View Full Version : He's NOT a Hero to me...

January 23rd, 2008, 08:06 AM
I would find it interesting to guess how the media would treat the death of Heath Ledger had he not played a character who was a Marlboro-man-loving-sheep-herding-semi-retarded-cowpoke. What if he'd died fighting in Iraq?

With the barrage of hand wringing over the death another “Fill in your hyper adulation here” Hollywood actor, a number of sound bites from the previously almost unknown to me actor have hit the TV and I’ve been struck by Ledger’s oddity. Fame, wealth, family, good looks and talent seemed to be a burden to him, IMHO.

Was he really a victim? Hardly. Poor decisions usually have poor out-comes. Bad choices typically have tragic consequences, Ledger is another example. Whether or not it was an accident or not will never be known, but Mr. Ledger is not the victim in my eyes, it’s his young child who is now without a father.

There are thousands just like her who’ve lost parents fighting in Iraq, Afghanistan and other places. Where is the Media hand wringing and adulation over those deaths? Could it be those truly brave and bold souls didn’t play a “Character” the Media will exalt?

January 23rd, 2008, 08:17 AM
I'm with you on this one Wetz. Of course, I already despise the agenda of the major media outlets. If you want hard news these days, you have to look elsewhere.

January 23rd, 2008, 09:51 AM
I read you loud an clear

January 23rd, 2008, 11:56 AM
agreed. beyond fallen soldiers, what makes this guys death more important than the other 2000 people found dead from overdosing the same morning. he wasn't even that great of an actor (imo), just watch 5 minutes of "A Knights Tale"

January 23rd, 2008, 12:20 PM
news=entertainment=of little real value. Bottom line? the death of an actor sells commercials, the death of soldiers doesn't. Sad but true.

January 23rd, 2008, 03:40 PM
Education. That's the answer. As soon as we get the main stream masses to understand the difference between an actor who plays a hero on the big screen (Ledger in The Patriot) and one in real life (Our beloved and under appreciated men and women of the armed services) we are doomed to have media coverage of actors that OD becuase thay have too much time and money for their miniscual size brains to cope with. All I want to know is why if he had a cleaning lady and a female massage lady coming to the penthouse WTF did he need sleeping pills for. Now if he had O.D.ed on viagra trying to keep up with the 3 way they were having, then I wouldn't mind hearing about it.

January 24th, 2008, 07:40 AM
It a bit ridiculous the amount of media attention his death is receiving.
I just drove by the scene yesterday, you would think they were filming a movie there, with all the bright lights.
They guy died, let him rest in peace.

January 24th, 2008, 01:08 PM
