View Full Version : Eat **** Harry Reid....

November 16th, 2007, 12:50 PM
Unlike what Harry preaches to the Kool-aid crowd, the war is not lost. Brave American soldiers along with Iraqi Patriots are winning... You'll NEVER see this on ABC...

Eat it Harry and the rest of you America Hating Leftists!!


Thank the Lord for Michael Yon!

Ok one more.. This is Great just Great!!!!


November 16th, 2007, 01:24 PM
Two Good articles man... Now maybe I am a bit of a pessimist, but I sometimes feel the truth is somewhere between the lines... It just sounds too happy happy Joy joy to be a true picture of whats going on.. however I do believe we are doing much better over there than the Liberal media and the democratic party makes it out to be.

November 16th, 2007, 01:38 PM
Having read Michael Yon's reports for a couple years, I feel that he does tend to be positive. He hasn't really pulled any punches either. He may talk rosy about one topic and then be critical with another.

From the media, you don't hear any positive. You just hear less negative. From Michael Yon, I've seen his reports trending more and more positive over time.

One thing is for sure, you get some amazing photos in between those pretty interesting paragraphs.
