View Full Version : Thanksgiving Plans

November 18th, 2007, 06:45 PM
As Thanksgiving nears, we all make plans to go off and spend time with family, or for those unfortunate enough to live away from family, with close friends. Just curious what everyone has planned for this Thanksgiving.

I live quite far from my family and most of my friends are leaving town to be with theirs, so a couple people from work and I are going to help serve meals at a local restaurant that is going to serve meals to the less fortunate. Kind of our way of giving back, as it were. After that, we'll all head to someone's house and watch movies or something...but no matter what we do, it'll be with friends.

November 18th, 2007, 09:06 PM
NOT WORKING!!! (at least the day after that is)...

This is the first time in 4 years I'm actually looking forward to Thanksgiving!

I'll still probably go to Best Buy on Friday, if for no other reason than to laugh...hahahaha...

I do feel bad though, my cousin is coming over for Thanksgiving dinner (he works at Best Buy), and has to be in to work at 2AM on Green/Black Friday, so I do feel bad for him...

November 18th, 2007, 09:12 PM
Retail blows... I plan on not shopping at any store that is open on Thanksgiving...

Well back on topic. I'm going back to the farm Monday night and planning to hunt Tuesday and Wednesday.. AND maybe early Thursday morning... then back into town for the Holiday with my family and my wifes brothers and of course my mother in law.. Should be fun.. Going to get a big weather change this week.. hoping it keeps the deer moving.. Best to all!!

November 18th, 2007, 09:34 PM
Well since Tech is having to work and feed less fortunate and NOT able to go to an Avs game with me, I will be going to the big Denver-ville for 4 days. I will drive as far as Cheyenne, WY Weds. night, eat breakfast with the Ma-in-law, and continue down to Byers, CO. There I will partake in Turkey-day, and prolly lay a tile counter top to grout on Friday. I wouldn't mind making it out to buy my wife a new monitor on Friday a.m., but prolly won't. Saturday I am going bird hunting on a private ranch with my Brother and Father. I am going to have to "pull" a lot of shots to make my brother feel good about himself.......then No prolly not, let 'em cry. Back home to sleep and eat a Turkey samywich, and head into the Pepsi Center where we will watch the Avs stomp a mudhole in Calgary. Return to Byers to sleep it off and drive back home on Sunday.

Not that eventful, but waht the hay it is Turkey day weekend. I did want to stay through Monday and watch the Broncos play, but another time.

Good luck on the hunt Wetz, and we need to get together for a hunt somewhere. I missed my season here due to the new job and daughter, but I am setting up a hunting camp for next year. I have a camp trailer or 2 available, and want to get a few good guys to join us.


November 18th, 2007, 11:40 PM
Will be spending it with the family and then enjoying the rest of my 4 day weekend doing whatever the Hell I want.. So it will be nice :)

November 19th, 2007, 06:44 AM
Rook you get the units, the dates, the quarry, (Muley, Whitetail, Antelope, Elk) selected and I'll get tagged and gassed up!!

November 19th, 2007, 06:46 AM
Rook you get the units, the dates, the quarry, (Muley, Whitetail, Antelope, Elk) selected and I'll get tagged and gassed up!!

I will sit down in Jan. and start the process. We will stay in touch.

November 19th, 2007, 07:04 AM
As I have every year since I got married, I'll go down to Metarie and spend Thanksgiving with the in-laws. It will be a semi-large gathering with WAY too much food. We'll eat and lay around most of the day. I always vote for an early exit so I can play some video games. Maybe I'll just bring my computer this year. The in-laws are fine people though and it's nice to be able to say that.

November 19th, 2007, 07:25 AM
I will be departing MSY in N36CL Wed. afternoon for a 3.5 hour flight to Suncity Center FA. Will spend the entire 4 day with the in-laws. Not really that bad... after all they keep the bar stocked, and I can damn near ignore all the crap my mother-in-law says...

November 19th, 2007, 07:34 AM
Nice to hop in your own little ride and avoid all the Knuckleheads on the road...

November 19th, 2007, 07:36 AM
Thinking about the holidays usually takes a downward spiral for me sometime around Halloween.....but not this year. I'm "TRYING" to pep myself up, tell myself everything positive under the sun to imagine that I'm going to "lovvvve" the holidays........I've yet to figure out if it's the fact that the 3 kids will be outta school day in, day out, day in, day out - their demands, their messes, etc - that damper my flow (kind of selfish, I know, but imagine handling 3 kids on your own all the time), or if it's the fact that I miss having that feeling of a family unit (the husband, white picket fence, 3.2 kids, etc).

Whatever it may be, I'm not dwelling on it. I do have family coming in from outta town that I will be cooking for and entertaining - I eat very light, so none of that for me. XMas stuff gets taken outta the attic; I will then watch the Aggies get mowed over (by TX) at the game on Friday (it's like watching high school football). Saturday brings hope with football all day (I plan to put some $ on a few), and then Sunday sheds the light of more football (more BoDog) and the knowledge that the kids go back to school on Monday...it's what I live for. haha

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone, and safe trips for those traveling! Love, Sam

November 20th, 2007, 07:54 PM
Well, since I have the newest House in the family, we will be hosing it here. Unfortunately my list just kept on growing... We are up to 25 people now.

I just hope I survive the mess.

But it should be fun. It always is.

November 20th, 2007, 08:02 PM
No big dinner for us this year, we are going to Dallas for a hockey tournament my daughter is playing in...

Tech...that's an awesome thing you are doing bro!

November 22nd, 2007, 09:38 AM
Well I had my Thanksgiving yesterday. MadOne and his wife came in Tue. night and stayed a couple of nights with us. We had a good time. Tonight I have to work till 2am then I am jumping in the truck and headed to my parents house to hunt for a couple of weeks. Will miss my family gathering, at my parents house, this year due to work.

November 22nd, 2007, 01:06 PM
very laid back here. No family but my wife and her son and his wife. Cooking a limited spread... Seafood gumbo, mashed sweet potaotes, fried turkey breasts and legs, with Sweet potato pie for desert. Couple that with the new ABita Jockamo IPA and a little bourbon for laterz, and you get happy, stressfree turkey day! Happy Thanksgiving every one!

November 22nd, 2007, 03:25 PM
Damn, Dirge I should invited yall over. We had too much food and not enough people. Had Fried Turkey, Mirliton casserole, pumpkin and pecan pie, cake, dirty rice, etc. We only had the parent over...well, that and the dogs. Oh, yeah forgot, we had the rest of the EtOH to get rid of from the housewarming party. Hope to see you on wow tonite!
