View Full Version : High Def DVD Wars

January 4th, 2008, 06:30 PM
It looks like we are a little closer to a winner (article (http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080105/ap_on_hi_te/dueling_dvd_formats))

All I can say is that I'm glad I'm still happily sitting on the sidelines while this is all getting sorted out. Because I sure would hate to sink a few hundred dollars into an HD DVD collection only to have chosen the losing side.

January 4th, 2008, 07:12 PM

January 5th, 2008, 04:51 PM
It's still no where close to either side conceding. they will soon come out with a player that plays both formats. there was almost one (can't remember who, think it was fujitsu), but current cost of the bluray laser and licensing was too prohibitive.

February 19th, 2008, 08:49 AM
Game Over: Looks like Blu-ray has finally won. I guess I can start making my plans to get one as the prices come down. (story) (http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080219/ap_on_bi_ge/japan_toshiba)

February 19th, 2008, 08:54 AM
I thought for sure when Blue Ray announced they wouldn't do porn that HD DVD would eventually win (like the man said, can we say BETAMAX, LOL). I think its super silly its some to this again, but competing markets is what its all about. Long live Capatalism and the free market, WOOT!

February 19th, 2008, 09:01 AM
I believe Blu-ray changed their mind on allowing adult content (don't see how they could play judge to what is considered 'adult' anyway). Regardless, it's a good thing to have a single format. I was pulling for HD-DVD, but that's a moot point now.

To me it is surprising that the PS3 is still the best Blu-ray player out. It is the only one (in the US market) that can be upgraded to the 2.0 specs. With the price of a 40GB PS3 the same as Sony's cheapest stand-alone, I expect the pS3s to fly off the shelf for the next month or so. Those that can hold off will probably be rewarded with a $200 player by the end of the year. Of course, you get a game machine to boot.

Sling and Deathdealer, how quiet are those PS3s? Are they worth buying if you only want the Blu-ray portion of the machine? I already have the 360 and Wii.

February 19th, 2008, 09:12 AM
I cant hear mine running- The blu-ray dvd's are wicked, I would buy again just for the blue ray dvd aspect.

February 19th, 2008, 09:26 AM
I know this might sound trivial, but Disney releases being Blu-ray exclusives made it difficult for me to pick up an HD-DVD player. The majority of my DVDs are Disney and I don't expect that to change for the next 8 or so years. From what I hear, the hard coating on the discs are also very nice (if you have kids).

SonyStyle.com (http://www.sonystyle.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ContentDisplayView?cmsId=sony_card) has a deal right now where you can get a $100 credit after your first purchase of $299 or more. So picking up a $399 PS3 now would end up costing only $299 with the credit. Hmmm.....

February 19th, 2008, 09:38 AM
SOLD. I too have an Xbox 360 and a Wii so why not add a PS3 to the mix, LOL. BTW, I can not beat GH3 on 360 on expert, THAT'S INSANE!

February 19th, 2008, 10:44 AM
I have also become ruined surfing the web from my couch- be warned.

February 19th, 2008, 11:51 AM
Regardless, it's a good thing to have a single format. I was pulling for HD-DVD, but that's a moot point now.

same. HD was slightly better in quality and a whole lot better on price, I wish it would have won out because prices were already low and we wouldn't have to wait a year or more for the bluray prices to drop. but I'm glad the format war is over. It will help everyone out moving forward with just 1 standard.

Doc, Andy, if you don't care about the gaming part of the PS3, just wait about 2 months. MS is going to be releasing an external bluray player for the 360.

February 19th, 2008, 12:19 PM
Doc, Andy, if you don't care about the gaming part of the PS3, just wait about 2 months. MS is going to be releasing an external bluray player for the 360.

Will do. Thanks for the heads up Berk!

February 19th, 2008, 01:03 PM
Well as far as I was concerned, when I got the 360 HD player it was so cheap compared to everything else that it made sense especially when I got a movie with it. Since then Ive selectively bought only the movies that Ive wanted and only when they were on sale. Most of my HDDVDs were bought at or below the price of its regular dvd counterpart. If it really ends up that HDDVD goes away, then Ill just buy up as many of em as I can and be contempt with my collection. My dad still has 2 beta max players and half his movie collection is recorded on beta tapes. I have a feeling that my HDDVD collection will out live his beta collection.

Oh well, Sony finally got a format to win out... Beta, minidisc...

February 19th, 2008, 08:38 PM
don't forget UMD and Memory Stick.... a lot of failures on their road to this win.

February 20th, 2008, 04:59 AM
"Friday's decision by Wal-Mart Stores Inc., the largest U.S. retailer, to sell only Blu-ray DVDs and hardware appeared to deal a final blow to the Toshiba format. Just five days earlier, Netflix Inc. said it will cease carrying rentals in HD DVD."

No matter what....Wal*Mart still runs our lives. Lol.

February 20th, 2008, 06:11 AM
No matter what....Wal*Mart still runs our lives. Lol.

Wall-Mart is the Debil... BTW, I think its a shame when 1 retail chain can have so much control over a market, that they can basically determine the life and death of a media formate.

February 20th, 2008, 07:39 AM
Walmart was just the final straw. You had Best Buy making a lot of waves as well as Target. Both Blockbuster and Netflix also cast their die with Blu-ray, so in the end it was just the tipping point. In reality, Walmart was one of the reasons that HD-DVD had a chance since they had announced last year that since HD-DVD players were so much cheaper, they would primarily stock those players and offer Blu-ray players online. Their reason was that the typical shopper was looking for a cheaper priced player.

I was considering picking up a PS3 for the Blu-ray drive, but I think I'll just hold off until at least Christmas time. I like my 360 as a game system and DVDs will be fine for a while longer. Besides, most of the box sets that I want aren't out in HD anyway. I would expect a nice price drop within a year.

February 20th, 2008, 07:46 AM
I Love Wally World. Any buisness dedicated to stomping out the competition by offering me the lowest price. I LOVE IT. Yes its a Monopoly, Yes they have to much power, and yes it kills the sweet and neat mom and pop stores, BUT you know what. I get my shiot at the lowest price. Ergo, I LOVE IT! Sam Walton was a genuis. He Capatilized on Capatilism.
