell me why we are so buddy buddy with the Saudis. It doesn't make sense.
