View Full Version : Disk cloner/ghost?

November 19th, 2007, 10:43 AM
What is the best program to use to clone / image / ghost HDD's?
Ghost craps out with any little error, and I would like to image a HDD that ghost poops out on. It boots up XP okay in the box, but that was only after a Manual CHKDSK. Thanks,


November 19th, 2007, 12:17 PM
..lol... TRK ... trinity rescue kit.. google it or see one of the many links I've posted to it

November 19th, 2007, 02:06 PM
Waht are the commands to ghost using it?

November 19th, 2007, 03:13 PM
pratimage.... partimagd and qtparted... My procedure is to repartition the HDD using qtparted. resize the main partition and leav it as the active. Then I create a small partition, 10gig, and format it ext3. After the partitions have been created I mount the smaller partition. command = mount /dev/sda2 /mnt0 now run partimage. Select save image and specify /mnt0/nameyouwant then use all the defaults. What this does is saves an image of your windows install to a partition on you HDD. If it blows up you can restore the image. You can also run partimaged which will allow you clone your machine on up to 14 others at the same time. It is VERY fast. The same job that takes ghost 1hour take me about 8 minutes. You dont have to save the image to the same machine. That is just the way i do it. See when or employees screw their machines up so bad that they cannot be salvaged, i just restore them back to day one. So for me that is the perfect way.
