View Full Version : Give One. Get One.

November 23rd, 2007, 06:45 PM
Laptop that is.


If you haven't heard of One Laptop per Child, check out the site, it's a great project that, I think really can make a difference in developing 3rd world countries, as well as giving these children something they could have never had otherwise.

Remember, these kids have probably never seen an electric light, much less a computer. Amazingly, most of the people who have seen the kids interact with the computer for the first time say that it's amazing how quickly they figure it out and get going.

November 24th, 2007, 10:35 AM
Let's see.... Nigeria (3rd World Country)

Yes, I'll send their little tykes a free laptop so they can immediately get setup and learn how to scam the American public who sent them the laptop in the beginning. Great idea!

November 24th, 2007, 11:15 AM
Let's see.... Nigeria (3rd World Country)

Yes, I'll send their little tykes a free laptop so they can immediately get setup and learn how to scam the American public who sent them the laptop in the beginning. Great idea!

I'm not even going to dignify that.

November 24th, 2007, 02:22 PM
I'm just being a little sarcastic. I'm sure that the laptops will end up in good hands, and be beneficial to many.

The sarcasm I'm getting at is that to make it seem like 3rd world countries don't have the technology that we do, however it seems funny that countries that seem to be so much worse than us can all get on the internet, when I feel like I'm almost sacrificing better things for my family to be on the internet.

I'm not trying to knock a good cause, but point out that other countries do have computers and internet (even if they are the so called 3rd world).

November 24th, 2007, 02:39 PM
Well... I think we've fed the Childern, fixed the disaster, cleaned up the dead, bailed out the opressed enough,,,

They want a laptop... get a Frigging education,, fight your way out of poverty.. and go buy you a damm laptop...

I dont even have one... why the hell do I want to give one to some third world country who is probably going to take the funds and squander them into their corrupt government anyway.

November 24th, 2007, 05:52 PM
Um...Parker...I've typed four replies, and "Backspaced" them all.

I'm really sorry that you feel that way.

...There I go backspacing again.

I'm just gonna have to let this drop.

I just can't reply to that and remain civil...I don't want to hurt a friendship here.

It does really bother me that people feel that way though.

November 24th, 2007, 06:50 PM
I agree with the sentiment of the original post. It would be a great thing for the young people in other countries to have more opportunities in the form of education. It would take a negative and turn it into a positive. The potential of this equipment in the hands of a person that is ready to learn is great.

The only problem with this equation is that in many of these countries, they haven't secured the basic needs to survive. If you take a look at Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maslow's_hierarchy_of_needs), physiological and safety needs must be fulfilled before these laptops will be of any use. Experience has shown that people will gladly swap expensive equipment for a meal when they have extreme hunger.

In a lot of these 3rd world countries, they are still working to get the first two levels of those needs met before they can take advantage of these laptops. As long as warlords and tyrants oppress the people, then those countries will suffer and remain. India and China are two examples of countries that have provided (in a general sense) those basic needs and the education of the people has thrived.

I'm all for helping people learn (and I think that the OLPC project is a good one), but there isn't any point in wasting resources on situations where they stand little chance of being successful. Of course, this isn't what the original post was about.

November 24th, 2007, 07:34 PM

I hope we haven't started off on the wrong foot here. I just want to be clear that I was not taking any personal shots at you or at an organization (which I know is trying to do good) that you may be affiliated with or believe in.

I have read that article about give one get one, and I think it is a noble idea.

November 24th, 2007, 07:49 PM
I fear that the intention is good, but alas, the implementation will be bad. Rememebr Oil for food? Oprah's little *****house? It feels good to say/do these things, but the reality is they don't even have electricity, like you say, these things would probably be sold for food, etc very quickly. It would be better to send the equivalanet donation to an actual charity (check their tax reported operating margins) that works in that area.

November 25th, 2007, 12:59 AM
OK,,, so I was venting a little too much on my previous post... I guess I felt like being a smart ass... Sure, if a project like this would do some greater good in the world. then go for it... I just cant help but picture some greedy corporate executives salivating over the meal ticket they've created, and sugar coated it with a charitable cause..

Thats what I was really ranting about I think.

November 25th, 2007, 09:49 AM
you can give every child there a laptop and there will be an adult there to steal it and sell it. Children are decent and good, but adults are loser crackheads who will take advantage. Sorry.

November 25th, 2007, 10:29 PM
Yes....I think it is a noble cause to atempt to educate children of other countries.....BUT, a child needs to learn the basics first before they become dependant on a machine to tell them the answers......In the USA even!!!!! My father refused to let me use a calulator until I learned to do the math myself....

I do, however, think that everyone needs to stop focusing on every other countries problems.....I wonder how many children in school (K-12) can type, or can use MS Office......Face it.....our country has a problem with children coming out of school and not being able to use a computer. (This is the USA.....one of the most avanced countries in the world! Computers are not a desire in the USA, they are a NEED!!!!

A computer in a third world country is a video game machine.....there is no access to the internet.... look at the youth of our nation right now.....they spend more time playing their PS3, X-Box360.....whatever.....than they do in front of thier homework.

Yeah.....educate the children of the world.....but don't throw a computer at them.....how about pay for books and a teacher.....Next thing you know we'll be sending them a PS3....

Sorry if you don't agree......Our nation's children are in for some hard times if they don't get the same thing
